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Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen An Introduction to Austen, the novel, and the time period in which the novel takes place.

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Presentation on theme: "Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen An Introduction to Austen, the novel, and the time period in which the novel takes place."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen An Introduction to Austen, the novel, and the time period in which the novel takes place.

2 Jane Austen Jane Austen was born December 16th, 1775 at Steventon, Hampshire, England to Rev. George Austen, (the local rector, or Church of England clergyman), and his wife Cassandra

3 Austen’s Education 1783: Jane and her older sister were taught by Mrs. Crawley, who was a sister of one of their uncles. 1785-1786: Jane and Cassandra attended Abbey Boarding School – Jane was almost too young to benefit from this. Learned piano, how to draw, etc. from family Read novels all the time – Her father had over 500 in 1801.

4 Early Adulthood Austen enjoyed attending social events (dances and parties) and visiting London, Bath, Southampton, etc. where she attended plays. 1801: family moves to Bath

5 5 This is a photograph of a coat worn by Jane Austen. It gives an idea of the type of clothes worn by young ladies of the time.

6 6 Georgian Writer Because of the charm of her plots, their setting in merry old England, and the Victorian-styled costumes and 1850 setting used in the first film adaptation of Pride and Prejudice in 1940), you may view Austen as Victorian. (This isn't your fault... the 1940 film misled you!) But Jane Austen lived between 1775 and 1817, and her novels came out between 1813 and 1818, the year after her death, which places her and her work in the Georgian period of English history.

7 7 The Regency Period The Regency period in the United Kingdom is the period between 1811 and 1820, when King George III was deemed unfit to rule and his son, later George IV, was instated to be his proxy as Prince Regent. The term is often expanded to apply to the years between 1795 and 1837, a time characterised by distinctive fashions, politics and culture. In this sense, it can be considered to be a transitional period between "Georgian" and "Victorian" eras. The era was distinctive for its architecture, literature, fashions, and politics.

8 8 Jane Austen Quotes. “A lady's imagination is very rapid; it jumps from admiration to love, from love to matrimony in a moment.” “A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of.” “An engaged woman is always more agreeable than a disengaged. She is satisfied with herself. Her cares are over, and she feels that she may exert all her powers of pleasing without suspicion. All is safe with a lady engaged; no harm can be done.”

9 9 Social Customs Dances figure prominently in Jane Austen’s novels. Whether performed in public assembly rooms in Meryton or in private at the Netherfield Ball, dances offered social opportunities for young people to mix and mingle and converse in an acceptable fashion. In an era when a young lady of good breeding was strictly chaperoned and escorted everywhere she went, she would find it difficult during a routine day to meet privately with a single gentleman, even one who was courting her.

10 10 Since a dance would often last for half an hour, the dancers had ample time to converse, flirt, and even touch one another in an accepted manner. A gentleman would, of course, never ask a young lady to dance unless he was first introduced to her. During this era people were often judged for their ability to dance skilfully, and a gentleman was pressured to cut a fine figure on the dance floor. Look out for Mr Collins’ dancing technique in the novel!

11 11 Regency social manners were all politeness and gentility. There was protocol for every social interaction; down to the way a woman holds her fan to indicate her interest in a gentleman. The social hierarchy was the core of everything, and everyone knew their place, whether they agreed with it or not. Women largely did not inherit wealth, nor were they openly allowed to find their own means; so marriage was one of the few options she had to secure a comfortable future. A marriage based on love was rarely an option for a Regency woman, income was the first consideration. It is probably why this period yielded some of the best literary romance available today.

12 Austen’s Love Life 1795-1796: brief fling with Thomas Lefroy – He couldn’t afford to marry her. Possible serious relationship with a nameless man in Devonshire. All we have are Cassandra’s accounts of their relationship. – This suitor died unexpectedly. 1802: Harris Bigg-Wither proposed – He was 6 years younger. – She said yes but then backed out the next day

13 Austen’s Adulthood 1805: her father died and income was reduced Moved around to many cities including, Winchester, Southampton, etc. for a few years. 1810 (Hampshire)- began writing again 1816- became ill July 18th 1817: death at age 41 – Buried at Winchester Cathedral – Women not allowed to attend funerals at this time


15 Austen’s Gravestone: What’s missing? In memory of JANE AUSTEN, youngest daughter of the late Revd. GEORGE AUSTEN, formerly Rector of Steventon in this County. She departed this Life on the 18th July 1817, aged 41, after a long illness supported with the patience and the hopes of a Christian. The benevolence of her heart, the sweetness of her temper, and the extraordinary endowments of her mind obtained the regard of all who knew her, and the warmest love of her intimate connections. Their grief is in proportion to their affection they know their loss to be irreparable, but in the deepest affliction they are consoled by a firm though humble hope that her charity, devotion, faith and purity have rendered her soul acceptable in the sight of her REDEEMER.

16 Addition to the Gravestone JANE AUSTEN known to many by her writings, endeared to her family by the varied charms of her Character and ennobled by Christian faith and piety, was born at Steventon in the County of Hants Dec. XVI MDCCLXXV, and buried in this Cathedral July XXIV MDCCCXVII. "She opened her mouth with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness.”

17 Austen’s Literary Works 1787-1793: Juvenilla 1795-1799: began Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, and Northanger Abbey – Working titles: Elinor and Marianne, First Impressions, and Susan. 1803: began The Watsons (never finished) 1812: began Mansfield Park 1814 began Emma 1815- began Persuasion 1817- began Sanditon (never finished)

18 Reputation Reputation is everything, especially to women. – Elizabeth walks to Bingley’s – Mrs. Bennett’s ridiculous behavior – Lydia’s relationship with Wickham – Darcy’s intervention Without it, would Elizabeth and Darcy still get married?

19 Class Lower class? Life for the middle and upper class was strictly regulated – Bennett’s associated with Bingley’s – Mr. Collins actions around Lady Catherine – Darcy and Elizabeth/ Jane and Bingley marriages Can love and happiness overcome class?

20 Education No organized education; local charity or church-run schools were popular. “Genteel” social levels, like those in Pride and Prejudice, did not attend these schools. – They would be taught by parents, a tutor, or be sent away to live with a tutor when young. Some grammar schools existed but were only for males.

21 Education cont. The prime symbol of academic knowledge, and masculine educational attainments, was the Classical languages Greek and Latin, to which a great deal of time was devoted in "genteel" boys' education, but which few women studied.

22 Women’s Education As for domestic training,a relatively large amount of girls' and women's time was spent on sewing or needlework For women of the "genteel" classes the goal of non-domestic education was thus often the acquisition of "accomplishments", such as the ability to draw, sing, play music, or speak modern languages (generally French and Italian). – Generally just done to attract men.

23 Gender Differences Men had greater power and contribution to society as a whole Women were viewed more as reserved, gossipy, and highly held by reputation. Women were expected appear and behave with a certain manner, and easily became a social outcast if any societal deviance was displayed

24 Gender Differences: Men man’s primary role is to be the provider: work, propose an engagement for a wife, earn the family’s only income, make final decisions, physically and fiscally support and protect the family, and provide a home, food, and clothing.

25 Gender Differences: Women During this time period, it was unacceptable for women, or a woman, to travel alone. Women were to: – tend to the children, – cook the meals, – do the shopping and sewing, and – uphold the daily routines for the family, primarily tending to the husband’s needs.

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