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Live well and do something meaningful Do you know him?

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2 Live well and do something meaningful Do you know him?

3 Make a judgement What difficulty may he/she have in daily life?

4 Make a judgement deaf blind

5 Make a judgement dumb mentally handicapped

6 Make a judgement paralyzedcrippled

7 Game playing Please act it out according to what you are required: 1. Go around the class with one leg. 2.Go back to your seat quickly with your eyes closed 3. Use your body language to express that you want to have lunch with your friend....... dumb/dea f blind crippled lame

8 Disability Physical Mental

9 [ About Us] [ What's New ] [ Site Map ] [Suggestions] [ Discussion & Chat] [ Search ] About UsWhat's NewSite MapSuggestionsDiscussion & ChatSearch..............

10 Pre-reading: get close to “family village” Q: What is the website about? A: It tells stories of the disabled.

11 MARTY’S STORY Reading:

12 Medical Record of Marty Name: Marty Gender: male Disease: Symptom ( 症状 ): Fast-reading: an un-known muscle disease sometimes …

13 Q1.Why Marty call himself “one in a million”? ( 理解题 ) Reading tip: pay special attention to the transitional words and phrases. --- Because there are not many people in the world like him.

14 In what order does Marty tell his story? He tells his story in order of time. before 10: … at high school: … now: … after 10 : … Detailed-reading (1):

15 Detailed-reading (2): before 10 the same as… dreamed about hopeful after 10 get weaker a billion tests …difficult… what future will be like hopeless

16 Detailed-reading (2): the worst thing look the same… kids laugh at me stupid

17 Detailed-reading (3): at high school a lot easier …accept… though a few… not get annoyed

18 Detailed-reading (4): now a very busy life have a good life things I can do… ambition happy

19 Further understanding (1): hopeful the change of Marty’s feelings: hopelessstupid not get annoyedhappy “Live one day at a time.” ---Marty

20 Further understanding (2): “Live one day at a time.” ---Marty We can see that Marty is a ____ person. optimistic, brave, stupid, pessimistic, independent, strong-minded… optimisticbrave independentstrong-minded

21 Further understanding (3): Fellow students’ conduct changed. laugh at… accept though can’t understand

22 Q2. Why has his fellow students’ conduct changed towards Marty? ( 理解题 ) A. Because they are now high school students. B. Because they are all disabled people. C. Because Marty is now a healthy boy like them. D. Because they found that Marty was able to live as rich and full a life as everyone else.

23 Listen and read : MARTY’S STORY

24 “Don’t feel sorry for the disabled or make fun of them, and don’t ignore them either. Just accept them and give them encouragement to live as rich and full a life as you do.” Marty’s advice (1):

25 Marty’s advice (2): DosDon’ts feel sorry make fun of ignore accept encourage

26 To tell the story of Marty: after 10 at high school now before 10

27 Role-play: how to get along with Marty

28 Sample answers Encourage and help him to fight against the disease Respect him and treat him as a normal child Show great love to him Encourage and respect him Tell other children not to laugh at him Show equal love to him as to other students

29 Not laugh at him, but respect him Help him and as much as we can Play with him as often as we can Not laugh at him Help him if necessary Respect him and learn from him Sample answers

30 Not laugh at him Show our great respect to him Try to learn from him Help him as much as we can Sample answers






36 Retell the passage and write your retelling in the exercise book. Search the Internet to find more stories of those disabilities. Tell others the story of Marty and learn from him. Homework

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