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Подготовила учитель английского языка Зубкова А.Б.

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Presentation on theme: "Подготовила учитель английского языка Зубкова А.Б."— Presentation transcript:

1 Подготовила учитель английского языка Зубкова А.Б.

2 When do people celebrate Christmas?

3 Catholic Christmas is celebrated on the 25 th of December

4 How do British people call the day after Christmas?

5 December 26 th has a special name – Boxing Day

6 An old man who brings presents to the houses has a lot of names. Do you know how do people in different countries call him?

7 In England children call him Father Christmas

8 Santa Claus in America and Father Frost in Russia

9 Pere Noel in France St.Nicholas in Netherlands

10 Magic things that help Santa to bring presents


12 What animal pulls Santa’s sleigh?

13 There are nine (originally eight) flying reindeers

14 On Christmas Eve English children hang them for Father Christmas to fill with presents


16 What do children in France put near the fireplace?

17 They put their shoes near the fireplace and Pere Noel fills them with candy and gifts

18 You can find your presents under this

19 Most people have a Christmas tree in their homes

20 How can you decorate your Christmas tree?

21 Colourful lights, tinsel and toys

22 British people have fun with them at Christmas dinner. They go bang and inside you can find a present or a joke.


24 You can see a big Christmas tree in London. It is given every year as a present. Name the country and the place where it stands.

25 The people of Norway give a Christmas tree to the people of Britain. It stands in Trafalgar Square.

26 Singing Christmas songs is an old tradition. How are they called?

27 In England, Canada, the USA and other countries children and adults sing carols. Some people give them money, sweets and small presents

28 Traditional food for Cristmas dinner

29 Turkey Christmas pudding

30 Fruitcake is also as important as having a Christmas tree

31 What is often hung over the entrances to homes to keep out evil spirits?

32 Under mistletoe British people kiss each other

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