Virginia Watershed and Resources. River A large stream of water leading to a lake, other river, or ocean.

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Presentation on theme: "Virginia Watershed and Resources. River A large stream of water leading to a lake, other river, or ocean."— Presentation transcript:

1 Virginia Watershed and Resources

2 River

3 A large stream of water leading to a lake, other river, or ocean

4 Lake

5 Large body of water with land all or nearly all around it

6 Bay

7 Narrower part of an ocean or lake that cuts into land

8 Natural Resources

9 A sources of raw material or power provided by nature, as forests, minerals, and water supply

10 Man-Made Resources

11 Resources produced by man, rather than nature

12 Coal

13 A black or brown mineral, mostly carbon, which gives off heat when burned * Can be used for making fuel, electricity, and steel

14 Limestone

15 A type of rock, as marble, that contains mainly calcium carbonate

16 Granite

17 A hard, igneous rock that will take a high polish and it’s often used as building materials

18 Sand

19 Particles of worn or broken rocks, larger than dust and smaller than gravel (usually found at the beach) * Can be used for making roads and buildings

20 Gravel

21 Mixture of small, rounded pebbles and pieces of stone

22 Watershed

23 An area over which water on the earth’s surface (and materials it carries) flows to a single collection place.

24 Watershed Address

25 The path water travels to get to a larger body of water

26 “We All Live Downstream”

27 Water flows from higher elevations to lower elevations and areas affected by the pollution from the higher elevations

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