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Photomontage One of the many surrealist methods used by the New Vision photographers was that of photomontage. Collage describes a recombination of already.

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Presentation on theme: "Photomontage One of the many surrealist methods used by the New Vision photographers was that of photomontage. Collage describes a recombination of already."— Presentation transcript:

1 Photomontage One of the many surrealist methods used by the New Vision photographers was that of photomontage. Collage describes a recombination of already existing visual materials effected by pasting them together and, sometimes re-photographing the result. Montage refers to the combining of camera images on film or paper in the darkroom. Both methods allow for strict control over the message the artist is trying to communicate as well as the ability to show the fantastic.

2 Re-photographed collage
Hannah Hoch

3 Alexander Rodchenko

4 Alexander Rodchenko

5 Edmund Tesky

6 In-darkroom montage Edmund Tesky

7 Frederick Sommer

8 Frederick Sommer

9 In the 70s there was a re-emergence of photomontage work
In the 70s there was a re-emergence of photomontage work. Photographers such as Bernd & Hilla Becher, Jerry Ueslmann and David Hockney explored new dimensions in montage and assemblage photography.

10 Bernd & Hilla Becher

11 Bernd & Hilla Becher

12 Robert Flick

13 Robert Flick

14 David Hockney

15 David Hockney

16 David Hockney

17 David Hockney

18 Jerry Uelsmann

19 Jerry Uelsmann

20 Jerry Uelsmann

21 Jerry Uelsmann

22 Jerry Uelsmann

23 Jerry Uelsmann

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