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Boasts one of the largest varieties of arts and crafts on Earth. The diversity, color, creativity and multiple functions of Peru's folk art has made it.

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Presentation on theme: "Boasts one of the largest varieties of arts and crafts on Earth. The diversity, color, creativity and multiple functions of Peru's folk art has made it."— Presentation transcript:


2 Boasts one of the largest varieties of arts and crafts on Earth. The diversity, color, creativity and multiple functions of Peru's folk art has made it a fundamental activity. These works are just some of the cultural manifestations of a people who communicate mainly through art.

3 In Peru's rural areas, the way people dress creates an important distinction The Peruvian poncho dates back to the seventeenth century. In Cusco, ponchos are short and feature elaborate geometric figures against a red background. On the coast, ponchos were used by the plantation workers. Traditional dress tends to be topped off by woolen or straw hats, sometimes in a variety of colours.



6 Has a varied cuisine with ingredients like maize, tomato, potatoes, avocado. Fruits like chirimoya, lúcuma and pineapple. Animals like taruca, llama, and guinea pig

7 Ceviche: fish and shellfish marinated in citrus juice. Chupe de camarones: a soup made of shrimp. Anticuchos: cow's heart roasted in brochette. Lomo saltado: meat fried lightly with tomato and onion, served with French fries and rice

8 The most notable is Carnival week that usually takes place in February. The costumes poke fun at the Spanish who tried to wipe out the Indian culture.


10 Carnival: weekend before Ash Wednesday Semana Santa: Holy week ending on Easter Sunday Fiesta de la Cruz: 1 May in much of highlands and coast Inti-Raymi: The whole of June is a fiesta in Cusco culminating with June 24 the festival of the Sun. Santa Rosa: 30 August in Lima

11 Señor de los Milagros: Lima in October Todos los Santos (All Saints): 1 November Inmaculada Concepción: 8 December Independence (Fiestas Patrias) 28-29 July

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