Module 5- Pick Release, Material Allocations, & Beyond Presenter’s Name Presenter’s Title.

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2 Module 5- Pick Release, Material Allocations, & Beyond Presenter’s Name Presenter’s Title

3 Agenda Pick Release Enhancements Parallel Pick Release Rules Engine Enhancements Enhanced Manual Material Allocations Material Workbench Enhancements RFID Compliance

4 Pick Release Enhancements

5 Pick Release Enhancements Description Support WMS Crossdocking at Pick Release Consider additional supply sources for crossdocks Inbound Purchase Orders Internal Requisitions WIP Jobs Set Task Priority at Pick Release

6 Reduce fulfillment times Select material for crossdocking at Pick Release Use more material sources sooner (avoid putaway prior to eligibility) Increase flexibility Inventory allocation options; more control over supply Improve warehouse efficiency… Prioritize tasks according to inherent nature or time-of-day considerations Cycle counts behind Customer Order picks Late-day dispatch for certain Carrier’s loads Take advantage of Crossdocking rules and features Use materials sooner; avoid unnecessary putaways/picks Pick Release Enhancements Benefits

7 Pick Release Enhancements Constraints Over-Picking & -Shipping Delivery Lines that are Planned for Crossdocking are not eligible for over-picking or over-shipping. Ship Sets and “Ship Model Complete” (“SMC’s”) Will not be processed for Crossdocking View Picking Requests Disabled from Toolbar for lines with status “Planned for Crossdocking” Prior Reservations Not Applicable for Crossdock Allocation Methods

8 Pick Release Enhancements Allocation Method New to 12.0 Allocation Method

9 Pick Release Enhancements Allocation Method Tells system which supply to consider as available for allocation Four Alternatives: 1.Consider ONLY on-hand material 2.Consider ONLY incoming material 3.Look 1 st to on-hand balances, then to incoming mat’l 4.Look 1 st to incoming material, then to on-hand mat’l

10 Pick Release Enhancements Crossdock Criteria New To 12.0 Cross Dock Criteria

11 Pick Release Enhancements Crossdock Criteria Choose from among defined rules, potentially: One for promotion distribution, chosen when promotional orders are pick released One for regular replenishment merchandise One for a special merchandise arrival, where initial distribution should be flowed through with none put in storage racks One for a particular Customer’s high-volume orders

12 Pick Release Enhancements Task Priority New To 12.0 Task Priority

13 Pick Release Enhancements Task Priority Define task priority at time of pick release; all tasks will be stamped with same value Pick release according to Customer’s importance; perform tasks according to shipment dispatch time Improves Customer satisfaction flexibility Decreases manual task management requirements Reduces shipping dock gridlock Assign different priorities to different pick releases - Prioritize tasks according to their nature or time-of-day Cycle counts behind Customer Order picks Replenishments for 2 nd -shift performance

14 Pick Release Enhancements New Release Status Defined “Planned For Crossdocking” Visible in Shipping Transaction Form, Quick Ship UI, and Oracle Transportation Lines Workbench Added to Line Status LOV in Shipping Transactions Form Query Manager

15 Parallel Pick Release

16 Multiple concurrent processes handle Sales Order Pick Release simultaneously User can specify number of parallel processes (defaults to 1) New Profile Option and Pick Release SRS Parameter Pick & Ship, Pick Pack & Ship and Launch Pick Release are NOT supported for Parallel Pick Parallel Pick Release Description

17 Reduce Pick Release processing time Evenly distribute load between multiple concurrent processes Meet shorter time windows &/or higher-volume requirements Optimize hardware capabilities/utilization Parallel Pick Release Benefits

18 New parameter - Number of Child Processes Defaults from Profile Option Can override default value for any individual Pick Release Parallel Pick Release Setup- SRS Parameters

19 Parallel Pick Release Sample Screens Parent Pick Release Request Child Processes

20 Rules Engine Enhancements

21 Rules Engine Enhancements Description Rules Engine now allows/enables Users to: Assign a strategy/rule/value directly in the workbench Assign Crossdock rules in the workbench Honor serial-level detailed reservations Control allocation of serial numbers at a locator

22 Rules Engine Enhancements Benefits Reduce User effort in setup & maintenance Assign Rules and Values directly when requirements are simple e.g.: All material received from supplier ‘SSS’ should be assigned to cost group ‘CG001’. Improve system performance Assign Rules and Values directly e.g.: When a value is assigned directly, the strategy selection process is simplified and hence the improvement in performance. Increased control while allocating serial numbers

23 Rules Engine Enhancements Assign Values in the Workbench Assign Rules and Values directly along with strategies using the Rules Workbench Display Strategy/Rule/Value information in Rules Engine Simulator and Execution Trace log Return a Strategy, Rule, or value using the custom strategy selection API Evaluates and processes only the first assignment that satisfies the conditions

24 Rules Engine Enhancements Valid Assignments The following depicts the valid assignments by rule types Rule TypeStrategyRuleValue PickYes No PutawayYes No Cost GroupYes Planned Crossdock NoYesNo Opportunistic Crossdock NoYesNo

25 Rules Engine Enhancements Assigning Crossdock Rules Assign crossdock rules using the Rules Workbench Supports both Planned (“demand-driven”) & Opportunistic (“supply-driven”) crossdock rule assignments Assign rules based on criteria including Organization, Customer, Supplier, Item, Project, and Task

26 Rules Engine Enhancements Sample Screens Return Type and Return Value replace the Strategy Column Assigning a Rule directly using the Workbench Assigning a Value directly using Workbench Assigning Crossdock rules using the Workbench

27 Rules Engine Enhancements Honoring Serial Reservations Rules engine always honors the serial-level detailed reservations before applying any rules Rules engine verifies availability and material status of serial numbers on reservations

28 Enhanced Manual Material Allocations

29 Manual material allocation available from Transact Move Order form Move order form presents all material available for allocation Users have flexibility to select for themselves which material should be picked Includes front-most or highest pallets Selections validated by Rules Engine As long as selected materials don’t violate Customer rules, system allows transaction Required for Oracle Process Manufacturing Clients Enhanced Manual Material Allocations Description

30 Improve Client & Customer Satisfaction More closely match supply with demand e.g., 560-lb. coil, 24-foot pole, or 36-carton pallet Improve efficiency Don’t pull/pick inappropriate materials No need to set aside materials to get to allocated ones Don’t need to “cut off” excess from over-sized allocation Meet needs of specific industries (e.g. Process) Metal coils/sheets/other not always uniform length/weight/? Food (poultry, steaks, etc.) not always uniform weight Chemical batches not always equal volume/weight Enhanced Manual Material Allocations Benefits

31 Enhanced Manual Material Allocations Process View Manual Material Allocation Pick Release (Auto-Allocation off) Transact Move Order Inventory Allocate Order Management Manufacturing Manual Material Allocation

32 Enhanced Manual Material Allocations Sample Screens Check Source Warehousing Check Status Pending Transaction Type View / Update Allocations

33 Enhanced Manual Material Allocations Sample Screens Check Source Warehousing Check Status Pending Select Available Inventory

34 Enhanced Manual Material Allocations Sample Screen- Allocation Search by a specific rule name Enter Selected Transaction Quantity to Allocate Form Buttons

35 Material Workbench Enhancements

36 Material Workbench Enhancements Description In-Transit Visibility View in-transit material Displayed & query material due from supplier or internal organization Summary and Detailed View New summary view allows users to see material in different material locations In Transit, Receiving, & Onhand. All locations can be viewed across all organizations on one screen.

37 Material Workbench Enhancements Description- Continued View and Query dual Unit of Measure View and Query additional lot attributes View serial availability Use flex grid for display of query results Save and reuse queries

38 Material Workbench Enhancements Benefits Greater productivity through More functionality from a single screen Better control of inventory Easier navigation in the user interface

39 Material Workbench Enhancements Sample- Query Form Query against multiple Item cross-references Multi-selectable material locations Query by In-transit criteria View inbound material with or without ASN Save queries for future or public use

40 Material Workbench Enhancements Sample Form- “View Results” Tree shows material in three different locations Summary view shows On-hand, Receiving, and Inbound material for each organization

41 Material Workbench Enhancements Sample Screen- Dual Unit of Measure Results window shows secondary UOM and quantity

42 Material Workbench Enhancements Sample Screen- Availability More attributes on availability screen Availability by serial

43 Material Workbench Enhancements Lot enhancements Grade attribute enabled on Material Workbench Query by Grade View by Grade Additional Lot attributes in results pane “Grade Update” Tools menu option

44 RFID Compliance

45 RFID Compliance Description EPC generation for serial numbers and standard pack quantities EPC support for inbound and outbound ASNs EPC generation and cross-reference Label sets and formats Rules-based printer selection Enhanced EPC verification for serial-EPC and GTIN-EPC User interface to modify EPC-generation rules

46 Meet RFID mandates from retail customers Use standard features; avoid costly customization Reduce incremental cost of data capture Improve usability of labels RFID Compliance Benefits

47 RFID Compliance EPC generation for serials and SPQs EPC generation for serial and material label types Support a list of predefined EPC generation rules Assign EPC generation rules to label formats EPC generation attributes are Organization parameters Enable Electronic Product Code Generation Company Prefix, Company Prefix Index, Commercial & Government Entity Number Define EPC generation encoding as a profile option WMS:EPC Generation Encoding (Values - Hexadecimal, Binary, Decimal) Define a new parameter “LPN is standard or non- standard” on the LPN object in rules engine

48 RFID Compliance EPC support for ASNs Support LPN and Serial # EPC’s on inbound ASN Obtain from designated column in ASN 2 New Profile Options identify which columns Store in cross-reference table Support LPN and Serial # EPC’s on outbound ASN

49 RFID Compliance EPC Cross-Reference & Inquiry A single cross-reference table to store EPC for any objects – LPN, Serial and material Mobile LPN inquiry to show the corresponding EPC Mobile serial inquiry to show the corresponding EPC

50 RFID Compliance Label Sets and Formats Define label sets to allow printing of multiple different formats of a single label type Rule-based selection of label sets or label formats System to print all labels in the label set Support user-initiated printing of all formats in a label set from mobile user interface Prevent printing of labels that do not have any variables defined in the format

51 RFID Compliance Rules-Based Printer Selection Select printer based on label format Makes printer override field in label format obsolete Changes printer selection order 1.Select format using rules engine 2.Perform printer assignment, potentially taking into account which format returned by rules engine

52 RFID Compliance Enhanced EPC Verification Support EPC verification for Serial EPC’s GTIN EPC’s LPN EPC’s

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