Ferraro Choi Associates LTD National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs United States Antarctic Program Antarctic Aeronomy Solar-Terrestrial Physics.

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Presentation on theme: "Ferraro Choi Associates LTD National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs United States Antarctic Program Antarctic Aeronomy Solar-Terrestrial Physics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ferraro Choi Associates LTD National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs United States Antarctic Program Antarctic Aeronomy Solar-Terrestrial Physics and Astrophysics Program at NSF/OPP Budget and Perspectives Vladimir Papitashvili Program Director, Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation vpapita@nsf.gov Phone: 703-292-7417FAX 703-292-9079 Workshop for South Pole Cosmology and Astrophysics May 3-4, 2003

2 Ferraro Choi Associates LTD National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs United States Antarctic Program Science at South Pole FY04: 32 projects Astrophysics and Cosmology 11 projects Meteorology and Climatology 4 projects Geophysics and Glaciology 3 projects Dark Sector Quiet Sector Clean Air Sector Aeronomy and STP 12 projects Polar Medicine 1 project Science Writer 1 project

3 Ferraro Choi Associates LTD National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs United States Antarctic Program Astrophysics and Cosmology Dark Sector South Pole Telescopes 10 m 2004-2009 2007 To study formation and evolution of the early Universe To investigate interstellar space and galaxies To discover star formation regions

4 Ferraro Choi Associates LTD National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs United States Antarctic Program Particle Astrophysics Dark Sector 2007 Neutrino telescopes – arrays of photo detectors frozen in the ice To detect high-energy neutrinos from deep space To probe new window into the Universe

5 Ferraro Choi Associates LTD National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs United States Antarctic Program NSF/OPP Antarctic Aeronomy & Astrophysics Program in FY01 CARA Projects: ACBAR $290K AST/RO $280K DASI $1,440K SPARO $100K Balloon-born CMB studies $100K AMANDA $750K Cosmic Rays and SPASE $440K ------------------------------------------------------------- Total $3,400K 8 funded projects Ozone monitoring $230K Mesosphere and Thermosphere $220K Middle-atmosphere Dynamics $150K ----------------------------------------------- Total $600K 5 funded projects Astrophysics Space Physics Aeronomy Sun’s Atmosphere $200K ULF/ELF Studies $920K Conjugate Riometry $180K Polar Ionosphere $500K ----------------------------------------------------------- Total $1,800K 8 funded projects Total FY01 budget: Base = $5.8M (21 projects) plus logistics support Aeron : Space : Astro Funding ratio 1 : 3 : 6

6 Ferraro Choi Associates LTD National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs United States Antarctic Program NSF/OPP Antarctic Aeronomy & Astrophysics Program in FY02 ACBAR $360K AST/RO $2,580K DASI $110K SPARO $300K 10-m SPT $2,890K CMB Balloons $100K AMANDA $750K CosRay/SPASE $450K Search for extra solar planets $260K IceCube/Astro Panels/Reports $100 ------------------------------------------------------------- Total $7,900K 10 funded projects Ozone monitoring $230K Mesosphere and Thermosphere $220K Global Lightning & Radiation Belts $100K ----------------------------------------------- Total $550K 4 funded projects Astrophysics Space Physics Aeronomy Sun’s Atmosphere $230K Conjugate ULF/ELF Waves Studies $280K Conjugate Riometry $180K Polar Patrol Balloons $360K ----------------------------------------------------------- Total $1,050K 7 funded projects Total FY02 budget: Base= $9.5M (21 projects) plus logistics support IceCube $15.0M Aeron : Space : Astro Funding ratio 1 : 2 : 14

7 Ferraro Choi Associates LTD National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs United States Antarctic Program NSF/OPP Antarctic Aeronomy & Astrophysics Program in FY03 ACBAR $450K AIRO $120K BICEP $380K DASI $180K SPARO $60K 10-m SPT $4,400K AMANDA $900K Cosmic Rays $210K -------------------------------------------------------- Total $6,700K 10 funded projects Ozone monitoring $265K Mesosphere and Thermosphere $495K Middle-Atmosphere $420K ----------------------------------------------- Total $1,180K 4 funded projects Astrophysics Space Physics Aeronomy Sun Atmosphere $230K ULF/ELF Waves $550K Conjugate Riometry $180K Polar Ionosphere $400K MeV Patrol Balloons $270K SPW Workshop $20K -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $1,650K 9 funded projects Total budget in FY03: Base = $9.6M (23 projects) plus logistics support IceCube $24.7M Aeron : Space : Astro Funding ratio 1 : 1.4 : 5.7

8 Ferraro Choi Associates LTD National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs United States Antarctic Program NSF/OPP Antarctic Aeronomy & Astrophysics Program in FY04 ACBAR $345K BICEP $360K DASI $120K QUaD $430K 10-m SPT $4,485K AMANDA $1,245K Cosmic Rays $205K SPIFI $150K TREND $40K Wkshp/other $65K -------------------------------------------------------- Total $7,445K 14 funded projects Ozone monitoring $260K Mesosphere and Thermosphere $155K Middle Atmosphere $50K ----------------------------------------------- Total $465K 5 funded projects Astrophysics Space Physics Aeronomy Sun Atmosphere $515K ULF/ELF Waves $205K Conjugate Riometers & Magnetometers $375K Polar Ionosphere $590K MeV Polar Patrol Balloons $245K SuperDARN $245K -------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $2,175K 13 funded projects Total budget in FY04: Base = $9.9M Allocation = $10.2M (32 projects: 21 – new; 7 new PIs) plus logistics support IceCube $41.75M ? Aeron : Space : Astro Funding ratio 1 : 5 : 16

9 Ferraro Choi Associates LTD National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs United States Antarctic Program Antarctic Aeronomy & Astrophysics Funding FY01 FY02 FY03 FY04 Aeronomy $0.6M $0.6M $1.2M $0.5M New Proposals 0/2 0/2 4/0 3/2 Space Physics $1.8M $1.0M $1.7M $2.2M New Proposals 5/0 4/1 3/0 12/5 Astrophysics $3.4M $7.9M $6.7M $7.5M New proposals 3/4 4/2 3/6 7/3 Total $5.8M $9.5M $9.6M $10.2M Funded/Declined 8/6 8/5 10/6 22/10 Proposals deadline is around June 1 each year OPP has separate money for cross-directorate programs: ITR ($1.5M) and MRI ($1.1M)

10 Ferraro Choi Associates LTD National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs United States Antarctic Program NSF/OPP Antarctic Aeronomy & Astrophysics Program Budget Profile $M FY05 commitments: 79% of the base ($9.9M) budget

11 Ferraro Choi Associates LTD National Science Foundation Office of Polar Programs United States Antarctic Program NSF/OPP Antarctic Aeronomy & Astrophysics Program New Awards & Declines 5 18 35 Aeronomy Space Physics 10 Astrophysics Total

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