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2016 Assessment and Reporting arrangements for KS2

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1 2016 Assessment and Reporting arrangements for KS2
Y6 Parents Information Evening 9th December 2015 New National Curriculum has been in place since Sep Pupils in Y6 in 2016 will be the first to be assessed against this curriculum

2 New KS2 Tests English reading
English grammar, punctuation and spelling Paper 1 – short answer questions Paper 2 - spelling Mathematics Paper 1 – Arithmetic (replaces mental maths) Paper 2 – Reasoning Paper 3 – Reasoning Science sampling for selected schools (6th – 17th June)

3 Scaled Scores All raw scores from the tests will be converted to scaled scores using conversion tables published after the testing windows have passed KS2 test outcomes will no longer be reported in levels. Scaled scores will be used instead. Scaled scores help test results to be reported consistently year on year Scaled score of 100 will always represent the expected standard This will be the only threshold set – there will be no higher/above threshold or lower/below threshold scores to indicate whether a child is exceeding or working below

4 Publication of results
2016 KS2 tests results will be published in July Each registered pupil will receive (for each test) A raw score (total marks awarded) A scaled score Confirmation about whether or not they have achieved the expected standard

5 The 2016 Test Timetable The tests must be taken on the scheduled day
No separate Level 6 tests – the tests contain a small number of questions designed to assess the most able pupils Monday 9th May Tuesday 10th May Wednesday 11th May Thursday 12th May English Reading Test 1 hour in total English Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Paper 1 – short answer questions Paper 2 - spelling Mathematics Paper 1 – arithmetic test Paper 2 - reasoning Paper 3 - reasoning

6 KS2 English reading test (50 marks)
Mixture of genres but a greater focus on fictional texts (1800 – 2300 words) Texts increase in level of difficulty Greater emphasis on comprehension elements from the new curriculum Same format – reading booklet and a separate answer booklet 1 hour to read 3 texts and complete questions at their own pace

7 KS2 English Test Framework - Reading
The relevant elements from the English NC programme of study that are assessed in the KS2 statutory test Give/explain the meaning of words in context Retrieve/record information/identify key details from fiction/non-fiction Summarise main ideas from more than one paragraph Make inferences from the text/explain and justify inferences with evidence from the text Predict what might happen from details stated and implied Identify/explain how information/narrative content is related to or contributes to the meaning of the whole text Identify/explain how meaning is enhanced through choice of words/phrases Make comparisons within the text

8 Question Types Example Questions Multiple Choice Where would you be most likely to see this text? Tick one of the options below Ranking/Ordering Number the events below to show the order in which they happen in the story Matching Match the text to the purpose Labelling Label the text to show the title Find and Copy Find and copy one word that suggests……. Short Response What does the bear eat? Open-ended response Look at the paragraph beginning: Once upon a time…………... How does the writer increase the tension throughout this paragraph? Explain fully referring to the text in your answer

9 KS2 English G,S&P test (50 & 20 marks)
A greater focus on knowing and applying grammatical terminology with a full range of punctuation tested Paper 1 – short answer questions 45 minutes (50) Paper 2 – spelling, 20 missing words within contextualised sentences, approx. 15 minutes but not strictly timed (20)

10 KS2 English Test Framework – G,S & P
The relevant elements from the English NC programme of study that are assessed in the KS2 statutory test (Paper 1) Grammatical terms/word classes Functions of sentences Combining words, phrases and clauses Verb forms, tense and consistency Punctuation A . ? ! , ”” ’ () - : ; Vocabulary Standard English and formality Possessive apostrophe with plural words Use of hyphens Contractions

11 KS2 English Test Framework – G,S & P
The relevant elements from the English NC programme of study that are assessed in the KS2 statutory test Common exception words Prefixes and suffixes – ation, ly, ous Words containing the letter string ough Words with silent letters Alternative phoneme/grapheme correspondences Words ending in –ant, -ance, -ancy, -ent, -ence, -ency Words ending in –able and –ible as well as –ably and –ibly Homo[phones and near homphones (Y3/4) Homophones and other words that are often confused (Y5/6)

12 Changes to Terminology

13 KS2 Mathematics test (110 marks)
Paper 1 Arithmetic – basic mathematical calculations, 30 mins, 36 questions worth 40 marks Straightforward + and – (1 mark) More complex calculations with fractions (1 mark) Long divisions and long multiplications (2 marks) Paper 2 and 3 Reasoning 40 mins for each paper, 35 marks on each paper Square grids (7mm) provided in arithmetic paper and for some questions on paper 2, where pupils need to show their method, Equipment – pencil/black pen, rubber, ruler (cm and mm), protractor/angle measurer, mirror, NO CALCULATORS

14 Number, ratio and algebra Measurement, geometry & statistics
Content Area & Strand Number of marks % of marks Number, ratio and algebra Number, place value +/-/x/÷ calculations Fractions, decimals and % Ratio and proportion Algebra 83 – 93 out of 110 75% - 85% Measurement, geometry and statistics Measurement Properties of shapes Position and direction Statistics 17 – 27 15% - 25% Number, ratio and algebra Measurement, geometry & statistics Total Marks Paper 1 40 Paper 2 & 3 (problem solving and reasoning) 9 - 13 70 (35 each paper)

15 Participation in the tests
The tests are designed to be used with all pupils who are working at the standard of the national curriculum. There will be some pupils who will be working below the ‘expected standard’ of the test, who will not achieve a scaled score of 100, but who should still take the tests. Teachers should use their knowledge of each pupil to decide whether to administer the tests to them. They may use the sample materials to inform these decisions. Pupils who are assessed as working below the standard of the national curriculum and who are not expected to reach this standard by May 2016 must be registered as below the standard during the pupil registration process. They should be marked as ‘B’ on the test attendance register and should not sit the test.

16 What types of access arrangements are available?
Additional time Using readers Prompters Scribes Using transcripts Using word processors Using technical or electrical aids

17 Access Arrangements Access arrangements may be appropriate for pupils:
with a statement of SEN or an EHC Plan whose learning difficulty or disability significantly affects their ability to access the tests (may or may not have provision through the SEN Support system) who are unable to sit and work for a long period because of a disability or because of social, emotional or mental health difficulties with EAL and who has limited fluency in English Schools must make sure they have documentation to show that a pupil is eligible for access arrangements. This must include evidence that resources are routinely committed to providing this support in the classroom. Schools must be able to show the documentation if they have a monitoring visit.

18 Teacher Assessment in Y6
In Y6 the judgements from teacher assessments are reported for the core subjects of English reading, English writing, mathematics and science.

19 Teacher Assessment The aim of teacher assessment is to make a rounded judgement that is based on knowledge of how the child has performed over time and across a range of contexts Is based on a broad range of evidence from across the curriculum takes into account strengths and weaknesses of a child’s performance

20 Interim Teacher Assessment Frameworks
Following the removal of NC levels, the interim TA frameworks support teachers in making robust and accurate judgements for Y6 pupils at the end of KS2 These will stand for 15/16 but will be evaluated at the end of the year with possible changes for 16/17 Exemplification materials should arrive before the end of January for KS2 interim assessment framework. However, only "expected standard" exemplification will be available for certain in January. Other descriptors may be later.

21 Interim Teacher Assessment Frameworks
KS2 English writing - teacher assessment is the primary outcome used for accountability: working towards the expected standard working at the expected standard working at greater depth within the expected standard pupils that do not meet the ‘working towards’ standard. KS2 English reading, mathematics and science pupils that do not meet the standard.

22 Moderation of Teacher Assessment
External moderation is statutory. It gives confidence that schools’ TA judgements are accurate and consistent with national standards. However, details of the specific requirements for the moderation of KS2 writing teacher assessment in 2016 have not yet been confirmed. These will be communicated to schools and LAs as soon as they are available. The ARA will also be updated when the information is available.

23 Pupils working below the standard of the national curriculum
A review into assessment for pupils working below the standard of national curriculum tests was announced in July Information about how to record and report the achievements of these pupils will be communicated to schools and LAs after the publication of the final report of the review. This section of the ARA will also be updated when the information is available.

24 Any questions?

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