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Falcons - Autumn 2015 Parents’ Information Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Falcons - Autumn 2015 Parents’ Information Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Falcons - Autumn 2015 Parents’ Information Meeting

2 Mrs Clark (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) Mrs Askew (Thursday and Friday)

3 Topics for this term Falcons English: Plays, poems, oral story-telling, persuasion Maths: Place value(incl.decimals) Addition, multiplication, subtraction, division 2-D & 3-D shape, fractions, geometry, measurement History: British History through Shakespeare (Globe visit) Geograpy: UK regions and features Science: Adaptation and Interdependence (Rainforest visit) Healthy Lifestyle RE:Hinduism An Extraordinary Baby PE:GymTennis Art/DT : Nicholas Hillard, portrait features

4 Timetable Monday: Gym (indoors) (please could children all have a complete change of kit, including trainers or plimsolls. Tracksuit bottoms are recommended for the winter.) Friday: Tennis (outdoors) Please could all children have a named water bottle in school each day, filled with water!

5 Reading  Every child should read most evenings and record this in their Reading Records.  Reading books can be changed throughout the week or a book from home can be used if preferred.  Once a week every child will read with the teacher during Guided Reading.  Some children will have booster reading and extra 1:1 reading.

6 Homework  We will make instructions for homework clear. The children will have covered the learning in school so hopefully there will be no confusion! However, if your child is unclear about the activity, please feel free to pop in and see one of us.  English is given out on a Wednesday.  Spellings and Maths are given out on a Friday.  Each half-term there will be a larger project style piece of homework.  Homework Club is offered at school during Monday lunchtime.

7 Behaviour  Rainbow-positive behavior management  Star of the Day  Star of the Week  Class points – leads to a class reward  Golden time: 30 minutes on a Friday

8 Trips  The Living Rainforest, Newbury  18 th September 2015  Thinksafe QE Park  14 th October (pm)2015  The Globe, London  19 th November 2015

9 How can you help your child?  Listen to them read as often as possible  Help them to learn their spellings  Practice times tables  Do some homework activities with them  Ensure that they have their reading books and records every day

10 Open Door  Feel free to pop in after school if you ever have any questions or queries  Any questions?

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