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Coping with Compassion Fatigue for the School Counselor

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1 Coping with Compassion Fatigue for the School Counselor
Presented by: Kim Connor, Psy.D. & Leigh Anne Long, M.Ed.

2 Naomi Remen “We cannot walk through water without getting wet.”
Training programs

3 Definitions Compassion Fatigue Vicarious Trauma Burnout Moral Distress

4 Negative Effects Gabor Mate, “Our immune system does not exist in isolation from daily experience.” Physical Insomnia Headaches Increased susceptibility to illness Hives Ulcers, Reflux, IBS HBP Heart disease Auto-immune disease Pain Can we understand the body as separate from the mind? Dualism Psychological Depression & Anxiety

5 3 Most Important People

6 Self Care Cannot give what we personally do not have ourselves.

7 HELP! Daily Quote App Professional Quality of Life Survey
Provider Resilience App Calendar since vacation ProQol survey Burnout update Resilience Builders Walk Stretch Affirmation Personal day within 60 working days? Laughter Daily Quote App

8 Laughter Yoga Madan Kataria, who writes about the practice in his 2002 book Laugh For No Reason Voluntary laughter has same psychological and physiological health benefits as genuine laughter Cartoons Comedies Limit news

9 Peer Support Low Impact Debriefing Anti-sliming strategy
Increase self awareness Fair warning Consent Low impact disclosure Formal vs. Informal

10 Signs of Compassion Fatigue
Physical Behavioral Psychological

11 Developing a Early Warning System

12 Continuum Personal and Current Life Factors Childhood Hx
Low Levels of Compassion Fatigue Healthy and Fulfilled High Levels of Compassion Fatigue Leaving the Profession Personal and Current Life Factors Childhood Hx Ways of coping Personality Taking care of kids and parents Divorce Relationship or Close ID with those being assisted Working conditions Volume of work, lack of control over caseload, lack of supervision, administration, insufficient training, personal injury, working in isolation

13 Help for the Helper Babette Rothchild Breaks Body Scan Feet on Ground
Jewelry Pocket Stone Focal Point Imagery End of Day Rituals Self-talk: “this is not my trauma”

14 Self Care Self Awareness How we deal with anger, hurt, and resentment
Being in tune with stress signals Permanent overload Transition time between work and home Rituals Work atmosphere Gossiping Negativity

15 Self Care Personal Strategies Balance between nourishing and depleting
Regular exercise Meditation or Yoga Non work interests Debriefing Social support

16 Resources The Compassion Fatigue Workbook, Francoise Mathieu
Help for the Helper, Babette Rothschild Laugh For No Reason, Madan Kataria When the Body Says No, Gabor Mate, MD Trauma Stewardship: An Everyday Guide to Caring for Self While Caring for Others, Laura Van Dernoot Lipsky and Connie Burk

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