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2 Raed Ezekiel 34:1-16

3 In thr Old Testament, the image of shepherd is used to refer to the kings and leaders f the people, those in power and authority. In this study the unfaithfulness of Israel’s rulers is contrasted with the gentle loving care of God. Who will both tend the sheep and judge the self- serving, negligent shepherds.

4 How does this relate to Pastor Amanda and her officiating a same sex marriage between two women who are members of her congregation which violated ¶2702.1b of The 2012 Book of Discipline(officiating at a same-sex marriage)

5 Rev. Garber believes that she could not obey ¶270 2.1b and obey ¶140 on inclusiveness. That paragraph states: “Inclusiveness means openness, acceptance, and support that enables all persons to participate in the life of the Church, the community, and the world. Thus, inclusiveness denies every semblance of discrimination....” She believes that the current policy requires her to discriminate against same-sex couples in a way that violates the inclusiveness affirmed in ¶140. She views this discrimination as unjust and oppressive, harming both same-sex couples and the Church. It would also require her to violate ¶161.F that states “We commit ourselves to be in ministry for and with all persons.” Which part of the Discipline takes precedence for you and why?

6 Our ultimate loyalty belongs only to God, and not to any nation, institution, document, or political or religious leader. Do you think Amanda was being loyal to her understanding of what God has called her to do? Why or why not?

7 John Wesley’s first Simple Rule was Do Not Harm! Following which choice is likely to do more harm? Considering these two sections of the Discipline, following which one has the better chance to turn someone toward Jesus rather than away? One of our main jobs is to turn people toward Jesus not away from Him.

8 Israel’s leaders fed themselves and not their sheep. They have not upheld the weak, healed the sick, bound up the crippled, or sought the lost. They ruled by cruel domination, not compassionate restraint. Power had gone to their heads and they have abused their position by exploiting those they were supposed to protect. How have you seen this in today’s religions, especially cults or governments?

9 Because of the poor moral judgment of some religious leaders, many true believers have become disillusioned and lost their faith. Do you think tis is true?

10 Ezekiel 34 offers several criteria distinguishing between true and false shepherd leaders. 1. Will we focus on serving ourselves or on serving the people. Signs of this tendency are ministers who are preoccupied with rewards, concern about being addressed by formal titles, having a reserved parking space, and avoiding menial aspects of service. Have you witnessed these tendencies in a minister?

11 How have you seen our church focusing on serving others? How have you seen our church focusing on serving ourselves?

12 2. Will we use power to dominate and control or to strengthen and heal. Strength is gauged by willing participation in common ventures, not by coerced compliance. Where have you seen the use of power in the church to control? Where have you seen the use of power in the church to strengthen and heal both inside and outside the church walls?

13 3. Will our leadership scatter or unite. Some leaders take pride in their skill to divide and conquer by keeping the people quarreling among themselves leaving the leaders free to pursue their on agendas. Is the leadership of the Methodist Church leading in such a way as to unite or to divide?

14 4. Will our leadership contribute to just or unjust systems and structures. It is not enough to bind up wounds and comfort the suffering. We must name the causes of their misfortune, oppose the exploiters, change oppressive structures, and create fair systems that feed their dignity and well being. Is the leadership of the Methodist Church contributing to just or unjust systems and structures?

15 How do we measure the leadership of pastors and lay leaders of our congregation? How do we measure our own personal leadership within our congregation? What would Ezekiel say about this leadership?

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