Course Redesign Initiative Jack Dempsey University of South Alabama

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1 Course Redesign Initiative Jack Dempsey University of South Alabama


3 Principles: Improve Quality Increase Cost Efficiency

4 Research Support USDOE meta-analysis* “Students who took all or part of their class online performed better, on average, than those taking the same course through traditional face-to-face instruction.” “Instruction combining online and face-to-face elements had a larger advantage relative to purely face-to-face instruction than did purely online instruction.” *Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning: A Meta-Analysis and Review of Online Learning Studies, Washington, D.C., 2009.

5 Research Support NCAT projects* (redesign 30 institutions) 25 of 30 signif. increases in learning (others NSD) Majority reported increased course- completion and lower DFW rates Avg. cost reduction 37% *National Council on Academic Transformation.

6 Course Redesign Initiative Focus –High enrollment courses –eLearning usually blended format

7 Scope U. South Alabama 37 redesign proposals (first round) affecting estimated 4,400 undergrads NCAT 30 institutions 30 course redesigns affecting 50,000 students nationwide

8 Course Redesign Initiative 37 faculty Proposals respond to SVPAA’s call Up to 18,000 annual course enrollments in 2011 Most pilots start fall semester

9 Type of Redesign

10 Models of Redesign Proposed

11 Course Redesign Initiative Fall 2010 Numbers RedesignTraditionalTotal Instructors65 132 Sections165122287 Enrollment483239808812 * 34 total redesign courses for Fall 2010

12 Quality and Cost Efficiencies operational cost reductions – combined sections – Fewer part-time Instructors & GAs – faculty reassignments

13 Quality and Cost Efficiencies Creative eLearning technologies – lecture capture – interactive instructional materials from publishers – online tutoring – guided examples – team case studies – expert guests

14 Quality and Cost Efficiencies Active on-campus learning sessions – Structured team-based problems – Cases and inquiry learning scenarios – Oral and project presentations – Large group content review – Strategic quizzing; practice tests – Critiques and discussion

15 How we will measure? Improve Quality Obtaining Data – Parallel Sections (Traditional and Redesign) – Baseline "Before" (Traditional) and "After" (Redesign) – Focus groups Comparison of Methods – Student Success rates – Common Final Exams – Common Content Items Selected from Exams – Pre- and Post-tests – Student Work Using Common Rubrics Cost Reduction cost per Student salary/credit hour production increased course enrollment capacity reduction in part-time instructors and GAs

16 How have we supported? Professional Development NCAT and Sloan-C Conferences and workshops - 3 groups of faculty OLL & PETAL workshops Two-day Instructor Bootcamps Course Redesign Website Evaluation assistance Redesign Academy (3 days w/ honorarium) Redesign Faculty Get-Togethers Direct Support Institutional tools (iTunesU, Camtasia Relay) Personal Tools (laptops, software) E-Learning Assistant Program

17 Risks & Rewards Wildflowers or Weeds?Principle-guided Innovation

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