Aero Week 8 Updates Robbie McNally DAS & FPV. Budget  Awarded $378 for SRG which is now available on a credit card.

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Presentation on theme: "Aero Week 8 Updates Robbie McNally DAS & FPV. Budget  Awarded $378 for SRG which is now available on a credit card."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aero Week 8 Updates Robbie McNally DAS & FPV

2 Budget  Awarded $378 for SRG which is now available on a credit card

3 Research  Found datasheets for Duck antennas  Found alternatives for FPV and DAS  5.8GHz Cloverleaf  900MHz Mad Mushroom/Airscrew  Met with Professor Hedrick about Radio Link Budget  Have questions for SAE Rules Forum  1 Typo and 2 Claifications  Started looking into Arduino Servo Library

4 Soldering…  Created DC wall adapter to power FPV receiver for testing  Created charging cable for LiPo battery  Soldered stackable headers on all Arduino Shields  Solder Arduino barrel adapter to accept LiPo battery for testing

5 Data Acquisition System Setup  Configured Xbee transmitter and receiver:  Assigned same network ID  Set destination and source fields  Transmitted sample data (incrementing loop) to test connection  Transmitted data from Arduino serial monitor to XCTU console and vice versa  Reads data from MPL3115A2 every 315ms and transmits to Xbee dongle  XCTU includes console viewer where I can read and log data

6 DAS Testing – Full spreadsheets on Drive  Range Testing:  Stopped receiving data at ~500ft on Seward  Possibly test tomorrow in a plane  Will need different antenna or transmitter/receiver with more power  Researching options and talking to Professor Hedrick Accuracy Testing up to 30 ft

7 FPV System Testing  Receiver Power Source: 12V DC Wall adapter @ 300 mA  Transmitter Power Source: 11.1V 3S 2200mAh LiPo  Tested range on Seward Place and across Richmond Quad  1 st Test: Standard 5.8GHz Duck Antenna – Came with System  2 nd Test: 5.8GHz Cloverleaf Antenna – Borrowed from Blair  Only tested both antennas to 1500 ft – ran out of LoS  Cloverleaf antennas had clearer picture – less interference in analog signal  Pair only costs $10-25  worth the investment

8 5.8 GHz FPV Testing Results View from 100ft (Slightly out of focus) Webster from 1500ft Receiver on porch Transmitter walked down Seward Place LoS up to ~900ft Quality loss when Russo was directly between Tx/Rx

9 Next week…  Meet with Professor Hedrick about antennas  Go to field with Al and fly DAS if possible  Calculate battery capacity needed and decide on battery system  1 for FPV Transmitter, 1 for DAS, and 1 for Receiver at Ground Station  Move Servos wirelessly with XBees  Possibly start working on Airspeed sensors if servos go smoothly

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