How to write an opinion essay.

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Presentation on theme: "How to write an opinion essay."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to write an opinion essay.
By Joan Gallardo 1 1

2 I.e., What’s your opinion on bullfighting?
( words)

3 Prepare your ideas: I’m against bullfighting - Bulls suffer.
Example: picador, banderillas, not stabbed properly Primitive tradition Example: female circumcision - Controversial - Subsidized 3 3

4 4 4

5 ( Use a saying or question)
Opening paragraph: - Introduce the topic - State your opinion ( Use a saying or question) It is a well-known fact that bullfighting is a Spanish tradition. However, should it continue existing in the XXIst century? In my opinion, it should not. 5 5

6 New paragraphs for your reasons:
- Enumerate &/or use expressions of addition Introduce your reasons with expressions of opinion or facts - Give examples First of all, it is a fact that bullfighting has become a controversial issue even among Spaniards nowadays. In addition, as I see it, this is just a primitive and savage tradition like, for example, female circumcision. What is more, it seems to me that the spectators just ignore the suffering of the animals. For instance , when the “picador” uses his lance or the bullfighter the “banderillas”. 6 6

7 Time to count the words ! It should have about 100 words now.
You may have to use your “spare” argument or add more examples. 7 7

8 Final paragraph, conclusion:
- Restate your opinion - Offer a solution, warning or advice (ought to, must…) - You can finish with a saying or quote In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, there is not any reason to support bullfighting at present. Furthermore, governments ought to ban it. Finally, as Mahatma Gandhi said,  'The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its  animals  are treated.' 8 8

9 And last but not least, choose a title
And last but not least, choose a title! Ideas from Richard Leahy's “Twenty Titles for the Writer” You can copy a sentence from your essay… A primitive and savage tradition - … a saying, proverb or question Can you call this art? - …use a concrete image from your essay: Blood on the arena …use a colon: Bullfighting: Art or crime? … or even to join two titles: Blood on the arena: Can you call this art? 9 9

10 Blood on the arena: Can you call this art?
It is a well-known fact that bullfighting is a Spanish tradition. However, should it continue existing in the XXIst century? In my opinion, it should not. First of all, it is a fact that bullfighting has become a controversial issue even among Spaniards nowadays. In addition, as I see it, this is just a primitive and savage tradition like, for example, female circumcision. What is more, it seems to me that the spectators just ignore the suffering of the animals. For instance , when the “picador” uses his lance or the bullfighter the “banderillas. In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, there is not any reason to support bullfighting at present. Furthermore, governments ought to ban it. Finally, as Mahatma Gandhi said,  ”The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its  animals  are treated.” 10 10

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