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Warm-up: Write the sentence, circle the error, and then re-write it with the correct verb  “ In the article “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,” it list.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up: Write the sentence, circle the error, and then re-write it with the correct verb  “ In the article “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,” it list."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up: Write the sentence, circle the error, and then re-write it with the correct verb  “ In the article “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,” it list things Chinese mothers allow and don’t allow their kids to do.”


3 PLEASE READ!  When you get a poem, do not flip over the sheet. Keep it face down.  Keep the “TP-CASTT” packet over the poem.  Now, in the box marked “Title” write “Incident in a Rose Garden”

4 Introduction to reading poetry with TP- CASTT: The Title  In the box next to the Title description, write the title of this poem.  Title: Always write out the title of a single poem in this format:  “Incident in a Rose Garden”  Notice the quotation marks and the capitalization appears as is in the poem.

5 Introduction to reading poetry with TP- CASTT: The Title  Rule #1: Before anything else, make sure you know who wrote the poem.  A question for you: Who wrote this one?

6 Introduction to reading poetry with TP- CASTT: The Title  Rule #2: Look at the title of the poem.  Do you know what each word means individually? If not, look them up and write them in the “Notes” portion in the back of this packet.

7 Introduction to reading poetry with TP- CASTT: The Title  Now: LOOK AT YOUR “TITLE BOX.”  What are we doing in this portion? Answer: Predicting what the poem may be about. We are asking “What may be its central message?”

8 Introduction to reading poetry with TP- CASTT: The Title  Why do we begin by analyzing a title? Answer: Just as movies or songs have titles that relate to the main theme of their content, poems too have titles that relate to the words that follow.

9 Introduction to reading poetry with TP- CASTT  Do this now!  Take about five minutes to write a detailed prediction on how the title of the poem may relate to its overall meaning.

10 Introduction to reading poetry with TP- CASTT: Paraphrasing  What is a Paraphrase?  "To paraphrase" comes from the Greek "paraphrasis," meaning literally "to tell in other words." In contrast to the process of summarizing, paraphrasing involves recounting a source's primary material in words that are different than the original. It is essential, in paraphrasing, to still communicate the central idea of the words, passage or text in question.

11 Introduction to reading poetry with TP- CASTT: Paraphrasing  The purpose of a summary is to condense source material into a shorter form. Paraphrasing, however, is not centrally concerned with length. Rather, paraphrasing is concerned primarily with the restatement (using different words to say the same thing) of source material.

12 Introduction to reading poetry with TP- CASTT: Paraphrasing  Now: Uncover the poem, BUT ONLY SO YOU CAN SEE THE FIRST TWO LINES:  “The gardener came running 1 An old man, out of breath” 2

13 Introduction to reading poetry with TP- CASTT: Paraphrasing  In your “Paraphrasing” Box, take 3 minutes to re-write the first two lines in your own words.  Try your best to re-state the same idea in the same amount of sentences as the original.  So try to write one sentence summing up the first two lines.

14 Introduction to reading poetry with TP- CASTT: Paraphrasing  Some Mr. McKenna examples:  “An old gardener was running, and he was out of breath as a result.”  “The old gardener was out of breath because he was running.”

15 Introduction to reading poetry with TP- CASTT: Paraphrasing : more information “The gardener came running 1 An old man, out of breath” 2 When you paraphrase for TP- CASTT, YOU MUST HAVE THE SAME AMOUNT OF LINES AS THE POEM.

16 Introduction to reading poetry with TP- CASTT: Paraphrasing “The gardener came running 1 An old man, out of breath” 2 If this poem has 50 lines, how many lines do you need to paraphrase?

17 Your Homework: Part I  READ AND ANNOATE the entire poem.  There may be a quiz tomorrow.

18 Your Homework: Part II  Complete the Paraphrasing box for lines one through nine. That means you must write six sentences that re-state the literal meaning of these lines.  Please write neatly and in fine print. SAVE SPACE!

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