By: Audra Clark EDU 521 FALL 2010. CT StandardsWhole GroupSmall GroupIndependent Learning Centers Project-Based Learning SCIENCE Podcasting/ Video MATH.

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1 By: Audra Clark EDU 521 FALL 2010

2 CT StandardsWhole GroupSmall GroupIndependent Learning Centers Project-Based Learning SCIENCE Podcasting/ Video MATH Virtual manipulative SOCIAL STUDIES Smartboard Competitions LANGUAGE ARTS Facebook

3  2.4 Human beings, like all other living things, have special nutritional needs for survival  Students will use an audio/visual recording device to make a “How to” on reading and analyzing nutrition labels on foods  Each student will record themselves reading and analyzing nutrition labels on three different food items. The video will then be presented to the class. The use of a recording device makes the project more exciting for students and also will make it less stressful for students who are not comfortable speaking in front of the whole group. They can record at home and then show the video.  Assessment along the way will include the students providing the teacher with a list of steps/outline that they will cover during the video. The video should include key words to look for on labels which enhance their nutritional value and words which signal a decrease in nutritional value.  The end result should be a video where the student speaks clearly, gives the food item a grade/rating on its nutrition and demonstrates exactly where to look on the label for specific information. MAIN

4  1.4 Demonstrate an understanding of geographical space and place  Students work in groups to identify and locate earth’s various physical features in a landscape scene provided by teacher on smartboard.  Each group will have 2 minutes to drag the label (ex. Mountain) over to the correct part of the picture. The groups will work in a relay, lining up with one person dragging a word over to the picture. The groups compete for the fastest time.  The smartboard allows the students to be assessed in a way that is fun and they are able to physically move instead of being confined to a desk taking a pen and paper test, circling the items in a picture. The competition element makes the assessment more appealing to students.  The teacher can assess students on their knowledge of the vocabulary words by looking to see if they put the correct label on each item in the picture from the word bank. MAIN

5  1.2 Students interpret, analyze and evaluate text in order to extend understanding and appreciation.  After reading a novel, students will post a quote they found meaningful/important as their status on Facebook and comment on at least three other classmates statuses (which should trigger discussions on each student’s pages)  The assignment is very similar to an online message board/forum only in a more familiar format because SO many students already use Facebook several times a day to do exactly the same thing; Update their statuses and comment on the status messages of others.  Teacher will assess students on their ability to clearly analyze quotes and make sense of them in relation to the story and their own lives. MAIN

6  4.1 Collect, organize and display data using appropriate statistical and graphical methods  Students will collect data on a topic of their choosing and create a graph using National Library of Virtual Manipulatives. Students may choose from a variety of different graph setups.National Library of Virtual Manipulatives  This website is helpful because it has the correct format for each graph already set up, so the student just needs to plug in their data in the appropriate places.  Students will discuss their idea for data collection with teacher prior to creating their graph and will be assessed on whether or not their data/graph makes sense mathematically. MAIN

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