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Preliminary Results of PHIN Run Summer 2014 Christoph Hessler, Eric Chevallay, Steffen Doebert, Valentin Fedosseev, Irene Martini, Mikhail Martyanov CLIC/CTF3.

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Presentation on theme: "Preliminary Results of PHIN Run Summer 2014 Christoph Hessler, Eric Chevallay, Steffen Doebert, Valentin Fedosseev, Irene Martini, Mikhail Martyanov CLIC/CTF3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Preliminary Results of PHIN Run Summer 2014 Christoph Hessler, Eric Chevallay, Steffen Doebert, Valentin Fedosseev, Irene Martini, Mikhail Martyanov CLIC/CTF3 experimental verification meeting 11.11.2014

2 Initial Situation: Results 2012  Very good lifetime measurements of Cs 3 Sb cathodes in 2012: 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov2 2.3 nC, 350 ns,  =524 nm 1/e lifetime 168 h  … even for operation with 2.3 nC and 1.2 µs: 2.3 nC, 1200 ns,  =524 nm 1/e lifetime 135 h

3 Initial Situation: Results 2011/2012  Compared with previous measurements under worse vacuum conditions lifetime could be drastically improved for Cs 2 Te:  … and for Cs 3 Sb: 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov3

4 Initial Situation: Results 2013  Therefore vacuum conditions were further improved in 2013 by additng an additional NEG pump: Dynamic vacuum level: 7e-10 mbar → < 2e-10 mbar  Unfortunately, due to many problems (“unknown” beam instrumentation, low initial QE, fast QE decrease, QE jumps, 24h drifts, etc.) no comparable lifetime measurement could be performed: 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov4

5 Plans for 2014  Lifetime studies with Cs 2 Te cathode under improved vacuum conditions  Long-term measurement with Cs 2 Te under nominal operating conditions (2.3 nC, 1.2 µs)  Lifetime studies with Cs 3 Sb cathodes and green laser light under improved vacuum conditions.  RF lifetime measurements of Cs 3 Sb cathodes  Dark current studies  Emittance measurement with low intensity beam to investigate PHIN’s suitability for AWAKE  QE measurement of copper cathode for defining QE requirements for AWAKE 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov5

6 Layout of PHIN 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov6 FCT: Fast current transformer VM: Vacuum mirror SM: Steering magnet BPM: Beam position monitor MSM: Multi-slit Mask OTR: Optical transition radiation screen MTV: Gated cameras SD: Segmented dump FC: Faraday cup

7 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov7 Changes in the Setup  Faraday cup (FC) has been reconnected to vacuum system (no vacuum window) and additional ion pump was installed.  Old fast current transformer (FCT) has been reinstalled.  A second new FCT has been installed in front of FC.  Both BTV screens (CT.MTV0265 and CT.MTV0305) were equipped with notch filters for 532 nm to avoid detection of reflected green light.  Virtual cathode camera has been replaced.  New motorized mirror has been installed with a better repeatability.  But also a new problem occurred: During bake-out the vacuum window in spectrometer line broke. →Beam line was vented at high temperature. Gun was not baked and stayed under vacuum. →Window has been replaced by blind flange. →Segmented dump was not usable. →Baking was redone.

8 Photocathodes Used during PHIN Run 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov8 NumberMaterialAgeQE in DC gun QE in PHIN #198Cs 2 TeNew cathode, produced 05.03.2014 14.8% after production ~10% #199Cs 3 SbNew cathode, produced 27.5.2014 5.2% after production 4.9% #200Cs 3 SbNew cathode, produced 7.8.2014 5.5% after production 3.9% 6A56CuCopper plug (Diamond powder polished) used for RF conditioning N/A3e-4  This year the initial QE of Cs 2 Te and Cs 3 Sb cathodes in PHIN was in reasonable agreement with the measurements in the DC gun.  QE of Cu cathode was too high compared with best literature values (1.4e-4). Maybe contaminated with Cs. Test for AWAKE

9 Improvement of Vacuum in PHIN 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov9 1/e lifetime 185 h 1 nC, 800 ns,  =524 nm, Cs 3 Sb 1/e lifetime 26 h 1 nC, 800 ns, =262 nm, Cs 3 Sb 7e-10 mbar 1.3e-10 mbar Dynamic vacuum level: 4e-9 mbar Static vacuum level: 2.2e-10 mbar March 2012March 2011 Activation of NEG chamber around gun Installation of additional NEG pump <2e-10 mbar 2.4e-11 mbar July 2013 1/e lifetime n/a due to different problems during PHIN run

10 Lifetime Measurement with Cs 2 Te Cathode  Under improved vacuum conditions:  Double exponential fit represents well the data  Lifetime improved from 250 h to 300 h  Cs 2 Te is not ultra-sensitive against non-optimal vacuum conditions 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov10 Dynamic pressure: 3e-10 mbar 1.5e-9 mbar 20142011 2.3 nC, 350 ns

11 Lifetime Measurement with Cs 2 Te Cathode  Under nominal operation conditions (2.3 nC, 1.2 µs)  Strong pressure increase. Heating of Faraday cup?  1/e lifetime still 55 h 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov11

12 Lifetime Measurement with Cs 3 Sb Cathodes  Under improved vacuum conditions  Data can be partially fitted with a double exponential curve, with similar lifetime as 2012, however, measurement time is too short for reliable fit.  Klystron trip and phase jump changed slope drastically. 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov12 Dynamic pressure: 2.5 - 5e-10 mbar ~9e-10 mbar 2.3 nC, 350 ns,  Cs 3 Sb 1/e lifetime 168 h 2.3 nC, 350 ns,  Cs 3 Sb 2014 2012

13 Lifetime Measurement with Cs 3 Sb Cathodes  Under improved vacuum conditions:  Despite better vacuum level the lifetime is significantly shorter.  Strong QE decrease started after a phase jump. 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov13 Dynamic pressure: 2.3e-10 mbar 1/e lifetime 185 h 7e-10 mbar 1 nC, 800 ns,  Cs 3 Sb 20142012

14 RF Lifetime of Cs 3 Sb Cathodes 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov14 Fresh cathode Cathode #200 (Cs 3 Sb) Used cathode Cathode #199 (Cs 3 Sb)  Fast and slow decay as seen with beam?  In both cases longer lifetimes as with beam.

15 Possible Explanations  RGA spectrum:  CO 2 is known to have a negative effect on K 2 CsSb [1]  Source of CO 2 ? Bake-out accident? 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov15 20112014 p(total)2.70E-101.20E-10 p(H 2 )2.46E-107.33E-11 p(H 2 O)1.23E-121.53E-11 p(CO/N 2 )2.09E-111.87E-11 p(CO 2 )1.55E-121.27E-11 Rough estimate of partial pressure of residual gas components: [1] A. Di Bona et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. In Phys. Res. A 385 (1997) 385-390

16 Possible Explanations  Could be breakdowns be a reason for the shorter lifetime?  In 2014 not more breakdowns than in 2012  Periods with fast QE decrease had only few breakdowns in 2014  Maybe more large breakdowns in 2014 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov16

17 Possible Explanations  Could the phase jumps be a reason for the shorter lifetime?  Phase jump of ~220 deg, once per day in average  Phase jumps can clearly change the slope of the curve.  … but not every phase jump does it.  Klystron phase was stable, phase jump must have occured either in the LLRF for the laser or the laser / synchronisation electronics.  Further tests planned. 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov17 2.3 nC, 350 ns,  Cs 3 Sb 2014 1 nC, 800 ns,  Cs 3 Sb 2014

18  New, more precise dark current measurements have been performed:  Field emission contribution from gun cavity (Cu) and cathode.  The low dark current measured with copper confirmed that the major contribution is coming for the cathode.  Cs 3 Sb cathodes (  ~2 eV) produce higher dark current than Cs 2 Te (  ~3.5 eV). Dark Current Measurements 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov18

19 Emittance Measurements for AWAKE Laser beam size: ~ 1 mm sigma, charge 0.2, 0.7, 1.0 nC, energy 5.5 – 6 MeV 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov19 Normalized emittance for 0.2 nC: 3.2 mm mrad ( big errors !) Charge dependence is roughly sqrt as it should be E n (0.2 nC): 3.2 mm mrad E n (0.7 nC): 4.6 mm mrad E n (1 nC): 5.5 mm mrad

20 Outlook: Plans for Laser 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov20  Installation of new 500 MHz fiber front end with CLIC specs for PHIN and total decoupling from CALIFES laser system.  Delivery promised for end of this year, however there are already large delays.  Stability studies with new front end with improved stability.  Studies of heat-load effects and thermal lensing in laser rods at 50 Hz rep rate.  In parallel further studies on new harmonics generation schemes with multiple crystals to solve problem with UV generation for 140 µs long trains.

21 Outlook: Plans for Photoemission Lab 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov21  Surface analysis of photocathode materials with XPS and their impact on the cathode performance in collaboration with TE/VSC.  New UHV transfer arm was built  Problems with the XPS apparatus, but we hope that they are solved now.  First measurement with Cu plug successfully performed yesterday.  Possible collaboration with Daresbury Lab in the field of photocathode surface analysis.  Modification of cathode preparation system for three components cathodes.  Continue high-charge studies (with different cathode layer thicknesses).  Plans for upgrade of cathode preparation system with load-lock system is on hold as long as the longer term future of photocathode research at CERN is not clear.

22 Outlook: Plans and Ideas for PHIN 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov22  Original plan: Studies with 5 µs long pulse trains (max klystron pulse length) and 5 Hz repetition rate. → Be window needed → Long and probably painful RF conditioning required  However, due to new laser front end the bunch spacing will be 3 times longer. In terms of charge a 5 µs pulse @ 500 MHz corresponds to a 1.6 µs pulse @ 1.5 GHz. This is only slightly more than the present nominal intensity and it is doubtful that we can learn much of this measurement. → not foreseen anymore, unless there are other strong arguments  Study of impact of the longer bunch spacing on the photocathode lifetime → Measurements with 1.05 µs (=3*350 ns) and 2.3 nC with Cs 3 Sb and Cs 2 Te  Impact of longer bunch spacing on beam dynamics?  Study of the charge stability with the new laser system.  Study of performance of three components cathodes in PHIN (e.g. K 2 CsSb)  Study the effect of surface roughness on cathode lifetime (Electro-polished cathode plugs)  Many interesting ideas for a further PHIN run in 2015!

23 Prerequisites for next PHIN Run  Successful installation of new laser front end.  Synchronisation of the 500 MHz oscillator to the 3 GHz gun (Preserving the synchronisation for CALIFES).  PHIN laser amps must be available and working: Pumping diode stack burned recently. Investigations on-going at manufacturer. Might be due to corrosion. If this is the case there is a high probability that other diode stacks will have the same problem at some point.  Replacement of broken vacuum window in spectrometer line.  No further modification of vacuum system (Be window) needed. 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov23

24 Acknowledgement  Controls: Mark Butcher, Mathieu Donze, Alessandro Masi, Christophe Mitifiot  Beam instrumentation: Thibaut Lefevre, Stephane Burger  Vacuum: Berthold Jenninger, Esa Paju  RF: Stephane Curt, Luca Timeo  Wilfrid Farabolini  CTF3 operators  XPS studies: Holger Neupert, Elise Usureau  Collaborators at LAL and IAP-RAS  … and many others … and thank you for your attention! 11.11.2014C. Hessler, E. Chevallay, S. Doebert, V. Fedosseev, I. Martini, M. Martyanov24

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