ENGL1A Wednesday, 22 April. Today Solution essays Essay 4 D1 peer review.

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1 ENGL1A Wednesday, 22 April

2 Today Solution essays Essay 4 D1 peer review

3 Announcements/Coming up… Tonight, Wednesday (04-22): RWR 5 review DUE Monday (04-27): RWR 5 in-class discussion & response (last one! ) – I will give your Green Books back.

4 HW 5 issues Thesis needs to follow proscribed pattern as given in lecture. Causes of problem = What caused the problem? (WHY does it exist?) – Many of you provided effects of the problem, but not the causes. Point 5: Reasons & support for solution – Explain WHY the reader should agree with your solution.

5 Essay 4 [minimal] structure 1) Introduction paragraph: present the problem (Parking issues at Chaffey College Rancho Cucamonga campus) – Why does it exist? Currently 25,000 students and only 10,000 parking spaces; parking lots built in the 1980s – Why is it serious? Student are late to class; fights over parking spaces; traffic jams in-between classes – What causes/caused the problem? Lack of parking spaces; more students driving to campus nowadays

6 Essay 4 [minimal] structure 2) Consequences of failing to solve the problem: – If we don’t solve this problem, students may decide to go to another school where they can park more easily. – Students frustrated and angry at the lack of parking may resort to vandalism or vindictive behavior. – This is a public safety issue; entering and exiting the lots safely (without traffic jams) is critical to keeping order on campus.

7 Essay 4 [minimal] structure 3) Description of proposed solution – [Proposal] Chaffey College, Rancho Cucamonga campus, should build three 5,000 unit parking structures on campus [Why?] in order to facilitate students’ quick and safe access to classes and, above all, to solidify Chaffey’s reputation as a primarily student-centered community college.

8 Essay 4 [minimal] structure steps 4) List of steps for implementing the solution – First, an architect would have to be consulted. The architect would scout the locations for the structures and also provide an estimate for construction costs. – Next, the school board would have to approve the plans. The school board would also appoint an administrator to work closely with the architect on the project. – After that, the money for construction would have to be raised. – Then, […]

9 Essay 4 [minimal] structure (Do this first!) 5) Reasons and support for the solution (Do this first!) – My solution deserves support because parking is a serious problem requiring immediate attention. […] – The long-term benefits of creating parking structures definitely outweigh the objections of my opposition. – (Now, do this:) – (Now, do this:) Acknowledge the real/possible objections to your solution. – I understand that many in the community think this project is too overwhelming to undertake. – (Next:) – (Next:) Concede or refute each objection. – However, they are wrong, because Chaffey has efficiently managed large-scale, long-term building projects before.

10 Essay 4 [minimal] structure 6) Consider/discuss alternative solutions to the problem (real or imaginary) and their disadvantages. – One alternative to my solution is to offer street parking along Haven Ave. and Wilson Ave. – This is not the best idea, however, because the traffic is heavy on those streets. This idea is a recipe for fender-benders and pedestrian injuries.

11 Essay 4 [minimal] structure 7) Conclusion: restatement of your solution (paraphrase your thesis) and its advantages For the sake of student safety and Chaffey College’s reputation of putting students first, the Rancho Cucamonga campus ought to construct three 5,000 unit parking structures on campus. This will ensure student and public safety, will keep parking accidents to a minimum, and will help to modernize the campus.

12 2) Well-argued solution Thesis statement: make clear exactly what is being proposed + forecast the reasons (the “why?”) for it Chaffey College, Rancho Cucamonga campus, should build three 5,000 unit parking structures on campus in order to facilitate students’ quick and safe access to classes and, above all, to solidify Chaffey’s reputation as a primarily student-centered community college.

13 3) Effective counterargument Consideration of alternative solutions and their disadvantages The main reason for mentioning the alternatives: – To show that the reader should reject the alternatives and follow your solution instead.

14 Cell phone break

15 Essay 4 peer review Underline your thesis. Find 2 other people to work with. Read your thesis aloud to the group. Groupmates evaluate: Does the thesis 1) give the solution and 2) explain the “why?” (reasons for the solution?) DISCUSS: – Possible objections to the solution (this would be for points 5 a & b). – Possible alternatives to the solution & their disadvantages.

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