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I A Case Study I A Case Study (1 Co.5) Sexual immorality in general. Rv.19:2 A man –Paul condemns the male offender only; the woman was probably a heathen.

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Presentation on theme: "I A Case Study I A Case Study (1 Co.5) Sexual immorality in general. Rv.19:2 A man –Paul condemns the male offender only; the woman was probably a heathen."— Presentation transcript:

1 I A Case Study I A Case Study (1 Co.5) Sexual immorality in general. Rv.19:2 A man –Paul condemns the male offender only; the woman was probably a heathen (v.12) Has. Implies a permanent union of some kind; not necessarily a formal marriage. Jn.4:18 Father’s wife –In Jewish circles = stepmother

2 1 Co.5:2 “YOU, among whom this abomination has taken place, YOU…” (pride) Mourned (Gn.23:2) –Rv.18:11, 15, 19; 2 Co.12:21 Taken away… the result of the mourning –Cicero: incredible and unheard of wickedness –Not in broad-minded Corinth –1 Co. 6:15 From among you

3 1 Co.5:3 “ I …have already judged” Absent in body… A contrast: “You, who are there, do nothing; I, who am far away and might excuse myself on that account, take serious action” Have already judged… (Mt.19:28) –He is not judging motives, but fruit –This situation calls on everyone to set aside personal feelings

4 1 Co.5:4-5 Name… “Act by His authority, on His behalf, for His honor” When you are gathered together (implies regular meetings) Deliver…to satan. Cf. v.13 –Transfer him: To the region where satan holds sway (1 Tim.1:20) Outside the commonwealth and covenant (Ep.2:11-12; Col.1:13)

5 1 Co.5:4-5 Destruction of the flesh does not refer to physical death –Flesh here is not the body, but fleshly desires –Paul often contrasts flesh and spirit: Ga.5:13, 16, 17, 19, 24 Have crucified the flesh (Ga.5) Destruction of the flesh (1 Co.5)

6 1 Co.5:4-5 All barriers are removed. The sinner, freed of pretence, can pursue any lust This very excess can defeat the lusts themselves Some sinners must sink to the bottom before they realize that sin is a cruel taskmaster The prodigal son learned a lot in the far country Saved. The penalty is for the good of the offender

7 1 Co.5:6 A brother in sin gives the church no reason to boast Those who are indifferent to this condition become partly responsible for it –A shepherd must drive out a tainted sheep that would infect the flock –Yeast is small but powerful; works secretly; “puffs up” the dough; spreads throughout the loaf

8 1 Co.5:7-8 “Rid yourselves of these infected remains of your past lives, as a Jewish family purges the house of all leaven in preparation for the Passover” In Corinth, the Lamb was already slain, yet the leaven remains in the house! New lump = make a new start in purity, free of evil influences 8, our passover feast is not for a week, but a life-time

9 1 Co.5:9-11 contact contaminationWe can’t avoid all contact w. sinners; we must avoid contamination w. them Anyone named a brother –He is called brother, but is really a fornicator, covetous, etc.

10 Our duty to a brother in sin –Do not give him the impression that his sins are not serious –We cannot avoid associating w. sinners in the world, but we must not tolerate them in the church –Eating often implied fellowship. Ga.2:12 –Ct. 1 Co.10:27 (Lk.15:2)

11 1 Co.5:12-13 Actually Paul did judge outsiders (Ro.1:18-32); here, he did not with- draw from them God judges those who are outside Put away does not mean to drive him from the assemblies –It forbids social contact (it might give him the impression that he is safe as he is)

12 Application: 1: a man who had his father’s wife is shocking; Paul is even more shocked at the Corinthians’ attitude 11: names specific cases – Fornicator, covetous, idolater, reviler, drunkard, extortioner –Paul does not limit w/drawing to these specific sins –V.5, he is prepared to deal in a similar way w. similar offenders

13 Final stages of the instructions are clear: Take him away from among you, 2 Deliver him to satan, 5 Purge out the old leaven, 7 Do not keep company with, 9, 11 Do not eat with, 11 Put away, 13

14 II Lessons 1. The work of God cannot prosper in a church that tolerates evil –The tolerant church will soon resemble the world

15 2. A brother who lives in sin should cause other Christians to mourn –He is on the way to eternal perdition (1 Co.5:13; 2 Pt.2:20-22) –He betrays and injures the cause of God –He re-crucifies Christ in the house of His friends

16 3. Church discipline is designed to save –It is for the sinner’s own good. Pro.27:6; 2 Co.2:7 –Discipline does not place the sinner in a state of condemnation; it recognizes this state and tries to save him from it –The lax church does not give him what he needs This is deadly tolerance

17 4. Church discipline is for the church’s own good Those who refuse or neglect it become accomplices

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