Moral Education. My Background Questions for Educators  To what part of man does public education owe its first obligation?  Is it to his intellectual-academic.

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Presentation on theme: "Moral Education. My Background Questions for Educators  To what part of man does public education owe its first obligation?  Is it to his intellectual-academic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moral Education

2 My Background


4 Questions for Educators  To what part of man does public education owe its first obligation?  Is it to his intellectual-academic world or his emotional-social one?  Which is more likely to insure him a measure of happiness and a reasonable chance of survival?

5 Junel seeks an education that will ensure humankind a “measure of happiness and a reasonable chance of survival  Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness

6 “I hold that the aim of life is to find happiness. Education should be a preparation for life” A. S. Neill

7 We must teach what the student should know  We cannot separate means and ends in education  The desired result is part of the process


9 Throughout the Process  Accept his attitude toward the subject  Adjust my requirements in light of his interest and ability  Support his efforts nonjudgementaly

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