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Aristotle Political Philosophy.

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Presentation on theme: "Aristotle Political Philosophy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aristotle Political Philosophy

2 Human Nature “Man is more of a political animal than bees or any other gregarious animals.”

3 Human Nature Humans are
motivated by selfish interests generally ignorant and irrational have the ability to reason and must cultivate that ability We need education to help us become “good” rational citizens

4 Society People cannot survive without the help of others
The purpose of society is to meet the needs of every individual

5 Government Aristotle did not trust that all citizens could rule effectively (direct democracy) The poor are too ignorant and motivated by the desire to gain wealth The rich are too greedy and motivated to maintain their wealth and power and to control others The middle class is more content and therefore more rational

6 Government The role of government is to provide its people with moral guidance: Education to promote reasoning and virtue Laws to maintain ethical behavior Government must be supported by the people, not overly controlling

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