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worldview? worldview A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group.

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Presentation on theme: "worldview? worldview A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group."— Presentation transcript:


2 worldview?

3 worldview A collection of beliefs about life and the universe held by an individual or a group





8  superior to the angels  superior to Moses  superior to Aaron  our High Priest  the centre of our faith?

9 Reading: Hebrews 10:19-25



12 draw near to God …

13 hold unswervingly …

14 draw near to God … hold unswervingly … consider how …


16 James Fowler identified six stages of faith...

17 stagedescription A worldview that : key word 3relies on what authorities others say for belief loyalist 4 5 6

18 stagedescription A worldview that : key word 3relies on what authorities others say for belief loyalist 4relies on independent thinking seeker 5 6

19 stagedescription A worldview that : key word 3relies on what authorities others say for belief loyalist 4relies on independent thinking seeker 5combines beliefs and actions seer 6


21 stagedescription A worldview that : key word 3relies on what authorities others say for belief loyalist 4relies on independent thinking seeker 5combines beliefs and actions seer 6seamlessly combines faith and life saint

22 a biblical world view...


24 By grace, you have been saved, through faith… Ephesians 2:8


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