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World Wide Web Guide * for Students to the Internet.

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Presentation on theme: "World Wide Web Guide * for Students to the Internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Wide Web Guide * for Students to the Internet

2 Presentation F Definition of the Internet F Approach to the Internet F History of the Internet F Searching the Web & evaluation F Internet tools software

3 The Internet is a......distributed hypermedia network of networks

4 Distributed F Information on the Internet is located on many millions of computers F No one agency has jurisdiction of the Internet; everyone plays a part

5 Hypermedia F The Internet supports many different formats of information Ù Text files Ù Pictures Ù Photographs Ù Sound files Ù Video files

6 Network of Networks F Network : two or more computers hooked together F TCP/IP is the language of the Internet that allows unlikecomputers to “talk” F Network of networks : over 40,000 networks of computers all hooked together

7 The Internet is a... F Distributed F Hypermedia F Network of networks

8 How to Approach the Internet F Don’t get frustrated F Keep it simple F Give yourself time to explore F Find a mentor to help F Look for personal interests first

9 History of the Internet F Started in 1969 by the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) F The Department of Defense wanted a system that would still work if part of it were destroyed F In 1983, the research computers that were networked became ARPANET

10 History of the Internet F In 1986 the National Science Foundation took the initiative and ran the network backbone F In 1995, the NSF stepped out and commercial providers took over the Internet

11 E-Mail Addresses F Username followed by “@” symbol F Computer name and domain F Domains : net, org, edu, mil, gov, com UsernameComputer name & domain

12 Different Domains on the Net.comcommercial.netnetwork.edueducational.orgorganization.netnetwork.milmilitary.govgovernment

13 URL: Uniform Resource Locator F “Address” of a file on the Internet F Contains type of protocol followed by the computer name, directory and file name http://hypertext transfer protocol (WWW) ftp://file transfer protocol gopher://gopher site news:newsgroup telnet://telnet mailto:e-mail address

14 Speaking “URL” h-t-t-p colon slash slash w-w-w dot capecod dot net slash tilde kschrock slash index dot htm

15 Anatomy of a URL F Hypertext Transfer Protocol Address of ISP Network domain Directory on the server File name (HTML format) html – Hypertext Markup Language

16 The World Wide Web F A global network of information servers F Information may be in the form of text, audio, video, or animation F Many millions of sites containing documents with links to other documents F Fastest growing area of the Internet

17 Finding Information on the WWW Search Engines F Software programs that scan the contents of Web servers to create large indices of information F User can perform keyword searches of these indices; combining of terms F AltaVista, Lycos, Webcrawler, HotBot

18 Finding Information on the WWW Directories F Collections of resources compiled and organized by a person F May be searchable via keyword F May be general or subject-specific F Yahoo, Magellan, Lycos A2Z

19 Evaluating Information on the Net F Who wrote it? F When was it written? F Why was it written? F Is it biased? F Is it authentic? F Is the author an expert? F Is the page easy to use? F Is the page free from HTML errors? F Are the graphics useful? F Can you verify the information? F Is a bibliography included?

20 World Wide Web Browser F Allows you to view WWW sites which contain text, pictures, and sound F Netscape vs. Internet Explorer vs. Mosaic F After installation, browsers must be configured for your machine F Easy to move back and forth between pages due to cache

21 Parts of a Browser Window  Menu  Tool Bar  URL Field  Document viewing area  Status Bar

22 Browser Configuration and Helper Applications F The browser can display text and certain formats of pictures F For other formats the browser needs to have “helper applications” configured Example: If you choose a sound file, you have to have told the browser what piece of software on your machine is to be run to play the file

23 Saving File to Disk F File-Save on browser menu F Choose whether you want to save as a HTML or text file F Choose location for saving F Does not save graphics, only text F To save graphics, position cursor and use right mouse button to “save this image as...”

24 The Internet is useful when you need to know something that is... F not in your textbooks or library F based on data collected by the government F likely to require specialized knowledge F best understood from eyewitness accounts F fast-breaking news

25 The Internet is not useful for... F a quick overview or definition of a topic F face-to-face interaction with other students and teachers F drawing, writing, building, planting, or any other type of hands-on activities

26 The Internet is also good for : F collaborating on projects with students all over the world F finding and contacting experts F getting real-world experience in researching and evaluating information F publishing students’ projects and publications

27 THE END Original Concept By Ms. Daphne Elms Addition Editing by Clarence Hamilton Washington Middle School MCPSS Mobile, Al. Booker T. Washington Middle School Library

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