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AAMC Annual Meeting Highlights Council of Faculty and Academic Societies Overview CFAS 2015 Milestones Plenary Session Summaries CFAS Programming Summaries.

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1 AAMC Annual Meeting Highlights Council of Faculty and Academic Societies Overview CFAS 2015 Milestones Plenary Session Summaries CFAS Programming Summaries

2 CFAS at AAMC Annual Meeting About 121 CFAS Society and Medical School faculty reps attended the 2015 AAMC Annual Meeting in Baltimore Nov. 6-10.  CFAS Business Meeting  CFAS Knowledge Sharing Session  CFAS/GDI/ORR Joint Reception  Dozens of sessions directly related to faculty in academic medicine  Joint Leadership Presentations for COD/COTH/CFAS  CFAS Networking Breakfast Programming included:

3 CFAS Milestones and Accomplishments Leadership transition  Vincent Pellegrini, MD, is CFAS chair; Scott Gitlin, MD, is chair-elect, Rosemarie Fisher, MD, is immediate past chair, and Kathleen Nelson, MD, transitions off the CFAS Administrative Board CFAS Membership Overview  130 society reps  108 junior faculty medical school reps  115 senior faculty medical school reps  Created new content area system based on CFAS reps’ interests  CFAS was a major contributor to Optimizing GME Initiative in 2015  Added CFAS brochure, rep guide to website  Total reps: 353 (41% women)  Chairs/vice chairs: 89 (22% women)  Ad board: 8 men, 7 women society reps, 5 basic science reps  Launched CFAS Rep Update newsletter and CFAS listserv  Progress in defining faculty initiative Accomplishments in 2015

4 Annual Meeting Plenary Sessions Chair of the AAMC Board of Directors, Peter Slavin, MD, and AAMC President and CEO, Darrell G. Kirch, MD, discussed the changing landscape for academic medicine Steven Brill and Steven Lipstein, MD, discussed America’s Bitter Pill: Money, Politics, Backroom Deals, and the Fight to Fix our Broken Healthcare System A Conversation With Steven Brill: America’s Bitter Pill The Art and Science of Leadership Robert Laskowski, MD, MBA, and Amy Gutman, president of the University of Pennsylvania, discussed important values for leaders Eugene Robinson reflected on health inequities and the promising signs of a deeper conversation over societal inequalities in general Social Justice: Race, Health, Education and Culture AAMC Leadership Session

5 CFAS Administrative Board Meeting  How information will percolate up to the ad board from committees and working groups  Enhancing communication/coordination with other councils (COTH and COD) – possibly by using common theme of resilience  Structure and mission alignment of committees and working groups  CFAS’s position as a conduit to the AAMC Board of Directors  Setting concrete expectations for communication back to reps’ institutions  Growing and enhancing CFAS rep community by brining in more societies and appointing reps from eligible medical schools Major Topics of Conversation

6 Joint Leadership Presentations for COD/COTH/CFAS Dr. Scott Gitlin will represent CFAS on the AAMC board Distinguished Service Award presented to Dr. Kathleen Nelson Dr. Darrell G. Kirch presented an overview of the academic medicine landscape:  Rise of retail health care (Walgreens, CVS, etc.)  Determining mergers/acquisitions impact on medical schools  Looming health care workforce shortage  Holistic admissions and Fisher II at Supreme Court  Resident application management Dr. Atul Grover presented a policy update:  Budget deal lifts sequester caps 2 years, paves way for NIH increase, but may cut Medicare payments to hospitals  House proposal to eliminate AHRQ funding  House passed 21 st Century Cures with mandatory NIH funding but Senate bill lacks mandatory funding – increase for NIH regardless

7 CFAS Business Meeting Two priorities for Ad Board: 1) articulate content areas so information flows up to ad board and 2) develop membership category for reps who’s terms have expired but still want to benefit from CFAS programming Discussed upcoming Spring Meeting Honored Dr. Ann Bonham and Dr. Kathleen Nelson for their service Committees and working groups  Basic Science working group addressing how we sustain research enterprise  Defining Faculty work group developing a comprehensive definition of faculty  Mission Alignment/Impact of Faculty work group working on governance structures of academic health centers  Advocacy Task Force focuses on NIH, NSF funding support and GME  Nomination Committee looks at rotating and tracking current members and engaging former members

8 CFAS Knowledge Sharing Session Proposed limit on committee and working group assignments to one per person Create transparent guidelines for work of committee and working group members Distribute information broadly on the work of the committees and working groups, along with the work of the special work group on defining faculty Membership renewal process and efforts to get all medical schools to appoint CFAS reps Create understanding on the benefits of and contrasts between the AAMC annual meeting, CFAS spring meeting, and medical education meeting Increase awareness of and engagement with academic societies Key themes of the open discussion: What Matters to CFAS Reps  GME  Diversity and Inclusion  MCAT changes  Admissions policy  Residency Selection

9 Meeting Sessions Focused on Faculty So, Who Is Faculty? Checking In on an Interdisciplinary Approach to Find a Definitional Framework  Described the ongoing effort to define faculty in the midst of nation-wide health care consolidation. 100 people attended and actively participated The AAMC Optimizing GME Initiative: Engaging in Conversations and Advancing Our Collective Work  Summarized recent progress of the initiative and brainstormed critical elements for an optimal medical education continuum Improving the Environment for (and the Lives of) Faculty Focused on GME  Discussed the portion of AAMC’s Optimizing GME Initiative that focuses on faculty


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