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What’s wrong in these pictures? How did they get this way? What needs to change?

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Presentation on theme: "What’s wrong in these pictures? How did they get this way? What needs to change?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s wrong in these pictures? How did they get this way? What needs to change?








9 SCENARIO 1 You live next door to an elderly couple. The rest of neighbor kids say that their house is haunted and make fun of the couple. You notice that their yard has not been taken care of in a long time. You introduce yourself to them and offer to help pull weeds and mow their yard. Is this an example of a good or a bad citizen? Why?

10 SCENARIO 2 Your family and friends were having a picnic at the park on a Sunday afternoon. All of the sudden the wind started blowing, and it looked like it would start raining at any minute. Everyone evacuated the park and did not clean up their messes from the picnic. Is this an example of good or bad citizens? Why?

11 SCENARIO 3 You found a new, sharp pencil on the floor under your desk. You know its not yours, but it looks just like a set of pencils that you have at home. Even though you need new pencils at school, you choose to return the pencil to its owner. Is this an example of a good or a bad citizen? Why?

12 SCENARIO 4 There is a new girl in your class at school. Her family just moved to Indiana from England. The other kids are making of her accent and keep repeating everything she says. You notice that the teasing is really starting to bother her. You choose not to participate but to standby and listen. Is this an example of a good or a bad citizen? Why?

13 SCENARIO 5 As soon as you get home from school, you see your mom chasing a dog around the yard. Once she catches it, you notice that the tags on its collar say that the dog belongs to a bully in the neighborhood. The dog is really sweet, and you have been asking your mom for a dog for a long time. How should you respond to be an example of a good citizen?

14 QUALITIES OF A GOOD CITIZEN  Obeys the law  Respects authority  Contributes to society and the community  Loves his/her country  Respects all nationalities  Believes in doing what is right  Stands up for the rights of others  Tries to serve others before himself/herself  Hardworker  Helpful  Willing to learn  Respects others and their possessions

15 MUSTANG MISSION I am proud to be an Allen Mustang. I know that I am here to learn. I am an important part of my classroom and school. I am responsible for my learning and my behavior. I will respect myself, others and their possessions. I believe in myself. We believe in each other. We are Allen Mustangs. We ride with P.R.I.D.E.

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