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Voice of God Through Dreams&Visions 1.We can Hear God’s Voice 2.God has a Language for YOU !!! 3.Interpreting Dreams & Visions in order to Prophecy 4.Prophetic.

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Presentation on theme: "Voice of God Through Dreams&Visions 1.We can Hear God’s Voice 2.God has a Language for YOU !!! 3.Interpreting Dreams & Visions in order to Prophecy 4.Prophetic."— Presentation transcript:

1 Voice of God Through Dreams&Visions 1.We can Hear God’s Voice 2.God has a Language for YOU !!! 3.Interpreting Dreams & Visions in order to Prophecy 4.Prophetic Terminology 5.Practical Session 1

2 We can Hear God’s Voice… 1.God created the Heavens and the Earth through WORDS. He is a Speaking God, and wants to communicate His message to us – ever since creation, and He hasn’t stopped !!! ( Gen 1, Heb 11:3, Joh 1:1, Isa 55:11 ) 2.God is a Personal God – He desires to talk to us and builds relationship with us - since the days of Adam & Eve ( Gen2&3 ) 3.In the Old Testament: God selected certain people that He could talk to & who would convey His message to others – like  Noah, Abraham, Moses, Joshua, David, Samuel, Elijah, etc… 4.These People were called Prophets or Seers in the Old Testament ( 1 Sam9:9, Heb 1:1 ) 5.God spoke to them either with an Audible Voice, or His Spirit would come UPON them for a period of time – and they would see visions (Isaiah & Jeremiah) and/or have dreams (like Daniel & Joseph), or even would have words bubbling up inside of them and they would just be moved to speak (like Isaiah & Nathan) ( 2 Pet 1:21 ) 6.2Pet 1:21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. 7.2Kings 3:14-16 And Elisha said, As the LORD of hosts liveth, before whom I stand, surely, were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, I would not look toward thee, nor see thee. But now bring me a minstrel. And it came to pass, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the LORD came upon him. And he said, Thus saith the LORD…. 8.But now today: God communicates to us through His Son – Jesus ( Luk 9:35, Heb1:2 ), His Holy Spirit and the Bible 9.Jesus had to die on the cross (rent the veil of Sinful Flesh – Which is the Carnal Mind) in order for us and God to reach each other again !! ( Heb 10:20 ) 10.Thus the way is now open for God to communicate with each and everyone of us through the Holy Spirit Living/Dwelling IN us – which comes from when we are Born Again and are Spirit Filled. ( Joh 3, Joh 14-16, Eff 2:22 ) Voice of God Through Dreams&Visions 2

3 God has a Language for you…!!! 1.God wants to Communicate with His children, thus He has a Language in which He communicates !! 2.We need to understand this Language, in order to be able to truly HEAR God’s Voice and to understand (have insight into) what He is trying to communicate to us. 3.God can speak to us in: – Visions, - Dreams, – Audibly, - Through Nature, – Impressions, - Discernment, – Supernatural Revelation, - Natural things (parables), – Love, - Internal Peace – as well as Conviction, etc… 4.Each of these points have to be interpreted differently. 5.The most common way for the Prophetic Messages is Visions, as well as words that bubble up within your spirit man. (eg Jeremiah, Zechariah vs Isaiah & Nathan) - ( eg: 2 Sam 7:4-17 ) 6.‘Cause God is WORD – and WORD SPEAKS ( Gen 1, Joh 1:1 ) 7.Godly Love and Compassion are keys to unlock the Prophetic Gifting ( 1 Cor 13 ) 8.But there are other ways too, like: – Praying, Worship, Studying the Bible etc. 9.THUS: Find the Pathway that works for you, but don’t let that hinder you in hearing from God in other ways too !! 10.Learn to TRUST GOD when He wants to Reveal new secrets / mysteries unto you. Be open for His ways and don’t run away or rebel like Jonah did ( Jonah 1:3, 4:9 ) Voice of God Through Dreams&Visions 3

4 1.God would normally start off with using a language that will fit into your frame of reference ( Jer 1:11-16 ) 2.But the more you grow and allowing for Him to expand more, He will start giving you images that you might not know or understand and have to seek for the full answer/meaning in different places – like the Scriptures or Books 3.But the best way is to wait on God to give you the layout Himself. Usually that will help you in Growing in Knowing His Voice and that will help you in Flowing in His Spirit 4.There are no hard and set rules, only endless possibilities and Interpretations. 5.God is the Giver of the Dreams and Visions through the holy Spirit, and He knows what He wants to communicate at that very moment !! (Rom 8:26-27) 6.Take His communications seriously. Make time and put in some effort to work with Him to move into the understanding. 7.Never think that you know it all. Then you will open a way for yourself to fall into traps very quickly. And it isn’t that easy to come out of it. 8.Remember – Character outweighs your Gifting – make sure you develop a Godly character in order for your words to carry “weight” when prophesying 9.Godly Characteristics – which is the Characteristics what is Keeping God Stable and Trustworthy too 10.If we want to represent God and His Word and His Will or carry His message, then we need to become more like Him. 11.A Godly character will allow us to endure the “race” of the ministry and to reach our final goal ( 1 Cor 9:23-27 ) 12.Character is mostly formed through:  Trials, Troubles, Tests, Tribulations, Temptations, Suffering & Hardships (Jam 1:2-4, Heb 5:8) 13.One’s life speaks louder than any prophecy. We are being “recognized” through the FRUIT we produce !!! (Mat 7:16-20, Gal 5:19-22, Jam 3, 1 Cor 13:1-2) Voice of God Through Dreams&Visions 4

5 Interpreting Dreams & Visions in order to Prophecy 1.Discernment is very important – Learn to discern in the Spirit and to understand the FLOW of the Holy Spirit. He tends to reveal secrets from the deepest places in the heart of man. 2.Dreams and Visions are coming to us in “symbolism”, and we need to be able to interpret that symbolism. 3.Like Jesus spoke in Parables – using an example of an every day situation, to describe the message whatever He was trying to bring across to the people. 4.The bible is full of these symbols – like: a Dove, Water, Fire, Light, Leven, Mustard seed, Bread, Wine, Oil, etc. 5.BUT: it doesn’t stop there. We have things today that didn’t exist in bible times, like Cars, Busses, Balloons, Computers, Sports elements (like, Golf, Tennis), etc. And God can use these symbols today too to convey a message to His listeners. And we need to know what these things mean as well when we receive them in a vision or a dream… 6.NOTE: Dreams is mostly for ourselves, cause that is the times when we are most quiet, and our spirit gets a chance to listen to God without any interruptions. 7.But, never Limit God to this only… He can give you dreams of the Future, for someone else, as a warning, etc...etc… 8.Whereas Visions are mostly for other people – but also – don’t Limit God here either – as Visions can be for ourselves too. 9.Don’t ever limit God !!! 10.Sometimes Prophecy will start with a Word of Knowledge about a person. 11.Most people then normally stops there, and just says: “I see this…” and don’t carry on from there. 12.This isn’t very helpful to the person you are talking to, or wanting to prophecy too. You need to then wait and hear from God what to say thereafter. 13.It is a step of faith to start speaking about what you see, but then don’t move away, until the rest follows...!!! 14.WARNING: Be careful that a prophetic word is not influenced by expectations of man. Voice of God Through Dreams&Visions 5

6 1.Remember – Prophecy – is to “Tell Forth” that which is to come – like an answer to a question, or a direction, or bring Healing, etc. 2.Word of Knowledge – is just stating what the person already knows – it is just so that you can let the person know that God is noticing the person. 3.But with getting the person’s attention, God then also wants to minister to the person, through giving direction, answers, or bring Healing etc… that they would need or are waiting for etc....!!! 4.When you receive a Prophecy – in most cases it will be a confirmation of what God placed in your heart already. 5.Prophecy is mostly 2 nd Hand – as it should be a confirmation of what they already knows and to inspire them to continue further etc.. 6.BUT: Prophecy can be something NEW God is planning for a person, but which they just haven’t been able to hear from God for themselves as yet (perhaps because of a lack of faith…) – and then God wants to bring their attention to that area specifically… 7.Prophecy is there to carry you or give you direction like a light in a dark tunnel. Don’t try to make it come true. Just work with God and allow Him to guide and lead you. Pray it through… 8.Be not afraid of prophecy. Desire it – for in it we can know the future !! 9.Prophecy is also timeless. God’s timing isn’t our timing, and He KNOWS all things. 10.We have a choice in Prophecy given to us at all times - We can choose whether we want to accept it, or even reject it, and life could go the exact opposite than what the prophecy said. All through choices that we make. 11.NOTE: If Prophecy is causing a feeling of FEAR or Condemnation, then question it !!! God doesn’t bring Fear, but rather Love, Direction and Hope ( 2 Tim 1:7, 1 Cor 14 ) Voice of God Through Dreams&Visions 6

7 1.Let’s look at some symbols that you can see and how to interpret them: a)Colours : i.White (purity, innocence, snow, manna), ii.Black (Clouded skies, Darkness, negative forces & influences, Could indicate Authority too), iii.Red (Blood of Jesus, Wine), iv.Green (Growth, New Beginnings, Nature, developing Maturity) v.Silver (Purification, Redemption) vi.Purple (Authority, Royalty) vii.Gold (Richness, Glory of God, Honor & Praise) viii.Yellow – Loyalty, Jealousy, Gold, Sun, Wisdom b)Numbers: i.1 – Unity, Togetherness2 – Promises, agreement & sharing ii.3 – Trinity, Resurrection, Harmony, Agreement5 – Grace, Favor iii.7 – Perfection, Final, Complete8 – New Beginnings iv.10 – Fullness, Law, 12 – Divine Power / Government, Authority, Permanent, Establishment v.40 – Completion of a Cycle c)Animals: i.Horse – Power – depending on the color of it ii.Donkey – Stubborn, serving, humble iii.Ox – Serving, servanthood iv.Snake / Serpent - Devil, Satan, Deception v.Dog – Worship (licking your hand), could be a symbol of someone that needs to be continually confirmed. If not treated well, he/she will leave you vi.Dove – Holy Spirit, Gentleness, Someone that has no bitterness vii.Frog – Arrogance, Pretends to be in control viii.Green Frog – Can speak of Prophetic Misleading (hearing) – and lies, in the area of Finances and Worship ix.Pig – Person who has lost or given up responsibility for his own spiritual Food & Growth x.Scorpions – demons, demonic forces xi.Fish – Christian xii.Bird – Messenger xiii.Eagle – Prophetic Ministry xiv.Lion – Apostolic Ministry xv.Lamb – Jesus, Gentleness, Humbleness xvi.Shepherds Rod – Ministry of a Pastor d)Stones – Could indicate the Law (Mat 4:4, Luk 11:1-13) e)Sand – People f)Miry Clay – Stuck in sinful nature g)Swamp – Stuck in Worldly troubles h)Quick Sand / Sinking Sand – Getting pulled into something wrong i)Dark Hole - Depression Voice of God Through Dreams&Visions 7

8 a)Body Parts: i.Eyes – Vision, what are the eye looking at, or seeing… ii.Nose - Smelling iii.Ears – for Hearing iv.Legs – Standing strong, or are weak v.Feet – Walking, Beautiful are the Feet of them that brings the good tidings (Isa 52:7) vi.Bare Feet – Signify rest & Peace as well as that God is in Control, but could also mean lack of involvement and a passive attitude vii.Mud on Feet – Person that is mixing with worldly people, or relationships with wrong people b)Flowers i.Lots of flowers – could stand for Worship ii.Sun Flower – Head should be turned to God, Seeds implies oil iii.Rose – Bloom, look at the stage of the rose: Rose bud (closed up or not yet ready to bloom), vs. is it Open, or is it Withered? iv.Tree – Human Nature (eg Willow Tree is a sad person – weeping, and a Cedar Tree is a Righteous Person - Upright) c)Gem Stones i.Ruby – Red, Blood ii.Emerald - Green iii.Pearl – Kingdom of God iv.Diamonds – Raw vs Formed into shape, Dull vs Shining i.Could show characters that are formed through Life d)Fruit – Like Fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5:21-22) i.Apple – Look at the color – Like Red = Loving Kindness ii.Banana – Indicate Fruit all year round, Yellow, Ripe, Green iii.Lemons / Lime – Long Suffering, Hardship, Bitterness iv.Peaches/Apricots – Love, Gentleness, Tenderness, First Fruits of the season, can be associated with the revelations we receive in the beginning of a season, or First fruits of Repentance, preparation for a coming season v.Pineapple – Humility e)People: i.Baby – New Ministry ii.Naked Person – Exposure, Guilt, Embarrassment iii.Half Clothed – Partial Obedience iv.Woman giving Birth – someone giving birth to something new – like a new Ministry v.Child – Humbleness, Innocence, Receiving the Kingdom like a child (Faith) vi.Hands lifted up - Worship vii.Balloons - Relationships f)Sport: i.Golf – Game of Life ii.Scoring a Goal – To Reach your Goal iii.The Ball is in your Court – You have a decision to make iv.Wrestling – Battles in the Spirit v.Swimming – Flowing in the Holy Spirit vi.Exercises – Exercising your Faith Voice of God Through Dreams&Visions 8

9 a)Vehicles – Indicating Ministry in general i.Ship – The Church, or a Big Company ii.Motor Car – Ministries – type of Car will indicate the type of ministry iii.School Bus = Children’s Ministry iv.Racing Car = Someone that moves very quickly – Like an Evangelist v.Bicycle – Self driven Ministry vi.Air Balloon – International Ministry, Secret Agent vii.Airplane – Taking off or Landing – implies starting or coming to an end viii.War Airplane – Spiritual Warfare ix.Rocket - Apostolic Ministry, or something taking off fast, Getting Launched x.Train Station – Central point of destiny xi.Ambulance – Healing Ministry xii.Police Car – Justice xiii.Wheel – Movement of God xiv.Fire Truck – Ministry of God’s Fire / Revivalist xv.4x4 vehicles – Missionary type ministry b)Food: i.Boiling Pot – Someone that Boils over with Joy, Laughter, or Anger ii.Wheat or Corn – Harvest iii.Bread – The Word – being Fed, Communion iv.Wine – Holy Spirit – Joy v.Egg – Fruits of the Holy Spirit vi.Olive Oil – Anointing vii.Milk – Young/ Un-skilled in the Word of God viii.Meat / Solid Food – trained in the Word ix.Honey – Sweetness of the Word c)A Scepter - Righteousness, or Justice will be enforced d)Torch & a Sickle - Ministry of Evangelist (Torch  Fire, Revival & Sickle  To Harvest Souls) 2.Hints what to look for in the vision: - Give attention to Detail - like: Direction, Color, Left or Right, In the Back or in the Front, etc - Conformed to Scripture, or Confirmed by Scripture - Is it moving away, or is it coming back - Face – is it towards you, sideways, or turned away, or head hanging, Facial Expressions (sad, smile, crying, etc) -Number of Objects -What stands out & what is hidden (obvious) Voice of God Through Dreams&Visions 9

10 Prophetic Terminology 1.God’s way of thinking and Talking – God’s “time” Terminology differs considerably from ours – God is never in a hurry – but He is always on time – And He seems to always be taking longer than what we think He should – Be patient and wait on God’s timing – Chronos (calendar time) vs Chairos (Specific moment in time) – God sometimes uses people to cause us to learn to wait on Him: Eg: Jesus - Lazarus being sick and then died – Joh 11 And Samuel – where Saul had to wait on Samuel – 1 Sam 13-18 2.Prophetic Time Talk is Different – “Suddenly” or “Immediately” – actually means that a long time of preparation sometimes preceded a specific moment of sudden manifestation – “NOW” or “THIS DAY” – this isn’t always manifesting like in tomorrow or this coming week. It could take up to a year or 2 before it comes to pass. But it normally means in a very short period of time – THUS: Immediately normally means – from 1 day up to 3 years Very soon could mean anything from 1 to 10 years Now, or This Day – could mean 1 to 40 years I WILL without a time designation means God will act sometime in a person’s life if he is obedient. You can’t haste it. But be certain – it will happen !! (Abraham had to wait till he was 100 years old, before Isaac was born) Soon or Quickly – was the term Jesus used to describe the Time of His return – almost 2000 years ago!! 3.Prophetic Implication by Certain Words, means that certain processes could accompany these terms, in order to bring them to fulfillment: – Patience – Rom 5:3, Jam 1:3 – Tribulation is the soil in which Patience Grows – Wisdom – Problems and situations might arise which is beyond our capacity to solve, in order to LEARN and DRAW from God’s Wisdom – Faith – Sometimes the soil of the fruit of Faith, is life on the Brink of disaster in need of a miracle – Great Harvest – Implies Great Sowing first, in very difficult circumstances (see Isaac in Gen 26) – etc… ***** A M E N ***** Voice of God Through Dreams&Visions 10

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