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Media Timeline / Categories

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1 Media Timeline / Categories

2 Early Media Prehistoric – Example cave paintings (35,000 BC)
Oral Tradition – Example Native Stories Scribal Culture – Ancient Egypt 3,000 BC (Hieroglyphics, Papyrus) Paper – China 200 BC Biblical Scribes BC

3 Print Media 1440 Printing Press – Print and Publication
(Bible… then others) Journalism… books, newspapers, etc photography Advertising Comics

4 Electrical Media Telegraphy – Communication with coded signals (1800’s) Telephony – Sounds between widely connected points (1870’s telephone) Sound recording

5 Mass Media Radio TV Film

6 Digital Computing Computing 1980’s 1990’s Internet 1995

7 Personal Portable Media
Beginning in 2004… Often driven by satellite devices Ipods, cell phones, text messages, Black Berry, GPS

8 Multi Media is fast paced and changing
1988 – Electric typewriters are a LUXURY 1992 – Most people typed Computers started to be used, but ran on DOS platform 1994 – Windows just introduced 1996 – Internet available for personal use Computer may cost up to $2000 with a 1 GIG hard drive and 8 MB of RAM 1997- Cell phones large and very expensive.

9 1998 – GPS used only in theory
Digital Cameras large with floppy disk drives. Poor quality 2000 – CD Discmans 2004 – Cell Phones (not that popular still…) 2008 – Ipods (for music), digital cameras, USB drives …..Social Media… Facebook, Blogs, Twitter Ipads…. More every day

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