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N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F I N T E R C O L L E G I A T E A T H L E T I C S Exception to a Standing Rule.

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2 N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F I N T E R C O L L E G I A T E A T H L E T I C S Exception to a Standing Rule

3 N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F I N T E R C O L L E G I A T E A T H L E T I C S  Requesting an exception to a standing rule allows an NAIA institution to seek an exception to an NAIA rule or policy in exceptional circumstances.  There are not enumerated minimum grounds that must be satisfied for an institution to request an exception. An institution may submit a request if it feels that the circumstances call for a departure from regulations established by the membership  An exception to a standing rule grants an institution a one-time exception to a rule. Exception to a Standing Rule: Overview

4 N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F I N T E R C O L L E G I A T E A T H L E T I C S  An institution decided to pursue an exceptional ruling and creates an information packet with the pertinent information included.  The institution sends the request to their conference eligibility chair to be reviewed by the conference eligibility committee and for a denial or approval recommendation of the request to be made.  The request will be sent to the National Office and forwarded to the National Eligibility Committee along with the conference recommendation.  The NEC will review all information and make a final determination.  A letter will be sent to the president, athletics director and faculty athletics representative of the requesting institution detailing the committee’s determination. Exception to a Standing Rule: Process

5 N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F I N T E R C O L L E G I A T E A T H L E T I C S  Required Items:  NAIA Exception to a Standard Rule Form, available herehere  All transcripts for any student involved (unofficial transcripts are acceptable)  Additional Items:  Personal narratives by individuals involved  Documentation that verifies central details of the exception request  This is a broad process that can be applied to nearly any category of NAIA legislation, thus particular request determines what information will be necessary or relevant. Exception to a Standing Rule: Creating an Exception Request

6 N A T I O N A L A S S O C I A T I O N O F I N T E R C O L L E G I A T E A T H L E T I C S Contact Legislative services Hotline: 816-595-8180 Or Email: Questions?

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