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Computers of the Future BY: Duncan Lippincott Ethan Mcwhirter Howard Lue Austin Inclema.

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Presentation on theme: "Computers of the Future BY: Duncan Lippincott Ethan Mcwhirter Howard Lue Austin Inclema."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computers of the Future BY: Duncan Lippincott Ethan Mcwhirter Howard Lue Austin Inclema

2 Intro We are doing the fifth generation of computers. They are ideas about future computers We are looking up Moore’s Law Artificial Intelligence DNA computers Quantum computers Optical computers

3 At this time Here are some guess of the future Computers over run humans Hovercraft No president

4 DNA computers Perform 330 trillion operations per second 100,000 times faster than a regular PC. They run of DNA instead of silicon microchips

5 Moore's law Long trend in computer history It is basically about a new step in computer history. “ Moore’s Law states that the number of transistors on a chip will double about every 2 years.”

6 Artificial intelligence More security Computers that think on their own When they detect frauds the call systems that tells them there is a problem

7 Optical computers Made from frozen light Ultra cold atoms

8 Impact of Computers Thinking on their own There will be a war between computers and humans.

9 Important facts DNA computers are 100,000 times faster then a regular PC. Then computers can think on their own Detect frauds and then call an alert system

10 Biblography Http:// e Http:// e Http:// Http:// /0224_030224_DNAcomputer.html Http:// /0224_030224_DNAcomputer.html Http://

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