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Synchronicity Introduction to Operating Systems: Module 5.

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1 Synchronicity Introduction to Operating Systems: Module 5

2 Process (and thread) cooperation u Why processes cooperate  Modularity  breaking up a system into several sub-systems Example: an interrupt handler and the appropriate device driver which need to communicate  Convenience  users might want several processes to share data  Speedup  a single program is run as several processes sharing information

3 Communication abstraction u Developed to reason about communication u Producers and Consumers  Producer produces a piece of information into a buffer  Consumer uses it, removing it u Typical of system “principles”  developed to deal with  general “phenomena”  ease of arguing correctness formally

4 Bounded buffer u Given a shared array of items, how to allow one process to write to the buffer without interfering with a second reader process  Must generalize to n readers, m writers u Implementation given below  buffer: array of size N  buffer pointers nextin and nextout  empty buffer: nextin == nextout  capacity of buffer  N-1 items u Question: how to store N items?

5 A solution for bounded buffers Shared (initialization) itemType nextin = nextout = 1; itemType buffer[n]; Producer repeat{ produce an item in temp; while ((nextin +1) mod n == nextout); buffer[nextin] = temp; nextin = (nextin + 1) mod n; }until false;

6 A solution for bounded buffers Consumer repeat{ while (nextin == nextout); tempout = buffer[nextout]; nextout = (nextout + 1) mod n; consume the item in tempout; } until false;

7 Using counters Shared (Initialization) int counter = 0; int nextin = 0, nextout = 0; Producer repeat{ produce an item in tempin; while (counter == n); buffer[nextin] = tempin; nextin = (nextin + 1) mod n; counter = counter +1; } until false;

8 Using counters Consumer repeat{ while (counter == 0); tempout = buffer[nextout]; nextout = (nextout + 1) mod n; counter = counter - 1; consume the item in tempout; }until false;

9 What is wrong? u Note the variable “counter” and the statements counter = counter +1; counter = counter -1; u The producer and consumer can be executing asynchronously due to multiprogramming, and can be interrupted while executing above code u These are two independent code streams  they can be interleaved

10 Increment/decrement  Each of increment and decrement are actually implemented as a series of machine instructions on the underlying hardware platform (processor) PRODUCER INCREMENTS register1 := counter register1 := register1+1 counter := register1 CONSUMER DECREMENTS register2 := counter register2 := register2-1 counter := register2

11 An interleaving u Consider counter = 5; a producer is followed by a consumer u Would expect counter = 5 at end u However, with the interleaving P1: register1 := counter P2: register1 := register1+1 C1: register2 := counter C2: register2 := register2-1 P3: counter := register1 C3: counter := register2 u counter has a value of 6 after P3 but a value of 4 after C3

12 The problem: race condition u The problem occurs because increment and decrement are not atomic u The ambiguity of the code containing these operations is sometimes referred to as creating a race condition

13 Atomic operations u Two or more operations are executed atomically if the result of their execution is equivalent to that of some serial order of execution u Operations which are always executed atomically are called atomic  read or write a word from/to memory  bit-wise or of the contents of 2 registers

14 Solution: mutual exclusion u At a high level  The producer and consumer processes  need to synchronize so that they do not access shared variables at the same time  This is called mutual exclusion  the shared and critical variables can be accessed one process at a time  Access must be serialized  even if the processes attempt concurrent access as in the previous example

15 Critical-sections u The portion of a program which requires exclusive access to some shared resource is called a critical section u Critical sections are written as  Entry section  Setting up mutual exclusion  “locking the door”  Critical section code  Work with shared resources  Exit section  “unlock the door”

16 Critical section implementation  The entry section controls access to make sure no more than one process P i gets to access the critical section at any given time  acts as a guard  The exit section does bookkeeping to make sure that other processes that are waiting know that Pi has exited  We will see two examples via flags for realizing mutual exclusion on critical sections between a pair of processes

17 Mutual exclusion via flags u The algorithm uses a Boolean array Flag  shared data Flag[0] = Flag[1] = false;  P i executes Flag[i] = true; While (Flag[j]); CRITICAL SECTION Flag[i] = false;  and analogous for P j

18 Mutual exclusion via turns u The algorithm uses an integer turn  shared data turn = 0;  P i executes while (turn==j); CRITICAL SECTION turn = j;  and analogous for P j

19 Criteria for correctness 1. Only one process at a time is allowed in the critical section for a resource 2. A process that halts in its non-critical section must do so without interfering with other processes 3. No deadlock or starvation

20 Criteria for correctness 4. A process must not be delayed access to a critical section when there is no other process using it 5. No assumptions are made about relative process speeds or number of processes 6. A process remains inside its critical section for a finite time only

21 Turn counter & flags u While providing mutual exclusion, neither approach guarantees correctness u Turn counter  one process terminates, never enters critical section  violates [2] u Flag  both flags could be set to true  violates [4]

22 Petersen’s algorithm u combines the previous two ideas u preserving all conditions flag[i] = true; turn = j; while ( flag[j] and ( turn == j )); flag[i] = false;

23 Bakery algorithm  The processes ask for a ticket from an agent and get an integer valued ticket  They then wait till all processes with smaller ticket values have finished going through the critical region  There can be ties in which case, PIDs are used to break them by letting the process with the smaller PID go first  Leads to a FCFS prioritizing strategy  The algorithm is akin to taking a ticket and waiting for a turn in a bakery and is called the bakery algorithm

24 Getting a ticket  We will use the function max to get the next ticket  1 + max (other tickets)  Breaking ties  Lexicographic ordering of pairs of integers  Given integers a, b, c, d, the pair (a,b) < (c, d) if and only (a < c) or (a = c and b < d)

25 Implementing the bakery algorithm  We use two data structures, arrays of size n  choosing: a Boolean array initialized to false  ticket: an array of integers initialized to zero  Process Pi executes  get_ticket(i)  entry-section  critical section  exit-section ticket[i] = 0 //0 is used to denote no ticket

26 Getting a ticket  Process Pi declares that it wants to choose a ticket by setting choosing[i] to be true  It assigns ticket[i] a value that is one more than max of the tickets of all the processes  Pi resets choosing[i] to false

27 Entry-section  Pi checks and see of any P j from the remaining n-1 processes are waiting for a ticket.  If yes, wait This is because P j might have requested a ticket concurrently and might get the same ticket value as P i 's; prepare for the worst case  If no proceed  Check the remaining processes for a P j such that  ticket[j] is non-zero, and (ticket[j], j) < (ticket[i], i)  Wait till this condition is false

28 Hardware support u Primitives  atomic operations: hardware instructions u Criterion for choosing primitives:  universality, i.e., being able to build arbitrary functionality (e.g. mutual exclusion, etc.) from simpler units  minimizing scope  don’t want to stop interrupts for whole critical sections

29 Classical hardware primitives u Test&Set bool testNset(bool& flag){ bool temp = flag; flag = true; return temp; } u Swap void swap(int& source, int& target){ int temp = target; target = source; source = temp; }

30 Critical section solutions u So far Bakery algorithm Hardware primitives u Drawbacks  Does not solve general synchronization problem critical section solved what about rendezvous, limited capacity section? multiple processors  Involves “busy-waiting” spinlock wastes CPU cycles Looking for more easily coded solution

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