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ASHLEY PETTIT UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS Life Cycle of a Butterfly LTEC 4100 February 20, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "ASHLEY PETTIT UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS Life Cycle of a Butterfly LTEC 4100 February 20, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASHLEY PETTIT UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS Life Cycle of a Butterfly LTEC 4100 February 20, 2010

2 TEKS §112.3. Science, Grade 1. (7) Science concepts. The student knows that many types of change occur. The student is expected to:  (D) observe and record changes in the life cycle of organisms.

3 1st grade This lesson is aimed for a general 1 st grade classroom. The classroom will contain all different students. Some might be bilingual, gifted and talented or may be a little behind and need extra assistance.

4 The Life Cycle of a Butterfly: A General Overview

5 Life Cycle Continued 1 st stage: Egg  The egg is attached to a surface, normally a leaf or stem, by the female.  It is very small and round. 2 nd stage: Caterpillar (larva)  This is the stage where it eats and grows larger.  As it grows, it sheds it’s skin about 4 times.

6 Life Cycle Continued 3 rd stage: Cocoon (chrysalis)  This is the transformation stage, in which the adult structures are formed. 4 th stage: Adult Butterfly  This is when the beautiful butterfly emerges.  It is also when they can reproduce and lay eggs.

7 Learning Objectives The student will be able to:  Identify the 4 stages of the life cycle of a butterfly  Create a booklet of the butterfly’s life cycle  Explain the 4 stages of the life cycle of a butterfly  Compare and contrast a bird to a butterfly

8 Bloom’s Taxonomy Objectives Remembering:  The students will have to recall and memorize the 4 stages of the butterfly’s life cycle. Understanding:  The students will identify each stage by looking at different pictures of each. Applying:  The students will illustrate the life cycle in their booklet. Analyzing:  The students will compare and contrast the butterfly’s life cycle to a bird’s life cycle.

9 Bloom’s Taxonomy Objectives Continued Evaluating:  The students will be evaluated through a test I will provide them on each stage of the butterfly’s life. Creating:  The students will create and design a booklet about the life cycle of a butterfly.

10 Materials The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle PowerPoint presentation about the life cycle of a butterfly White construction paper Markers, crayons, colored pencils Glue Pastina (pasta shaped as a bead) Curly pasta Shell pasta Bow tie pasta

11 Learning Activities I will begin the lesson by reading the book, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and then discussing it with the students. As a class, we will then compare and contrast a butterfly to a bird using a Venn Diagram on the board.  For example, they can both fly but one is an insect and one is a bird. We will then discuss each one of the four stages in detail through a PowerPoint presentation I had created.

12 Learning Activities Continued After we have finished the PowerPoint, we will return to our Venn Diagram and add some new information.  For example, they both start out as eggs and then mature into the next stage. I will then provide the materials to create small books about a life cycle of a butterfly.  The book should include each pasta to represent each stage along with 3 to 4 sentences describing the stage in detail and illustrations.  Pastas: Pastina (pasta shaped as a bead)=egg Curly pasta=caterpillar/larva Shell pasta=cocoon/pupa Bow tie pasta=adult butterfly

13 Learning Activities Continued Once everyone has finished their books, we will do an overview of the life cycle of a butterfly and I will answer any questions the students have. I will then pass out a test on the life cycle of a butterfly and have the children complete it.

14 Evaluation I will evaluate my students through the entire lesson. I will ask questions throughout our discussions to see if they are comprehending the information I am providing them. I will then evaluate them by grading their booklets and their quizzes.

15 Reference and Credit LifeCycleOfAButterflyK1.htm# LifeCycleOfAButterflyK1.htm# _taxonomy.htm _taxonomy.htm

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