LHC Sector Test Mike Lamont. LHC sector test - MAC June 072 14/6/2007 Outline Overview Motivation Pre-requisites/preparation Tests with beam Organisation.

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Presentation on theme: "LHC Sector Test Mike Lamont. LHC sector test - MAC June 072 14/6/2007 Outline Overview Motivation Pre-requisites/preparation Tests with beam Organisation."— Presentation transcript:

1 LHC Sector Test Mike Lamont

2 LHC sector test - MAC June 072 14/6/2007 Outline Overview Motivation Pre-requisites/preparation Tests with beam Organisation Conclusions

3 LHC sector test - MAC June 073 14/6/2007 TI8 – injection L8 – LHCb - arc 7-8 – IR7 2 weeks with beam Close sectors 8-1, 7-8 and 6-7 Beam  Pilot Beam for the most part: single bunch of 5 - 10 x 10 9 protons  Total intensity: 3 x 10 13 protons - comparable with one nominal intensity LHC extraction from the SPS TI8 – injection L8 – LHCb - arc 7-8 – IR7 2 weeks with beam Close sectors 8-1, 7-8 and 6-7 Beam  Pilot Beam for the most part: single bunch of 5 - 10 x 10 9 protons  Total intensity: 3 x 10 13 protons - comparable with one nominal intensity LHC extraction from the SPS Overview…

4 LHC sector test - MAC June 074 14/6/2007 Injection

5 LHC sector test - MAC June 075 14/6/2007 Triplets & LHCb Aiming for minimal losses in LHCb

6 LHC sector test - MAC June 076 14/6/2007 Sector 7-8 X 23

7 LHC sector test - MAC June 077 14/6/2007 IR7 layout 1. Intercept the beam with the three TCP’s and with the TCSG’s 2. Invert the polarity of D3 3. Switch OFF all the quadrupoles Nominal orbit D3 OFF D3 inverted Stefano Raedelli Ralph Assmann

8 LHC sector test - MAC June 078 14/6/2007 Intercepting the beam with the TCP’s

9 LHC sector test - MAC June 079 14/6/2007 IR7 Three TCPs closed “smartly”, D3 in opposite polarity, quadrupoles off  All beam particles interact with >1m of C (typical=1.8m; max=3m)  Additional protection from the next secondary collimators EM showers are expected to be absorbed by MBW and MQW yokes (no issues for magnet). Detailed estimates should confirm that. Minimum impact on the machine: - D3 polarity change (cable). - Lock collimators in position - Local activation - simulations to be performed.

10 Motivation

11 LHC sector test - MAC June 0711 14/6/2007 Integration Full test of a majority of subsystems over more than one eighth of the ring Allows staged approach to the full problem space Time to fully resolve problems before the real thing  Analysis, improvements, resolution, adjustment The lessons learnt will reduce the time needed for full commissioning Buys breathing space if there are any serious problems

12 LHC sector test - MAC June 0712 14/6/2007 Integration & commission with beam: Full-blown system wide integration test

13 LHC sector test - MAC June 0713 14/6/2007 Beam – the ultimate diagnostic Polarity of magnetic elements Aperture in the cold machine Response of key beam instrumentation Magnet field quality "What like a bullet can undeceive?" Herman Melville

14 LHC sector test - MAC June 0714 14/6/2007 Milestone Machine Protection Controls++ Magnets (model etc.) Beam Instrumentation BT: Kickers, Septa, TDI Collimation Radiation Protection Access Operations Hardware Commissioning

15 Required circuits

16 LHC sector test - MAC June 0716 14/6/2007 IR8 RQ5.R8Q5 quadrupole RQ4.R8Q4 quadrupole RD2.R8D2 recombination dipole RD1.R8D1 recombination dipole RQX.R8Inner triplet RQX.L8Inner triplet RD1.L8D1 recombination dipole RD2.L8D2 recombination dipole RQ4.L8Q4 quadrupole RQ5.L8Q5 quadrupole RQ6.L8MQM MQML Plus dipole correctors

17 LHC sector test - MAC June 0717 14/6/2007 DS left IP8 RQ7.L82*MQM RQ8.L8MQML RQ9.L8MQM MQMC RQ10.L8MQML RQTL11.L8B2MQTLI RQT12.L8B2MQT RQT13.L8B2MQT Plus dipole correctors Item: Two lips, indifferent red Item: Two grey eyes with lids to them Item: One neck, one chin, and so forth.

18 LHC sector test - MAC June 0718 14/6/2007 Circuits Number of circuits Priority Main bendsMBRB.A7811 Main quadsMQRQF, RQD21 Skew quadsMQSRQS [B2]11 Trim quadsMQTRQTF,RQTD [B2]21 Orbit correctorsMCBRCB [B2]23 H & 24 V1 Lattice sextupolesMSRSF,RSD [B2]42 Lattice octupolesMOROD, ROF [B2]13 Skew sextupolesMSSRSS [B2]13 b3 spoolMCSRCS [B2]13 b4 spoolMCORCO [B2]13 b5 spoolMCDRCD [B2]13 Arc 7-8

19 LHC sector test - MAC June 0719 14/6/2007 DS/LSS - right of 7 RQT13.R7B2QT RQT12.R7B2QT RQTL11.R7B2QTLI RQTL10.R7B2QTLI RQTL9.R7B2QTLI RQTL8.R7B2QTLI RQTL7.R7B2QTLI RQ6.R7B26* QTLH Q7,Q8,Q10,Q11: one MQTL alongside the MQ quadrupole Q9: two MQTLs Plus dipole correctors

20 LHC sector test - MAC June 0720 14/6/2007 Required circuits To get beam through sector 78, the main circuits listed above are required to be commissioned to 450 GeV. For limited recycling, it would be preferable for listed circuits to be available to, say, the equivalent 1 TeV level. Beam 2 Circuits only Circuits commissioned to 450 GeV+ only

21 LHC sector test - MAC June 0721 14/6/2007 Other systems Injection elements: septa, kickers Collimators Machine Protection Beam Instrumentation:  BPMs, BLMs, BTV, BCT, BST Magnet Model:  Transfer functions, harmonics Controls Software/tools Access system Radiation Protection Radiation Monitoring Optics, aperture model Sector Test is another progressive milestone to be used for testing key functionality Work in progress but most of this is in good shape. Effort in these areas is essentially orthogonal to HWC.

22 LHC sector test - MAC June 0722 14/6/2007 Access Sector 6-7.  Interlocked gate right of IP 6 Point 7 (PM76)  Access system operational. Point 8 (PM85)  Access point fully operational. PZ85  Interlocked door in shielding wall Sector 1-8:  Interlocked gate left of IP 1 Sector 6-7.  Interlocked gate right of IP 6 Point 7 (PM76)  Access system operational. Point 8 (PM85)  Access point fully operational. PZ85  Interlocked door in shielding wall Sector 1-8:  Interlocked gate left of IP 1 Final Configuration

23 LHC sector test - MAC June 0723 14/6/2007 Radiation Protection All major installation will have finished and access to the zones affected after the test will be limited. Dose maps for collimators in IR7 to be carefully evaluated. Given analysis, and measurements during and after the test, it is envisaged that:  Certain areas might be declared controlled areas for the first few days after the test;  Thereafter these areas would join the rest of the sectors involved as supervised areas  LHCb remains an undesignated area Traceability restrictions come into force Need for additional RP instrumentation to be evaluated. Work in progress. NB amount of beam is minimal.

24 Beam

25 LHC sector test - MAC June 0725 14/6/2007 1. Commission injection region Steer into ring, onto TDI Check instrumentation, septa, kickers, aperture… D2 BTVSS Q5 Jan Uythoven

26 LHC sector test - MAC June 0726 14/6/2007 2. Thread to IR7 Commission trajectory acquisition and correction Thread beam Jorg Wenninger

27 LHC sector test - MAC June 0727 14/6/2007 3. Linear optics measurements Trajectory response using correctors and BPMs  BPM + corrector polarity and calibration errors  Phase, coupling Dispersion measurement with  p and BPMs Betatron matching measurement with BTVs

28 LHC sector test - MAC June 0728 14/6/2007 4. BLM system tests Get the system up and running, recording losses  Prior calibration with source: expect reasonable numbers  Acquisition & display of beam losses  Some crosstalk studies possible (in principle ‘beam 1’ monitors available…) Bernd Dehning

29 LHC sector test - MAC June 0729 14/6/2007 5. Aperture measurement First iteration : oscillation from 2 correctors at 90º to probe ‘all’ phases Second iteration if needed/time :  bumps (local anomalies, specific regions) TI 8 and sector 7-8 V-aperture and 8  oscillation MSI Brennan Goddard

30 LHC sector test - MAC June 0730 14/6/2007 6. Momentum Aperture Transmission vs momentum offset by changing SPS RF frequency Re-scale TI 8 to new momentum  p/p = 0.004 (1  m  n )

31 LHC sector test - MAC June 0731 14/6/2007 7. Field quality checks Kick-response and trajectory analysis LOCO – might be able to get a handle on average a2, b2 and b3 field errors of MBs, b2 of MQs  Possibly extend method to check multipole corrector polarities (possibly via strong excitation)) MB b3 field error effect (mean -9.6 units, rms 1.4 units). H trajectory change for 40  rad H kick (top) and 40  rad V kick (bottom) Jorg Wenninger

32 LHC sector test - MAC June 0732 14/6/2007 8. Effects of magnetic cycle Machine reproducibility and persistent current effects at injection for reduced pre-cycle

33 LHC sector test - MAC June 0733 14/6/2007 Quenches with beam motivation: - safe and efficient operation - avoid quenches and damage Controlled, well defined tests to establish: Absolute quench limits BLM threshold values Model and understanding of correlation of loss pattern, quench level, BLM signals Test important for efficient commissioning of BLM system with circulating beam 9. Quench limits and BLM response

34 LHC sector test - MAC June 0734 14/6/2007 Other possibilities… 10. Energy offset versus time on flat bottom 11. Transfer line collimation studies 12. Injection projection studies 13. Separation and crossing angle bumps  Injecting onto vertical separation bump  Bump closure, induced dispersion, aperture 14. Commission multi-bunch injection

35 LHC sector test - MAC June 0735 14/6/2007 Beam tests - summary

36 LHC sector test - MAC June 0736 14/6/2007 Near test schedule Phase Time Sector checkout, interlock & machine protection tests etc. T start - 2 weeks Close sectors 6-7, 7-8, 8-1 T start – 3 day Access system tests & qualification T start – 2 day Beam to end TI8 T start – 1 day Tests with beam 2 weeks Radiation survey T end + 1 day Establish supervised areas T end + 2 day

37 LHC sector test - MAC June 0737 14/6/2007 Schedule.. Operation testing of available sectors Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Oct. Sep. Nov. Dec. Jan. Apr. Feb. Mar. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Nov. Dec. Oct. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Oct. Sep. Nov. Dec. Jan. Apr. Feb. Mar. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Nov. Dec. Oct. 1223344556677881 Machine Checkout Beam Commissioning to 7 TeV Consolidation Interconnection of the continuous cryostat Leak tests of the last sub-sectors Inner Triplets repairs & interconnections Global pressure test &Consolidation Flushing Cool-down Warm up Powering Tests

38 LHC sector test - MAC June 0738 14/6/2007 Impact 1/2 Given the state of installation, the sector test should have minimal impact on transport, interconnection work etc. Deliberately chosen solution in IR7 which avoids additional interventions Restricted access to sectors 8-1, 7-8, 6-7 during beam tests ~ 14 days 7-8 and injection region part of 8-1 become supervised areas after test (film badge etc.) Work/Commissioning can clearly continue in other sectors during the test

39 LHC sector test - MAC June 0739 14/6/2007 Impact 2/2 Sector test makes clear demands on:  what is needed to be cold  on what is needed to be hardware commissioned  and to what level Cryogenics, QPS, HWC support required during test Could take time out of HWC program  HWC would have to stop in 7-8 during test Test preparation, other than cold mass, largely orthogonal to HWC

40 LHC sector test - MAC June 0740 14/6/2007 Details Sector test with beam Overview, motivation and schedulingMike Lamont Proposed tests with beamBrennan Goddard Magnet quenches with beamAlex Koschik Beam InstrumentationLars Jensen Magnet requirementsLuca Bottura Controls requirementsRobin Lauckner Sector test preparationChair: Pierre Strubin PlanningEsther Barbero Soto Global Hardware StatusMiguel Jimenez Layout in LSS7Jan Uythoven Hardware CommissioningRoberto Saban State of LHCb for the testMassimiliano Ferro-Luzzi Radiation IssuesHelmut Vincke Access systemPierre Ninin Team in place which is examining implications, requirements and details of planned beam tests Chamonix 2006 http://cern.ch/lhc-injection-test/

41 LHC sector test - MAC June 0741 14/6/2007 Conclusions A sector test is surely a very useful exercise  Undoubtedly speed full commissioning It could prove to be a vital exercise  If any major problems are uncovered Requirements have clearly stated and are being addressed Planned beam tests have been detailed The potential impact would be minimal.  Machine as is or as will be. Work carries on elsewhere.  However, for the test to take place this year (if the schedule allows) Hardware Commissioning would have to be tailored to provide necessary circuits to the necessary level.

42 LHC sector test - MAC June 0742 14/6/2007 Acknowledgements MagnetsLuca Bottura Beam InstrumentationRhodri Jones, Lars Jensen, Stephen Jackson InjectionBrennan Goddard, Jan Uythoven Radiation ProtectionDoris Forkel-Wirth, Helmut Vincke INB Ghislain Roy AccessPierre Ninin LHCbRolf Linder HWCRoberto Saban & team Installation Katy Foraz PlanningEsther Barbero Soto VacuumPaul Cruikshank, Miguel Jimenez ControlsRobin Lauckner ++ OP/APRoger Bailey, Verena Kain, Massimo Giovannozzi, Stephane Fartoukh, Helmut Burkhardt, Alex Koshick, Stefano Raedelli, Ralph Assmann, Frank Zimmerman… and the rest of the commissioning team.

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