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Introduction President Vice President Secretary Communications Officer Treasurer Social Secretary.

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2 Introduction President Vice President Secretary Communications Officer Treasurer Social Secretary

3 What is AdSoc? video. exciting times

4 Ideas Meet every week to stay in touch with Advertising Go to conferences Invite guest speakers Get linked up with AdSoc’s on a national scale Blog competition Partnership with the Rock Bournemouth Arts College Photoshop and InDesign training

5 The Rock is recruiting... Promotions Team Head of Promotions Executive Head of Promotions Head of Social Media + Team members Advertising Team Head of Advertising Executive Head of Advertising + Team members come to the rock meeting at 4pm

6 Social Evenings Book the Loft Projector: for latest ads and inspiration Wednesday or Tuesday evenings?

7 We need Project Leaders Website Supervisor Social Media assistant Conference Coordinator Meeting Organiser

8 Come talk to us individually Jess: Social Media + Website Dom: Conference Ayumi: AUCB + BU Film Festival Emilie: UK National AdSoc + Blog competition Shari: The Rock Bukky: if you have ideas for AWESOME socials

9 Keep up to date Website: Facebook Fanpage: “Bournemouth University Advertising Society” Facebook Group: “BU Advertising Society” Twitter: @BUAdSoc Pinterest:

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