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A table of contents 1. Winter festival 2. Spring festival 3. Summer festival 4. Fall festival.

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2 A table of contents 1. Winter festival 2. Spring festival 3. Summer festival 4. Fall festival

3 1. Winter festival From January to March A new year starts on January the 1 st. Japanese people go to shrines and pray for their happiness.

4 1. To keep out of harm’s way 2. To be blessed with good events in life 3. To have a good harvest Festivals are held…

5 修正鬼会 Shujo onie festival Oni wears a mask and slaps the participants on the backside and shoulder. Oni walks around the neighborhood with taimatsu.

6 柳津の裸祭り Hadaka festival Three hundreds men ask for o, a rope. They all are semi-naked.

7 雪まつり Sapporo Ice Sculpture festival It is the biggest ice sculpture festival in Japan.


9 2. Spring festivals Many flowers and the colours make everyone happy!

10 ひなまつり Hina festival

11 博多どんたく Hakata dontaku We use shamoji - a percussion instrument.

12 3. Summer festivals Summer festivals are very popular with Japanese people. Many children enjoy festivals with their friends and family.

13 御田植神事 Otaueshinji People pray for a rich harvest of rice. Some women called yaotome dance to rhythmic music.

14 ねぶた Nebuta festival A biiiiiiig nebuta doll, 5 metres high and 9 metres wide!


16 大文字焼き Daimonji yaki A large character fire is lit on the sides of mountains.


18 4. Fall festivals We celebrate harvests. Many people join mochi-nage and get many mochi!

19 もちなげ Mochi nage

20 Thank you for your attention !

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