1 Grid monitoring System (GridICE) Grid monitoring System (GridICE) DataTAG Collaboration: S.Andreozzi, S.Fantinel, A.Ghiselli, G.Tortone, C.Vistoli A.Ghiselli,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Grid monitoring System (GridICE) Grid monitoring System (GridICE) DataTAG Collaboration: S.Andreozzi, S.Fantinel, A.Ghiselli, G.Tortone, C.Vistoli A.Ghiselli,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Grid monitoring System (GridICE) Grid monitoring System (GridICE) DataTAG Collaboration: S.Andreozzi, S.Fantinel, A.Ghiselli, G.Tortone, C.Vistoli A.Ghiselli, G.Tortone, C.Vistoli LCG – DataTAG-WP4 Meeting 8 May 2003 Cern

2 2 Grid-monitoring system  First (old) version based on Nagios components In use within INFN-Grid Used in wordgrid demos IST2002 4-6 November 02, Copenhagen SC2002 16-22 November 02, Baltimore  New version: Scalability -  integration with GIS systems Common information model  extension of the Glue Schemas  GridICE is a new product, totally re-designed following modularity guidelines (only few basic Nagios components) Can integrate different info providers reuse of grid middleware components deployed on the DataTAG testbed Deployment on going on the CMS/LCG-0 pilot

3 3 Collaboration with LCG first meeting organized by Flavia in December 12 2002 The agenda was: Status and plan of the Nagios based monitoring system LCG monitoring requirements the agreement was to collaborate on the new plan of the monitoring system with the aim to produce a ‘real’ monitoring tool for LCG (mailing list datatag- monitor@cern.ch)

4 4 What we present today  Description of GridICE and in particular: GUI interface role based: VO manager, site manager… Interface to GIS(discovery), now MDS, tomorrow new systems like RGMA Glue schema extension ‘local’ data collection mechanism Next steps  Architectural introduction, S.Andreozzi  Implementation description, S.Fantinel  Demo on DataTAG testbed configured with EDG 1.4.x/GLUE

5 5  The requirements of LCG  how to organize the integration with LCG-1.  The GridICE configuration/deployment on the LCG-1 certification testbed  Time table What we have to discuss

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