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CMS-ARDA Workshop 15/09/2003 CMS/LCG-0 architecture Many authors…

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1 CMS-ARDA Workshop 15/09/2003 CMS/LCG-0 architecture Many authors…

2 P.Capiluppi 15/09/2003 CMS-ARDA Workshop 2 CMS/LCG-N testbed CMS/LCG-0 is a CMS-wide testbed based on the LCG pilot distribution (LCG-0), owned by CMS –Red Hat 7.3 (7.3.2 with CERN kernel recommended) –Components from VDT 1.1.6 and EDG 1.4.X (LCG pilot) –Components from DataTAG (GLUE schemas and info providers) –Virtual Organization Management: VOMS –RLS in place of the replica catalogue (uses rlscms by CERN/IT!) –Monitoring: GridICE by DataTAG –R-GMA (as BOSS transport layer for specific tests) Dynamic: install+test new components useful to CMS Support (outside CMS) –DataTAG WP4 –LCG Experiment Integration and Support (EIS) team Currently configured as a CMS RC and producing data for PCP It allows us to do our software integration while LCG-1 is not out!!!

3 P.Capiluppi 15/09/2003 CMS-ARDA Workshop 3 CMS/LCG-0 sites SiteInstalledMonitoredPCP-readyUI CERN  PCP/data CNAF  CMKIN onlyPCP/sub Bari  PCP/sub Bologna  CNAF UI Bristol    Brunel   Tools devel Imperial College   Tools devel Islamabad-NCP    E.Polytechnique  PCP/sub Milano (EDT)  Legnaro  Padova  PCP/sub NCU/Taiwan    US Iowa  SE only  ~170 CPU’s

4 P.Capiluppi 15/09/2003 CMS-ARDA Workshop 4 MCRunjob +ImpalaLite or CMSProd CMS/LCG-0 as a CMS Regional Center Site Manager starts an assignment RefDB Phys.Group asks for an official dataset User starts a private production Production Manager defines assignments DAG job JDL shell scripts DAGMan (MOP) Local Batch Manager LCG Scheduler Computer farm CMS LCG-0 User’s Site (or grid UI) Resources Chimera VDL Virtual Data Catalogue Planner USCM S testbed

5 P.Capiluppi 15/09/2003 CMS-ARDA Workshop 5 SE CE CMS software CMS/LCG-0 PCP setup BOSS DB Workload Management System JDL RefDB parameters data registration Job output filtering Runtime monitoring input data location Push data or info Pull info UI CMSProd/ MCRunbjob +BOSS cmsrls CE CMS software CE CMS software CE WN SE CE CMS software SE UI BOSS DB SE CERN SE cmsrls Data replication LFN Job management

6 P.Capiluppi 15/09/2003 CMS-ARDA Workshop 6 Outcomes 4 UI’s testing different production tools –McRunjob/ImpalaLite (Bari, Bologna) complex! But consistent with “official” environment –CMSProd (Padova, Ecole Poly.) simple! Testbed is quite stable –500 Kevts “heavy” CMKIN (8 h /job (250 evts) ; ~20 GB) –500 Kevts CMSIM in production (350 Kevts/week; ~320 GB) Operates as a CMS Regional Centers –need to interact with existing environment, e.g.: not grid-aware comm. to/from RefDB: e-mail not grid-aware data transfer tools: SRB bridge at CERN –much more consistent architecture if we had only grid components! Only production services (no user analysis)

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