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Creating Note Cards & Source Cards Research Project.

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1 Creating Note Cards & Source Cards Research Project

2 Goals For Today: You will know how to create source cards and notecards for your research paper. You will copy notes on how to make source cards and notecards by the end of the day today.

3 Source Cards For each source you use, you will need to create a source card. Each source card should include information about the source (author, title, year, etc.). Different types of sources use different formats. Make sure you use the right one. Each source card is assigned a letter that will be used in creating your note cards.

4 SOURCE CARD (Book) Author: Title: Publisher: Date: City: A

5 SOURCE CARD (Book) Author: Richard Peck Title: A Long Way from Chicago Publisher: Puffin Books Date: 1998 City: New York A

6 SOURCE CARD (Newspaper or Magazine) Name of Newspaper or Magazine: Title: Author of article: Location of source: Page #s: E

7 SOURCE CARD (Newspaper or Magazine) Name of Newspaper or Magazine: Chicago Tribune Title: “Al Capone, mobsters arrested for ‘doing business’ in local area” Author of article: J.J. Mobley Location of source: Chicago Tribune – Archives, University of Illinois Library Page #s: A1, A8 E

8 SOURCE CARD (Article from a web site) Author: Title: Date article was written: Date looked up: Complete web address: B

9 SOURCE CARD (Interview) B Personal interviews refer to those interviews that you conduct yourself. List the interview by the name of the interviewee. Include the descriptor Personal interview and the date of the interview. Smith, Jane. Personal interview. 19 May 2014.

10 SOURCE CARD (Interview) B Interviewer: Stacy, Rebecca Interviewee: Tatum, Channing Personal Interview: 23 Feburary 2015

11 Source Card List films by their title. Include the name of the director, the distributor, and the release year. If relevant, list performer names after the director’s name. Use the abbreviation perf. to head the list. End the entry with the appropriate medium of publication (e.g. DVD, VHS, Laser disc).

12 Source Card Ed Wood. Dir. Tim Burton. Perf. Johnny Depp, Martin Landau, Sarah Jessica Parker, Patricia Arquette. Touchstone, 1994. DVD.

13 Note Cards Note cards are used to write down information from sources that you think will be useful to your project or research. You should only put information from one source on each card.

14 Note Card Format The page # goes in the upper left corner. The matching source card letter goes in upper right corner. The topic name should be centered on top line of card. Write only on the front side of the card. Write facts. If you copy straight from the source (word for word): put quotes around the writing.

15 BABE RUTH – childhood (NOTE CARD) Born: George Herman Ruth on February 6, 1895 Location: Baltimore, Maryland Schooling: St. Mary’s Boarding School Learned to play baseball at this school p. 1591

16 WHEN TAKING NOTES … Remember the difference between paraphrasing and plagiarism. Paraphrasing means to put something into your own words. It means to completely restate an author’s thought. Just replacing a few words isn’t enough – you need to completely make it your own. Plagiarism is when you copy another’s words and use them as your own. It is the same thing as stealing another’s work. Copying from Web pages is definitely considered plagiarism.

17 Time to Practice!. After reading the article create a source card. You can refer to examples in your notes to help you. Create ten notecards for the source.

18 Homework: Finish Ten notecards and one source card for the article you brought into class today.

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