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Potato Express. making your advertising make money Objectives/Strategies Objectives The purpose of this plan is to prepare for the launch of Potato Express,

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Presentation on theme: "Potato Express. making your advertising make money Objectives/Strategies Objectives The purpose of this plan is to prepare for the launch of Potato Express,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Potato Express

2 making your advertising make money Objectives/Strategies Objectives The purpose of this plan is to prepare for the launch of Potato Express, a direct response product that allows the consumer to cook a baked potato in a microwave in just a few minutes. Direct Response products gain revenue by generating leads, or calls to inquire about and/or purchase the product. Our Media Plan aims to generate the highest amount of leads and calls for the lowest cost per thousand impressions. Strategies We will achieve our objectives by creating a media plan that is solely television based. The strategy involves a balance of reach and frequency, as some stations will have a large audience with a few advertisements and others will have a smaller audience but numerous advertisements. We decided on media selections based on numerous reports of the target’s lifestyle trends, and media habits, as well as an analysis of the product’s top 5 competitors. Our plans “heavy up” on Cable as it places an emphasis on cable television over Broadcast Television and Syndicated Television, with a stronger focus on Daypart distributions.

3 making your advertising make money Planning Parameters Media TypeNational TV Flight DatesRound 1: November 25 th – December 22 nd Hiatus: December 23 rd – December 29 th Round 2: December 30 th – January 26 th Hiatus: January 27 th – February 2 nd Round 3: February 3 rd – March 16 th TV OutletsCable Creative Rotation16% :60s 84% :30s Est. Weekly GRPsCable: Round 1: 8.79 Round 2: 12.51 Round 3: 24.12 Budgets~$50,000-90,000 week/ $1,000,000 Total

4 making your advertising make money Target Market To create an effective and efficient media plan, we ran reports on three different database systems to identify and reach the target market – Simmons Oneview – Kantar Media – Nielsen

5 making your advertising make money Syndicated Research Report - Simmons Simmons OneView is a database system that is used to examine U.S. adult consumer data on product and brand usage, sending behavior, media habits, and more. It can be used to create customized reports analyzing the psychographics and demographic characteristics of product users and there media habits After creating a customizes report, we discovered some interesting facts based on the index numbers in the crosstab. We entered ages and genders that matched out target, along with lifestyle questions. These psychographic questions focused on cooking and culinary interests because our product is used to make food. Our goal was to discover whom in our target is interested in food/cooking products and which television stations had a high index to match these psychographics. This report helped us identify our target consumer.

6 making your advertising make money Syndicated Research Report - Simmons To the left is a portion of our Simmons Report. As we mentioned in our previous slide, this report helped us define whom, within our target is interested in food/cooking products and which television stations had a high index to match these psychographics. The Index is the most important column because it represents either a positive or negative correlation between the row and column crosstab. A 100 is a perfect score, so anything above is positive and anything below is negative. As we can see to the left, the indices begin to increase at the 35+ mark which proves that our main target falls anywhere between the 35+ male & female demographic.

7 making your advertising make money Syndicated Research Report - Simmons To the left is a portion of our Simmons Report in reference to the cable stations our target watches the most. As we know, an index above 100 is positive, meaning that those stations that index over 100 are one that we should consider allocating money towards. For example, since the index for the Cooking Channel is at 132 for Females 35-64 and 96 for Males 35-64, we would highly consider running spots on this station in our first or second round of testing for our media plan.

8 making your advertising make money Competitive Report – Kantar/TNS When trying to advertise a new products and/or service, understanding the market you are entering and learning what your competitors are doing is necessary to manage your products’ brand and reputation. Kantar Media provides strategic expertise in the following categories: competitive intelligence, consumer behavior, audience research, digital insights, social media influence. Kantar is recognized as the world leader in analyzing media as it draws on huge comparative data sources. Associated Products of Kantar Media are shown on the right. For the purposes of developing a Media Plan for Potato Express, we used Stradegy in order to see an overview of our competitions’ network mix.

9 making your advertising make money Competitive Report – Kantar/TNS Using the list of competitor’s for Potato express that were provided to us, we constructed a Stradegy report for the following competitors: – EZ Pockets – OrGreenic Kitchenware – Perfect Tortilla Pan – Stone Wave After exporting this report to an excel file, we were able to create a Pivot table from the information provided, in order to see the amount of emphasis our competitors’ put on specific Network stations, Cable stations, and Syndication. We ran our report across the full length of one broadcast year so that we could also take note on any patterns in spend, if any our competitors are following. In order to narrow down our station choices for our first test we looked for stations in which our competitor allocated bigger portions of their media budget.

10 making your advertising make money Competitive Report – Kantar/TNS To the right is a screenshot of Orgreenic Kitchenware’s spending for the first quarter of the broadcast year of 2013. Overall, Orgreenic allocated huge media dollars on the following Cable stations: – A&E – Animal Planet – CLOO – Game Show Network – H2 – Hallmark – TWC Because of this, we decided to include as many of these stations as possible in or media plan.

11 making your advertising make money Viewership Report - Nielsen Nielsen ratings allow us to measure the audience size and composition of television programming in the United States. This gave us the ability to strategically choose the markets we should focus on to advertise our product for the highest number of impressions possible. After being told that our target falls anywhere in the 18+ demographic, we were able to build a report that showed us exactly where our target demographic is in terms of the networks and shows they are watching. To the right is a screenshot of the report we built using Nielson.

12 making your advertising make money Viewership Report - Nielsen To the right a a screenshot of a portion of our Nielson report. From this report we were able to see the specific programs that had the highest number of impressions against our target. From this report it is clear that the Broadcast Networks listed on top have the highest levels of impressions across all other programming. However, when calculating the CPM for each network, we decided not to allocate any money on these stations due to the high expense.

13 making your advertising make money Agency Threshold – Cable Television Household Universe (000)Media Cost (CPM) 90,000+$6 80,000 – 90,000$5 60,000 – 80,000$4 Less than 60,000$3 The impressions and CPM listed above represent the standard rates of our agency for cable television. We used these parameters to calculate our rates.

14 making your advertising make money Viewership Report - Nielsen To the right is a screenshot of a portion of the Nielson report showing network households. Each test consisted of 2-3 Large Stations (90 million+ households), 3-5 Medium Stations (80-90 million households), and 3-8 Small Stations (80 million or fewer households).

15 making your advertising make money Media Cost Calculation In order to calculate our rates for each station, we applied the 30 second CPM structure to network impressions to determine network rates. To obtain 60 second rates, we applied a factor of 2 to the 30 second rate (30 second rate * 2 = 60 second rate). To calculate the Media Cost – Take the station’s total impressions (000) and multiply by the CPM (cost per thousand). – To find the total media cost for the campaign, take the cost from each station multiplied by the number of spots for that testing period. Conclude by adding all the station costs for each round together. Example: The Food Network – 645 (Impressions in millions for a 60 second spot) * $6 (CPM) = $3870 – $3,870 (Food Network cost round 1) * 2 (Number of spots for that media selection round) = $7,740

16 making your advertising make money GRP Calculation To calculate the Gross Ratings Product – Take the station’s total impressions (000) and divide by the total television universe. Then take that product and multiply by 100. – To find the total GRP for the campaign, take the GRP from each station and multiply it by how many spots are running on that station Example: The Food Network – 322.5 (Impressions in millions) / 115,800 (TV Universe) = 0.28 – 0.28 (Food Network GRP) * 3 (Number of spots for that media selection round) = 0.84

17 Media Recommendations

18 making your advertising make money Media Selection Rationale - Round 1 CableNetworkSyndication The Food Network Bravo Hallmark National Geographic Game Show Network H2 Cooking Network We decided not to use Broadcast Networks due to the high cost per thousand (CPM) for spots on these stations. While broadcast stations have a higher reach, we did not feel that using these stations would be an efficient use of our client’s media dollars. Additionally, because broadcast stations only run direct response ads during certain hours, we have a smaller chance of our spots actually clearing. We decided not to use Syndicated programs for our media plan because it takes longer to generate calls and leads through such programming, which prevents us from being able to see the initial impact of our campaign on that specific market. Additionally, our competitive research has shown that our clients’ competitors are not spending much of their ad dollars on syndicated programming.

19 making your advertising make money Station SizeStation Name# of SpotsMedia Cost LargeFood Network2$7,740 Bravo2$2,420 MediumHallmark8$16,568 Nat Geo8$1,696 SmallGSN15$10,998 H215$7,613 Cooking15$4,084 Media Selections - Round 1 Cable

20 making your advertising make money Media Selection Rationale - Round 1 Food Network: This network was chosen because the product is used to prepare food. The Food Network has a high index with our target market for lifestyle trends such as “Usually refer to recipes when cooking” or “I like to try new recipes.” The correlation was also particularly high with females in our target. Additionally, our Kantar analysis proved that the competition was selecting this station as well. Since Potato Express is a food-related product we felt that spots on this network should be 60 seconds long instead of 30 seconds long. Bravo: We choose Bravo because of the high Simmons index with females in our target for viewership and lifestyle trends. Large TV Cable Stations

21 making your advertising make money Media Selection Rationale - Round 1 Hallmark: This station has an incredibly high Simmons index with females and males. We also took note that our competitors allocated a large portion of their media budget to this station. National Geographic: We choose National Geographic because it had high viewership in our target audience according to Nielsen reports. Medium Cable TV Stations

22 making your advertising make money Media Selection Rationale - Round 1 Game Show Network: Although this station had a low index for our target in terms of lifestyle trends, a majority of our competitors allocated large portions of their media budget to this station. H2: We choose H2 because it had high viewership in our target audience according to Nielsen reports, as well as having been used by some of our competitors. Cooking Network: Since this network was a cooking network, we felt it would be a smart recommendation for our client since our product was food related. Apart from this we also saw it as an opportunity to increase frequency with our spots since it was a smaller station and therefore had a low CPM. In addition, we felt that spots on this network should be 60 seconds long instead of 30 seconds long. Small Cable TV Stations

23 making your advertising make money Media Selection Round 2 Cable TV Stations Food Network A&E Bravo Hallmark Soapnet National Geographic Cooking Game Show Network Chiller DIY Hallmark Movie Channel

24 making your advertising make money Media Selections – Round 2 Cable Station SizeStation Name# of SpotsTotal Media Cost LargeFood Network3$7,740 Bravo2$2,420 A&E2$6,074 MediumHallmark10$20,710 Nat Geo10$2,120 Soapnet10$1,960 SmallGSN15$10,998 Cooking15$4,084 Chiller15$1,823 DIY15$3,363 Hallmark Movie15$7,193

25 making your advertising make money Media Selection Rationale – Round 2 Large TV Cable Stations Food Network: This network worked extremely well for us in our first round so we decided to keep it for our second round of testing. A&E: Since our first two larger networks proved to be a success for our first round of testing, we felt that it would be a good idea to test another station that was particularly popular with our target demographic. This network was chosen because it has a high index with our target market for lifestyle trends such as “Usually refer to recipes when cooking” or “I like to try new recipes.” The correlation was also particularly high with females in our target. Bravo: This network worked extremely well for us in our first round so we decided to keep it for our second round of testing.

26 making your advertising make money Media Selection Rationale - Round 2 Hallmark: This network worked extremely well for us in our first round so we decided to keep it for our second round of testing. National Geographic: This network worked extremely well for us in our first round so we decided to keep it for our second round of testing. Soapnet: Since Hallmark worked well in our first round of testing, we felt that this station would work just as well because of its similar audience. This network was not used by any of our immediate competitors so it could also have the potential to reach an audience that is currently being overlooked. Medium Cable TV Stations

27 making your advertising make money Media Selection Rationale – Round 2 Game Show Network: This network worked extremely well for us in our first round so we decided to keep it for our second round of testing. Cooking Network: This network worked extremely well for us in our first round so we decided to keep it for our second round of testing. Chiller: All but one of our competitors allocated large portions of their media budget to this station. DIY: Since our product is a cooking product that allows consumers to cook a baked potato in a microwave, in just a few minutes, we believe it would be extremely popular with consumers that watch this network. Hallmark Movie: Since the Hallmark network worked so well for us in our first round of testing, we wanted to see how our product would do on its network partner. Small Cable TV Stations

28 making your advertising make money Media Selection Round 3 Cable TV Stations Spike Food Network Bravo TV Land Biography Channel Hallmark Soapnet National Geographic Cloo DIY Chiller Cooking Network Hallmark Movie Channel Game Show Network National Geographic

29 making your advertising make money Media Selections– Round 3 Cable Station SizeStation Name# of SpotsTotal Media Cost LargeFood Network3$11,610 Bravo3$3,631 Spike2$3,525 TV Land2$4,377 MediumHallmark8$16,568 Nat Geo15$3,182 Soapnet15$2,240 Bio10$4,097 SmallGSN20$14,664 Cooking20$5,447 Chiller20$2,442 DIY20$4,884 Hallmark Movie20$9,592 Nat Geo Wild15$2,070 Lifetime Movie10$11,425

30 making your advertising make money Media Selection Rationale – Round 3 Large TV Cable Stations Spike: Apart from this network indexing high among our male target, this proves to be a smart investment for our client since majority of our competitors are also allocating large portions of their media budget to this station. Food Network: This network worked extremely well for us again in our second round so we decided to keep it for our last round of testing. Bravo: This network worked extremely well for us again in our second round so we decided to keep it for our last round of testing. TV Land: This network was chosen because it has a high index with our target market for lifestyle trends such as “Usually refer to recipes when cooking” or “I like to try new recipes.” The correlation was also particularly high with males in our target. Apart from this, we found that most of our competitors were allocating larger portions of their media budget to this station.

31 making your advertising make money Media Selection Rationale - Round 3 Hallmark: This network worked extremely well for us again in our second round so we decided to keep it for our last round of testing. National Geographic: This network worked extremely well for us again in our second round so we decided to keep it for our last round of testing. Soapnet: This network worked extremely well for us again in our second round so we decided to keep it for our last round of testing. BIO: This network was chosen because it has a high index with our target market (both male and female) for lifestyle trends such as “Usually refer to recipes when cooking” or “I like to try new recipes.” In reference to our competitive research, this network also proves popular with our competitors. Medium Cable TV Stations

32 making your advertising make money Media Selection Rationale – Round 3 Game Show Network: This network worked extremely well for us again in our second round so we decided to keep it for our last round of testing. Cooking Network: This network worked extremely well for us again in our second round so we decided to keep it for our last round of testing. Chiller: This network worked extremely well for us again in our second round so we decided to keep it for our last round of testing. DIY: This network worked extremely well for us again in our second round so we decided to keep it for our last round of testing. Hallmark Movie: This network worked extremely well for us again in our second round so we decided to keep it for our last round of testing. National Geographic Wild: Since the National Geographic network worked so well for us in our first and second rounds of testing, we wanted to see how our product would do on its sister network. Lifetime Movie: Since the Hallmark network and its sister network (Hallmark Movie) worked so well for us in our first and second rounds of testing, we felt it also had the potential of working for us on a similar network like this one. Small Cable TV Stations

33 Budget Recommendations

34 making your advertising make money Flow Chart: Spending

35 making your advertising make money Flow Chart: GRP

36 making your advertising make money Bracketing Increased Budget – If our budget was increased, we would suggest utilizing broadcast and syndication spots. We decided not to use them for this plan due to the high cost of Broadcast Television and the fact that Syndicated Television is difficult to monitor for Direct Response campaigns. The reach on these stations is high, and with a larger budget we could create a plan that balances reach and frequency on each TV outlet (Cable, Broadcast and Syndication). Decreased Budget – If our budget was decreased, we would suggest removing spots on larger cable stations and allocating more money on smaller ones for higher levels of frequency. While these stations generate the most impressions for our campaign, the CPM is rather high.

37 making your advertising make money Future Recommendations Begin allocating media dollars into Broadcast Networks: – Although we decided not to use Broadcast Networks for our flight dates in this quarter, broadcast stations have a higher reach. Therefore if our client is willing to extend reach in the next quarter, Broadcast Networks should be considered. Expand further in Cable Television: – We found much success with our cable network selections and believe that our client should continue investing media dollars on similar networks. Consider placing longer spots on Cable Networks: – We decided to focus the majority of our media dollars on 30 second spots in order to maintain a low CPM for each round of testing. For the next quarter however, our client could look into running spots of 60 seconds or higher in order to further educate their target audience on the product being sold.

38 making your advertising make money THANK YOU

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