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Chapter 40: An Introduction to Animal Structure & Function.

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1 Chapter 40: An Introduction to Animal Structure & Function

2 Chapter 40: Structure / Function Anatomy: The study of organismal structure Physiology: The study of organismal functions Structure dictates Function (and visa versa) Cell (Basic unit of life – BI 211)) Tissue (Group of cells with common structure & function) Organ (Group of tissues with common structure & function) Organ System (Group of organs with common structure & function) Organism

3 Major tissue categories 1. Epithelial tissue 2. Connective tissue 3. Muscle tissue 4. Nervous tissue

4 Chapter 40: Structure / Function 1) Epithelial Tissue Function (general) Covers body Lines body organs and cavities Structure a)High degree of cellularity b)Compartmentalized function Free surface vs. basement membrane c)Innervated d)Avascular e)Regenerative Tissue Categories:

5 Classification of Epithelial Tissue: # of Cell Layers + Shape of Cell = Name Simple Stratified Squamous Cuboidal Columnar = Simple Cuboidal Epithelium Chapter 40: Structure / Function

6 Functions of epithelial tissue: Protection (e.g. skin) Exchange (e.g. lung) Absorption (e.g. gut) Secretion (e.g. glands)

7 Chapter 40: Structure / Function Tissue Categories: 2) Connective Tissue Function (general): Binds & supports other tissues Structure: a)Cells Immature (-blasts) & mature (-cytes) b)Fibers Provide support for tissues c)Ground substance Unstructured material between cells

8 Chapter 40: Structure / Function Types of Connective Tissues: Loose Connective Tissue: Binding material Fibro-blasts /-cytes produce fibers Adipose: Energy / Protection  cellularity for storage Fibrous Connective Tissue: Strength (e.g. tendons)  fiber count Cartilage: Flexible support Semi-solid matrix Chondro-blasts/-cytes

9 Chapter 40: Structure / Function Types of Connective Tissues: Bone: Strong support Mineralized matrix Osteo-blasts / -cytes Blood: Transport Fluid matrix (plasma)

10 Chapter 40: Structure / Function Tissue Categories: 3) Muscle Tissue Function Contracts when properly stimulated Structure a)Elongated cells w/ microfilaments b)Highly vascularized and innervated Classification 1) Skeletal Muscle (Voluntary movement) Multi-nucleated / striated 3) Smooth Muscle (Involuntary propulsion) Uni-nucleated / non-striated 2) Cardiac Muscle (Invol. heart contraction) Uni-nucleated / striated / branched

11 Chapter 40: Structure / Function Tissue Categories: 4) Nervous Tissue Structure (overview) a)Densely-packed & tightly intertwined cells b)Highly vascularized Cell types  1) Neurons Generate / conduct electrical impulses 2) Glial Cells Variety of supporting roles  More detail in next lecture Function Capable of transmitting electrical signals

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