Operations with Decimals

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Presentation on theme: "Operations with Decimals"— Presentation transcript:

1 Operations with Decimals
EQ: How are adding and subtracting with decimals different than adding and subtracting with whole numbers? Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying and Dividing (Bits 3) Operations with Decimals

2 Vocabulary Sum: _________________________________
Difference:_____________________________ Product:_______________________________

3 Place Value Fill in the place value chart:
___, ___ ___ ___, ___ ___ ___ . ___ ___ ___ ___

4 Operations with Whole Numbers
Solve. = 8324 – 99 = 456 x 72 512 ÷ 8 =

5 Adding and Subtracting Decimals
Rule: Line the numbers up by their decimal points. Add zeros where necessary (after decimal point). Re-write Problem: = 0.73 – =

6 More Practice (Add + Subtract)
= 36.4 – 9.12 = = 5 – 0.03 = 88.88 – 1.259

7 Multiplying Decimals You DO NOT have to line the decimal points up!!!
Pretend there are no decimal points and multiply. At the end when you get your answer, count the number of decimal places and put the decimal point into your answer. 23.5 x 3.2 =

8 Multiplying Decimals (cont.)
Practice: 7.5 x 0.9 = 12.78 x 5.6 = 0.87 x 0.34 = 8 x 2.25 =

9 EQ EQ: How are adding and subtracting with decimals different than adding and subtracting with whole numbers? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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