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God Gives Grace to the Humble

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1 God Gives Grace to the Humble
Learning Humility God Gives Grace to the Humble

2 Humble Leaders Humility is often overlooked in good leaders
Elders must be humble (1 Tim. 3:6; Ti. 1:7) A minister must be humble (2 Tim. 2:25) Moses was the most humble man on earth (Num. 12:3) Jesus is the perfect example of humility (Phil. 2:3,5)

3 Humility Before God Jesus teaches this with a parable
Read together Luke 18:9-14 Notice His intended audience v. 9 Does the Pharisee’s prayer (v.11-12) reflect our attitude? Do we put confidence in our works? Rom. 4:1-4

4 Humility Before God Notice the publican’s attitude (v.13)
Also, notice that he was justified (v.14a) When approaching God, appeal to His mercy! Do not ask God to repay your good deeds God owes us nothing (Luke 17:10) Notice the conclusion of this parable (v.14b)

5 Humility Before God Lessons and Questions
Prayer itself should flatten us! Do I make my righteousness well known to others? Do I remind God of my obedience? Do I ever question the righteousness of God? Do I ever question the reasonableness of any of God’s commands?

6 God Appreciates Humility
A proud heart cannot please God God shows mercy to any who humble themselves before Him Even Rehoboam (2 Chron. 12:6,7,12) Even Ahab (1 Kin. 21:29) Even Manasseh (2 Chron. 33:12-13) Even Nebuchadnezzar (Dan. 4:37) Even me!

7 Humility Before Man Jesus teaches this with a parable
Read together Luke 14:7-11 The audience again is Pharisees Do we seek honor and recognition? If so, we may be embarrassed If not, we may be honored Note again the conclusion of this parable

8 Humility Before Men There is such a thing as false humility (Col. 2:18, 23) Putting yourself down is not humility Low self esteem is not humility Thinking negatively of yourself is not humility Humility is not thinking of yourself at all!

9 Humility Before Men Questions Do I look with disdain upon others?
Do I try to impress others? Do I try to make others feel inferior to me? Would I serve others if nobody knew? Do I get my feelings hurt easily? Do I get jealous when others receive honor? Am I guilty of violating Matt. 7:3-5? Do I hold grudges?

10 Two Aspects of Humility
Humility before God Giving honor to His goodness Recognizing our need for His grace Submission to His will Obedience to His commands Humility before men Not thinking of myself Giving preference to the needs of others

11 Conclusion Our attitude toward God shapes our attitude toward our fellow man Where is our confidence? OUR obedience or God’s mercy? Those who believe they are shown great mercy will be merciful to others The Pharisees in their pride showed no mercy They condemned the guiltless (Matt. 12:7) They shunned the sinners (Matt. 9:11)

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