Feeding and Digestion. Intracellular Digestion-each cell digests its own nutrients Paramecium – a single-celled pond organism.

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Presentation on theme: "Feeding and Digestion. Intracellular Digestion-each cell digests its own nutrients Paramecium – a single-celled pond organism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Feeding and Digestion

2 Intracellular Digestion-each cell digests its own nutrients Paramecium – a single-celled pond organism

3 Digestive Systems

4 Human Digestive System

5 Teeth Indicate Diet

6 Which digestive system is longer, a carnivore or an herbivore? WHY??

7 Compartments of a Cow’s Stomach

8 Open vs. Closed Circulatory System Open = blood in sinuses Closed = blood is always in the heart or a blood vessel, never in sinuses.

9 Fish has 2-chambered heart Amphibian has 3- chambered heart Mammal has 4- chambered heart

10 Human Heart is 4-chambered: 2 atria and 2 ventricles Left side= blood with oxygen Right side= unoxygenated blood

11 Cardiovascular System- Human Circulation


13 Fish Respiration through Gills


15 Insect Respiration through Tracheae

16 Human Respiration through Lungs

17 Bird Respiration through Lungs


19 Male Anatomy

20 Female Anatomy

21 Female Hormones


23 Placenta

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