Reception Curriculum Evening Tuesday 6 th October September 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Reception Curriculum Evening Tuesday 6 th October September 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reception Curriculum Evening Tuesday 6 th October September 2015

2 1.Welcome & Aims 2.Meet the Staff 3.Jargon Busting 4.EYFS Curriculum 5.A Day in the Life… 6.Ways to Help 7.E-Safety 8.Questions Agenda

3 Interim Head Teacher: Mrs Luther-Jones & Mrs Llewellyn Deputy Head Teacher: Mrs Fitter EYFS Lead: Mrs Thomson Meet the Staff ElmOak Mrs Rayner Mrs Roberts Mrs Stoneman Mrs Robbins

4 EYFS: ‘Early Years Foundation Stage’. It is the stage of education for children from birth to Reception. KS1: Key Stage 1 (Year 1 & 2) FS1: Foundation Stage 1 / Nursery FS2: Foundation Stage 2 / Reception Jargon Busting

5 EYFS Curriculum It has developed around 4 themes that underpin the EYFS The EYFS curriculum is based on the recognition that children learn best through play and active learning. It has developed around 4 themes that underpin the EYFS

6 EYFS Curriculum The EYFS curriculum is split into the ‘Prime Areas’ and the ‘Specific Areas’.

7 A Day in the Life (Oak) MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8.45-9.00 Registration 9.00-9.20 Phonics Mathematics Literacy (Guided Reading) Assembly 09.00-10.20 Literacy (Guided Reading) Literacy (Guided Writing) Mathematics 10.20-11.40 Physical Development 11.40-12.00 Phonics 12.00-1.15 Lunch 1.15-2.45 Understanding the World (and library) Mathematics Communication & Language Expressive Art and Design PSED UW (incl RE) Write Dance 2.45-3.00 Assembly Collective Worship Story/Singing (Linked to Phonics, Phase 1) 3.00-3.15 Story/Singing

8 A Day in the Life (Elm) MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 8.45-9.00 Registration 9.00-9.20 Phonics Literacy (Guided Reading) Mathematics Assembly 09.00-10.20 Literacy (Guided Reading) Literacy (Guided Writing) Mathematics Physical Development 10.20-11.40 11.40-12.00 Phonics 12.00-1.15 Lunch 1.15-2.45 Understanding the World (and library) Mathematics Communication & Language Expressive Art and Design PSED UW (incl RE) Write Dance 2.45-3.00 Assembly Collective Worship Story/Singing (Linked to Phonics, Phase 1) 3.00-3.15 Story/Singing

9 A Day in the Life

10 Topics planned for this academic year: Autumn – Ahoy There! and Inside / Outside Spring – Stones & Bones and Out of this World Summer –You are what you eat and Spots and Stripes

11 Stunning Starters & Fabulous Finales


13 Reading Our expectations are that children will read regularly at home Books & diaries need to be brought in every day Every child will have two guided reading sessions per week The children will visit the library once a week and borrow a book of their own choice. They will also choose a book to take home following their guided reading session Phonics – taught daily and children will bring home a box with the new letter sounds learnt that week Don’t forget bed time stories!

14 Phonics Phonics is all about sounds and it is the foundation of teaching reading in the UK. We follow the ‘Letters and Sounds’ programme, which is a DfE document detailing the progression children should make through ‘phases’. We use ‘Phonics Play’ as well as other published resources such as ‘Jolly Phonics’ to support our delivery to be as fun and engaging as possible. The first step on the phonics journey is to help children listen to the sounds in the environment and discriminate between them. Children are taught the phonetic sounds first, then how to match them to letters, and finally how to use the letter sounds for reading and spelling. We call this blending and segmenting.

15 Phonemes and Graphemes A phoneme is the smallest unit of sound in a word. Graphemes are the letters that represent the sounds

16 How to say sounds Saying the sound correctly with your child is extremely important The way we say a sound may well be different from when you were at school We say the shortest form of the sounds

17 This is where it gets tricky Phonemes are represented by graphemes Graphemes can consist of 1, 2 or more letters, ie ch or sh Using ‘sound buttons’ can you say how many phonemes are in each word? cat goat

18 Did you get it right? cat = c – a – t = 3 phonemenes goat = g – oa – t = 3 phonemes

19 Phonics English is a complex language so we try to make phonics fun through activities and games We teach the children actions to help them remember phonemes Jolly Phonics Songs – available on You Tube Tricky words – Words that are not phonically decodable e.g. was, the, I

20 Ways to Help  Sharing books! Read and talk about the pictures, who the characters are, what happened, or what facts you have learnt.  Talk, talk, talk! Encourage children to talk in full sentences and ask questions that do not require just a yes or no answer.  Sing! Nursery rhymes help development of language, vocabulary and cognition, including memory.  Encourage mark making: shopping lists, writing in cards, drawing, stories through pictures etc.  Practise counting and recognising numbers for example when climbing the stairs, shopping, counting out objects.  Play simple board games. This is good for learning about counting on, number recognition and turn taking.  Homework: weekly reading books, phonics or words sent home to learn.  Bears

21 E-Safety With ever expanding new technologies children are using technology in a way never seen before. The increased use of technology at school and home also exposes children to a number of risks and dangers. In its simplest form e-safety is about ensuring children use new technologies in a way which will keep them safe without limiting their opportunities for creation and innovation. Safe ~ to remain safe by protecting personal information; Meeting ~ never meet somebody you have only been in touch with online without a parent or guardian; Accepting ~ do not accept email, files or messages from people you don’t know; Reliable ~ not all information on the Internet is true, including the identity of others Tell ~ it is never to late to tell a parent, carer or responsible adult if someone or something makes you feel afraid online. Is your child SMART at home?

22 Questions?

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