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WRAP UP Emergency Preparedness Symposium MLA, San Antonio Mary Moore, PhD May 15, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "WRAP UP Emergency Preparedness Symposium MLA, San Antonio Mary Moore, PhD May 15, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 WRAP UP Emergency Preparedness Symposium MLA, San Antonio Mary Moore, PhD May 15, 2005

2 The Role of Information Services for Emergency Preparedness and Response - Goals At the end of this session, the participant will have:  An understanding of the roles of different types of emergency responders  A better understanding of where librarians fit in the public health and emergency responder world  Some insights into training and information needs of emergency responders and ways to meet those needs  New strategies to ensure the best information is available to public health policy makers  Examples of specialized tools and resources available for various components of the public health workforce  Ideas for steps we can take to move forward

3 Harold Timboe  Goals: Visualize need for emergency preparedness and understand the role of service providers  “Visualize, plan and prepare for Maximum Credible Event.”  We are concerned with threats to people, infrastructure, food supply, water supply; and with chemical, biological, radiation, nuclear or explosive threats.”  “We need to create an environment where current fears are ameliorated by confidence that we are better prepared to counter the terrorist threat.”  “We have continuing questions with training, leader development, and who pays for training, materials.”  “We did not consider library resources when we …”

4 Carl Osaki  Goals Demonstrate tabletop exercise Identify issues typically emerging from tabletops Identify how medical librarians can help address these issues Define possible next steps for medical librarian  “We need to work with medical libraries more effectively in case of a major event.”  Purpose of tabletop exercise is to learn and prepare to respond to a public health emergency. Also to promote interagency cooperation.  Tabletops test the adequacy of emergency response plans, policies and procedures and our understanding of those plans. You need crisp objectives for these exercises.  “Two major issues that emerge from table top exercises are communication and coordination and these are things librarians can help with.”  “Pandemic flu is one issue to consider as a credible event.”

5 Great Ideas from Great Minds  How do we anticipate emergency scenarios? Partnerships with those who have lived through events Identify best practices from other libraries  How do we change library access policies in case of emergencies?  How can we get advocates with those providing training?  Can we collect, organize, provide alternative access, and expertise in accessing: Policies, interagency policies? Training materials and results? Community web resources on emergency preparedness?

6 Needs Assessment/Solutions Panel  Goals: What are the information needs of emergency responders? How can we assure the best information is available to emergency responders?  Brad: “Over and over again, our biggest need in Oklahoma City was for information.” “We built databases on lessons learned and The Responder Knowledge Base.”  Lian: “How do we serve fire/EMT professions? They are not big library users. They do not know about NLM resources and have little access to information technology.”  Martha: “What do HAZMAT teams really need?” Handheld device information like WISER, and more, based on needs assessment.  Kris: “The trusted source changes according to the event. Personal networks may be more valued.” “Is your staff ready to run a library 24/7?” “Have you drilled on getting information quickly under stress?” The mobile print library!  Shari: “After an event, there is a long term need for information. The library has had an ongoing role.” “Few training sessions post 9/11 focused on librarians and their role.” “We wanted to give them strategies for connecting with those in the community.”

7 Five Steps for the Individual 1. Visualize the need for services 2. Study key resources 3. Raise the boss’ consciousness level, clarify your role 4. Create personal connections with emergency responders To learn the kinds of information that is needed To create partnerships To let them know what you can do 5. Take action (gain needed skills for training, organizing, resource development)

8 Five Steps for a Library 1. Gain support of upper administration 2. Conduct local needs assessment 3. Plan internally  Review, revise or expand your emergency plan  Develop the emergency team 4. Plan externally, collaboratively  With other libraries  With your the emergency response team 5. Create resources, training for unmet needs

9 Five Steps for Regional, National Leadership 1. Think big and network for action State Region Nation Associations 2. Participate in planning, exercises at those levels 3. National collaboration and sharing Emergency preparedness collections Training materials and outcomes Resource cataloging 4. Training 5. Consciousness raising on higher levels to include the librarian

10 Questions and Comments from the Audience  How do we get funding to do the things we want to do? (Emergency preparedness grant funding?, State funding, RML funding, NLM Extramural Programs, CDC)  How can we volunteer? Community emergency response teams (CERT)  More information:

11 The Least You Need to Know Web site for symposium information (Nursing and Allied Health Resources Section): Have a great time in San Antonio! Thanks for coming!

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