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What is globalisation? It is the growth and spread of ideas, culture, money, goods, information around the world.

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Presentation on theme: "What is globalisation? It is the growth and spread of ideas, culture, money, goods, information around the world."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is globalisation? It is the growth and spread of ideas, culture, money, goods, information around the world

2 Why it has grown There are many links between countries and regions which been made possible by faster transport eg air The internet and e-mail Growth of international firms-banks, TNCs Growing markets in poor countries like India

3 Impacts Skilled people move around the world Migrants move to countries for better standard of living People can share common interests in sport, music, films Information by e-mail,global media Trillions of dollars exchanged electronically everyday Some TNCs make more money than a country Global companies can influence how people vote and think about an issue-News Corporation/Fox News

4 Nike China= Thailand= South Korea= Vietnam= Others elsewhere in Asia Also factories in S_____A_____, A______,C_______I_____,T_____,U__ None in A___________

5 EXAM Q=What factors have helped globalisation?

6 Answer faster transport eg air, high speed rail Cheaper transport costs eg container ships Satellite communications Mobile phones, smart phones Fast broadband speeds The internet and e-mail –allow instant replies, people can communicate, video conferencing

7 Level 3 Expanding markets in developing countries like India-the economy is expanding and the middle class is growing in size so there is an increased demand for latest technology eg… The growth of international organisations like banks(….)and TNCs(….)

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