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NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR LASER, PLASMA AND RADIATION PHYSICS Institute for Space Sciences P.O. Box: MG-23, RO 077125 Bucharest ROMANIA Tel./Fax (4021) 457.44.71.

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Presentation on theme: "NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR LASER, PLASMA AND RADIATION PHYSICS Institute for Space Sciences P.O. Box: MG-23, RO 077125 Bucharest ROMANIA Tel./Fax (4021) 457.44.71."— Presentation transcript:

1 NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR LASER, PLASMA AND RADIATION PHYSICS Institute for Space Sciences P.O. Box: MG-23, RO 077125 Bucharest ROMANIA Tel./Fax (4021) 457.44.71

2 ISS-ALICE: Alien and gLite Ionel STAN First Annual Meeting of the Romanian Tier-2 Federation 29-30 November 2007

3 Grid for ALICE Collaboration AliEn middleware installed on ~ 40 nodes ISS site started in PDC06 Common activities within ALICE off-line on the development of the simulation framework and analysis tools: - Simulation of Muon Arm Spectrometer; - Development of the simulation interface based on Geant4 toolkit; - Interface to Geant3, Geant4 and Fluka tracking; - Geometrical modeling of ALICE geometry.

4 32 nodes (dual Xeon 3GHz, 4GB RAM) What we have?



7 storage capacity 5TB


9 FAIR Project “Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research” GSI Darmstadt, Germany NUSTAR “Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Reactions” R3B Project – “Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams” Consortium R3B - Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung mbH Darmstadt - (GSI), Darmstadt, Germany - Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique (CEA), France - DaresburyLaboratory (CCLRC), UK - Chalmers University of Technology Göteborg, Sweden - Institute of Space Sciences Bucharest, Romania -JagiellonianUniversity Krakòw, Poland -Technical University Munich, Germany


11 Human Performance Concept - HuP The human being performance, as a whole, implies rising to a higher level the ancient adagio “Mens sana in corpore sano”...... and means bio-, neuro-, and mental- control. What do have in common space, medical, sports and technological research with HuP? … … the mix-disciplinary challenge to extract knowledge from a huge amount of specialized data, in order to assess, enhance and stimulate HuP.

12 Medical & HUP GRID - related Projects Funding: The AEROSPATIAL Programme Projects: INGRID, HUP-GRID, EXTREM-GRID Projects partners: Institute for Space Sciences (project coordinator) National Institute for Sports Research (project coordinator) ROSA Research (project coordinator) Floreasca Emergency Hospital Fundeni Clinical Institute Onlinesolutions Media srl “Lucian Blaga” University - Sibiu National Institute for Aeronautic and Space Medicine

13 gLite 3.1 Middleware Supported platforms: Scientific Linux 4 (SL4) In present gLite 3.1 site is in testing We have 4 working nodes One CE One Vobox in Alice One SE whith 250GB ( for testing purposes)

14 To do - gLite Middleware – finish testing and launch site - Alien Middleware Until 2008 ~ 300 CPUs - ISS try to become a stable multidisciplinary GRID site

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