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PCC Final Exam Review. Chapter 1: Your Personal Strengths.

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Presentation on theme: "PCC Final Exam Review. Chapter 1: Your Personal Strengths."— Presentation transcript:

1 PCC Final Exam Review

2 Chapter 1: Your Personal Strengths

3 Values Why is knowing your values important? Knowing your values helps you to make choices that are in line with the things/ideas that are important to you.

4 Ethics A set of beliefs about what is right and wrong

5 Work Related Values List the work related values and what they mean: A job that…… Creativity-allows you to express yourself, physical activity-move around and be active, independence-be your own boss, good salary-being paid well, job security-have a steady long term job, work environment-feel comfortable, leadership opportunities-managing the work of others, prestige- commands the respect of others, challenge- perform difficult tasks, work safety- no risk, variety- do different things, working with people- work closely with others, thinking- use your brain and intellectual abilities

6 How do we establish (learn) the terms above? Our values are shaped by what is important to us. When we are young our family shapes our values and as we grow older we are influenced by friends and personal experience.

7 Standards Guidelines to determine if something meets your standards

8 Chapter 3: The Roles You Play

9 Things about your job that affect the way you live your life Lifestyle Factors

10 Economic Value of Work How much money do you make? Are you paid equal to the job that you do? Can you live the lifestyle you desire?

11 Emotional Value of Work Are you happy? Do you have the opportunity for praise?

12 Educational Value of Work Are the years spent in school worth the reward from the job? Do you have opportunities to use what you have been taught?

13 Retirement The period after you have left the workforce voluntarily. Typically occurs around age 65.

14 Job Share When two or people share the same job, often splitting the hours and salary between each other.

15 Need vs. Want Need- something you can’t live without (air, food, water, shelter) Want- something you desire (new car, fancy clothes, etc.)

16 How can your lifestyle goals impact your career choice? If your lifestyle goals are extravagant (you want to live in a mansion and drive a fancy car) you need to choose a career whose economic value is high enough to support your goals.

17 Chapter 4: Exploring the Career Clusters

18 Cluster Facts from reading and Sample Occupations

19 Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources Farmer, Food Scientist, Meat Inspector, Tree Trimmer, Livestock Buyer

20 Architecture & Construction Architect, Carpenter, Civil Engineer, Pipe Layer, Concrete Finisher, Computer Aided Drafter

21 Arts, A/V Technology & Communicatio Journalist, Editor, Broadcast Technician, Video Graphics Engineer, Reporter

22 Business Mgmt. & Administration Accountant, Billing Mgr. Entrepreneur, Chief Executive Officer, General Manager

23 Education & Training Teacher, College President, Curriculum Specialist, Corporate Trainer, School Administrator

24 Finance Insurance Agent, Stock Broker, Tax Preparation Specialist, Financial Advisor

25 Government & Public Administration Diplomat, President, Legislative Aide, Aircraft Launch and Recovery, Congressional Aide.

26 Health Science Nurse, Doctor, Chiropractor, Art/Music/Dance Therapy

27 Hospitality & Tourism Chef, Travel Agent, Tour Guide, Event Planner

28 Human Services Barber, Clergy, Social Worker, Guidance Counselor

29 Information Technology Analyst, Network Developer, Computer Programmer

30 Law, Public Safety, Corrections, Sec. Firefighter, Police Officer, Judge, Lawyer

31 Manufacturing Assembler, Machinist, Electrical Installer and Repair

32 Marketing Account Executive, Fashion Designer, Telemarketer, Real Estate Agent

33 Science, Tech., Eng., Math (STEM) Anthropologist, Physicist, Mathematician, Scientist

34 Transportation, Distribution & Logistic Truck Driver, Dispatcher, Traffic Manager, Warehouse Manager

35 List 3 reasons to choose a career cluster be prepared for multiple jobs research a broad range of careers plan high school electives

36 How can the bls/ooh help you select a career? Gives you job outlook information regarding salary and employment trends. Also gives you information for education levels needed and how you can enter a particular field.

37 Chapter 6: Skills For Success

38 1.Identify the problem 2.Consider all options 3.Identify the consequences of each option 4.Select the best option 5.Make a plan of action 6.Evaluate the decision Steps in the Decision Making Process

39 Descriptions 1.What are you trying to solve? 2.What choices do I have? 3.What happens when I make a certain choice? 4.Which option will give me the best results? 5.How am I going to make my choice happen? 6.Did I make the right choice?

40 Short-Term Goal / Tactile Goal Goals that can be accomplished in the near future, Days-weeks

41 Long-Term Goal Strategic Goal Goals that require planning to accomplish and typically take months-years

42 Milestones Short term goals embedded into a long term goal, to help you reach it.

43 What does being open minded mean? Understanding that even though you have a plan and a goal, life happens and you need to be flexible to changes that may need to be made to the plan.

44 Chapter 7: Academic Planning

45 Visual learns best by seeing material Auditory learns best by hearing material Tactile learns best by doing hands-on applications of material Types of Learners

46 Apprentice Being paid to work and receive training in a particular field while also going to school to learn the trade.

47 Types of Degrees Associates Degree A 2 year post- secondary degree, i.e. IVY TECH, VINCENNES etc. Bachelor’s Degree A 4+ year post-secondary degree, i.e., PURDUE, IU, BUTLER

48 Facts About Dropouts More likely to be: poor, end up in jail, receive assistance from the government, suffer depression, substance abuse

49 Identify resources to pay for college and the pros and cons of each Grants- a type of financial aid which does not have to be repaid Loans- offered through the government or private financial institutions, have to repay with interest, most have a 6 month grace period after graduation before loan repayment begins. Scholarships- money earned through award. Does not have to be paid, recipients must meet the requirements of the scholarship Work study program- allows students to work while in school to offset the costs of education.

50 What should be included in an academic plan (hint, look in the beige column) Goals after high school, skill assessment, assessment of success factors, assessment of factors that will limit success, graduation requirements, plan for achieving graduation, plan for achieving goals after high school

51 Internship A work experience, where students are immersed in the job, learning the ins and outs of a company. Most times these are unpaid.

52 Chapter 8: Communicating With Others

53 Constructive Criticism Critiquing a person, with information that they can use to improve. Verbal Communication The words that you say Non-Verbal Communication What you say unspoken, i.e. Body language, gestures, visual aids Communication Listening Hearing what the speaker has said and providing feedback at regular intervals to ensure you understand Hearing Physical act of hearing the words it does not require any action on the part of the non-speaker. Difference Courteous regard or respect Colleague people who share the same rank as you

54 Subordinate Someone who is supervised

55 Body Language Positive Body Language Open arms, smiling, good posture, active hand gestures, maintain eye contact Negative Body Language Unnecessary movements, folded arms, staring, wandering eyes

56 Describe ways to overcome value/belief barriers/conflicts Stop the conversation, take a step back, and re-evaluate

57 Chapter 9: Building Relationships

58 Open minded, cooperative, willing to compromise, friendly, trustworthy How Can You Be A Good Team Member?

59 Difference between leader and team member The leader is someone who is able to motivate the team members to give their best work and make sure that the project is completed correctly and stick to a timeline, while members are responsible for contributing their part to the common goal

60 Chapter 12: Career Planning

61 Someone who is in business for themselves, they have an idea and turn it into a viable business Entrepreneur

62 Career Plan Definition and What Should be Included? A map that shows you how to achieve your career goals. You should include a career self- assessment, analysis of careers or clusters that match your skills, an academic plan, analysis of the outlook for the chosen career, and an assessment of financial resources required to achieve the career goal.

63 Networking Using contacts to help you secure or advance in the job market.

64 How does a good career plan relate to a S.M.A.R.T. goal?

65 Resources for Helping You Plan: school, community, technology School- counselors, teachers, club sponsors Community- church, current employers, agencies Technology-, social networking, Kuder, job search engines like Monster

66 Chapter 13: Managing a Job Search

67 A document to provide a snapshot image of your qualifications. Should include: contact information, education, work experience, objective Resume : Define and know common elements

68 Most Important Job Search Document? RESUME

69 What questions should you ask before you take a job? Hours, salary, benefits included, job expectations, when do you start

70 Who Should and Should Not be Used as a Reference? Family and Friends should not be used

71 If you have had no work experience what should your resume focus on? Your experiences and skills that can transfer into the job you are applying for

72 Tips for Interviewing Well Be prepared, have materials ready, research the company, BE CONFIDENT

73 Reasons for conflict in the workplace Difference in values, difference in opinion, difference in work ethic

74 Social Media – how can this affect your employment eligibility? EVERYTHING YOU POST IS VISIBLE… are representing the company and brand in your actions, posts and pictures

75 Chapter 15: Being Productive in Your Career

76 Be on time, be honest, do your part, don’t steal, be courteous, be responsible How can you demonstrate reliability?

77 List Responsibilities of Employers Pay you on time, provide safe working conditions, allow you to care for your family, prevent discrimination

78 Ethical Behavior at Work Always try to do your best, respect the authority of your supervisor, respect your co-workers, respect company property


80 Twenty-first century scholars, knowhow2go, Learn More Indiana What are some websites for college and postsecondary research

81 College Success Begins With What Courses you take in high school

82 Core 40 Requirements English-8 Math-6 Science-6 Social Studies- 6 Direct Electives- 5 Other Electives-6 PE-2 Health- 1

83 Core 40 with Academic Honors Requirements Same as core 40 with additional: All classes C or higher GPA B or higher 2 math 6-8 Foreign Language 2 Fine Arts AP/Dual Credit/Required SAT/ACT scores

84 Core 40 with Technical Honors requirements Same as Core 40 with additional: All classes C or higher Complete a Career and Technical Program Choose 2: Required WorkKeys scores, Dual credit or AP, Complete Career Internship, Complete a work experience

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