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I. Riddles 猜谜语 Q1: How many letters are there in the “ English alphabet[ 字母 表 ]”? Q1: How many letters are there in the “ English alphabet[ 字母 表 ]”? A1:

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Presentation on theme: "I. Riddles 猜谜语 Q1: How many letters are there in the “ English alphabet[ 字母 表 ]”? Q1: How many letters are there in the “ English alphabet[ 字母 表 ]”? A1:"— Presentation transcript:


2 I. Riddles 猜谜语 Q1: How many letters are there in the “ English alphabet[ 字母 表 ]”? Q1: How many letters are there in the “ English alphabet[ 字母 表 ]”? A1: 15 letters. Senven in “English”, eight in “alphabet” A1: 15 letters. Senven in “English”, eight in “alphabet”

3 Q2: What is the longest word in the English language? Q2: What is the longest word in the English language? A2: “Smiles”. Because there is a “mile” between its first and last letters. A2: “Smiles”. Because there is a “mile” between its first and last letters.

4 Q3: What starts with “t”, ends with “t”, and is full of “t”? Q3: What starts with “t”, ends with “t”, and is full of “t”? A3: A teapot A3: A teapot

5 Ⅱ. Logic Problems 设上帝之善是+ ∞ ( + ∞ 表示无穷大 ) 恶魔之恶是- ∞ ( - ∞ 表示无穷小 ) 根据题意, 令所求为 X 则 X > + ∞ X <- ∞ ∴ X 属于空集合 ∴ X=nothing

6 1. 一个英文老师出了一道难题, 题目是 这样的 : _______ is better than god ( 上帝 ). _______ is worse than devil ( 恶魔 ). If you eat ________, you will die. 附加要求 : 三个空格必须是同一个词. Nothing nothing

7 2. An electric train is traveling north at 80 miles per hour. The wind is blowing in an easterly( 向 东 ) direction( 方向 ) at 20 miles per hour. Which way is the smoke from the train blowing ? There is no smoke. The train is electric( 电力的 )

8 Ⅲ. Enjoying an English song Ⅲ. Enjoying an English song  Born to try  Doing everything that I ________ _____  Going by the rules that I’ve been taught  More understanding of what’s _______ me  And __________ _____ the walls of love  All that you see is me  And all I truly believe  That I was born to try  I’ve learned to love  Be understanding  And believe in life believein around protectedfrom

9  But you’ve got to ________ ________  Be wrong or right  Sometimes you’ve got to __________ the things you like  But I was born to try  No point in talking what should have been  And regretting the things that went on  Life’s full of mistake, ________ and ____  ________ the clouds look at the bigger picture makechoices sacrifice destiniesfate Remove

10  And all that you see is me  And all I truly believe  That I was born to try  I’ve learned to love  Be understanding  And believe in life  But you’ve got to _______ _______  Be wrong or right  Sometimes you’ve got to ________the things you like make choices sacrifice

11  But I was born to try  And all that you see is me  And all I truly believe  And all that you see is me  And all I truly believe  That I was born to try  I’ve learned to love  Be understanding  And believe in life

12  But you’ve got to_______ _______  Be wrong or right  Sometimes you’ve got to _______ the things you like  But I was born to try  But you’ve got to ________ _______  Be wrong or right  Sometimes you’ve got to _______ the things you like  But I was born to try make choices sacrifice makechoices sacrifice

13 Sacrifice: v. n. “ 供奉, 献祭, 牺牲 ” Sacrifice: v. n. “ 供奉, 献祭, 牺牲 ” (+prep.) to sacirfice to sb. sacrifice sth. to sb. I am not sacrificing my day of just to go shopping with Jane. 我可不愿意牺牲一天假日单单是为了简去买 东西.

14 Choice: “ 挑选, 选择 ”, 但这种 ” 选择 ” 并 是没有范围的, 它所包含的深层含义 是 ” 在二者之间做一个选择 ”. Choice: “ 挑选, 选择 ”, 但这种 ” 选择 ” 并 是没有范围的, 它所包含的深层含义 是 ” 在二者之间做一个选择 ”. by (for) choice: 凭爱好 She is a teacher by profession, and a painter by choice. 从职业上说她是老师, 但 从爱好上说, 她是一个画家. make the choice of 选定 They made the choice of Dr. Dent as the next president. 他们选定丹特博士为下任 校长.

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