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FCCLA Advisor Boot Camp MoEFACS Summer Conference 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "FCCLA Advisor Boot Camp MoEFACS Summer Conference 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 FCCLA Advisor Boot Camp MoEFACS Summer Conference 2014

2 Why FCCLA? College and career preparation including scholarship opportunities Develops personal leadership skills Allows students to have a voice in their families and communities Recognizes youth achievement through awards Travel Competitions Strengthen home and family life Prepare for community living as responsible citizens Experience the connection between career and technical and academic skills Improve self-esteem Practice creative and critical thinking

3 What am I doing?  Advisor Job Description Advisor Job Description  Top 10 Questions New Advisors Have Top 10 Questions New Advisors Have

4 Organizing the Local Chapter  FCCLA chapters are designed to operate within FACS education classes, or as determined by the state department of education, at the middle and/or high school level.  Students are eligible for membership any time after they have started a FACS course.  Integrated or co-curricular FCCLA programs offer chapter activities and FCCLA resources as an integral part of the FACS classroom.  Extra-curricular chapter activities take place primarily outside the classroom.

5 Five Basic Chapter Components 1. MEMBERSHIP 2. ADVISER 3. LEADERSHIP 4. MEETINGS 5. PROJECTS

6 Roles and Responsibilities MembersAdvisers Chapter Expectations Set and enforce expectationsMediate enforcement Handle disciplinary action Ensure expectations are in alignment with chapter, state, and national bylaws Project Planning Identify concerns and project ideas Select program of work Initiate and implement projects using the Planning Process Encourage participation Introduce Planning Process Coach progress Provide guidance LeadershipAssume leadership rolesEncourage and support leaders Model expected behavior Provide access to training Guide coordination of member participation

7 Roles and Responsibilities MembersAdvisers Project Initiation Carry out plans Utilize resources Suggest and provide access Redirect inappropriate or unsuccessful efforts Public Relations Publicize resultsSuggest resources Assist in meeting deadlines Recognize supporters and participants EvaluationEvaluate experiences and participation throughout projects Ask questions that guide growth and development Encourage input and participation Introduce effective strategies

8 Materials for Recruiting  National Tools  Chapter Handbook  Ultimate Officer Handbook  iRecruit Program iRecruit Program

9 Three R’s of Membership  Recruitment Recruitment  Retention Retention  Recognition

10 Recruiting  Rush Week  Sample Rush Week Activities  Scavenger Hunt  Trivia  Member Participation Form  Getting members involved  iRecruit iRecruit

11 Recruitment  Members need to feel welcome  It is everyone’s job  Ask everyone  Know what to say  Design activities to reach new students  Make it easy to sign up and pay dues  Membership campaigns

12 Membership Campaign Ideas  Reduce dues for members who bring in five new members  Include T shirt  Put it on their lockers  New student or Freshman orientations  Membership Breakfasts  Get involved in elementary and middle schools with projects  Be visible. Wear T-shirts on meeting days  Make a short promotional video  Webpage  Give treats to members who pay early. “This is your ‘payday’ for joining FCCLA”  Might have a regional or state officer from another school speak to your students.

13 Retention  Make sure members help choose and create chapter projects and activities.  Give members information. Keep them informed.  Member orientation, newsletter, etc.  Create and carry out a program of work.  Know and care about members as individuals.  Have fun activities that involve members

14 Recognition  Ways to recognize members  Newspaper  Social Media  ??  Recognition events  Banquet  Ballgames

15 Recruiting Brainstorm  Make a list of ideas you have to recruit, retain, and recognize members.  Share your list by typing the ideas into

16 Chapter Officers  Determine offices and how officers will be selected  Determine qualifications  Students fill out ApplicationApplication  Candidates make short speeches  Officers are elected  Installation Ceremony

17 Officers should...  Be cooperative and dependable  Work well with others  Be familiar with basic parliamentary procedure  Be affiliated  Be able to attend meetings  Be informed about the organization and its opportunities  Be enthusiastic and motivated

18 Selecting Officers  Establish qualifications  Fill out application form  Make short speeches stating why they want to be officers and what they can do for the chapter.  Make campaign posters  Use a secret ballot  Other ways  Students nominate from the floor – problems?  Students selected by Advisory committee  Interested students add names to list under office they are interested in  Members elect certain number of “officers”. “Officers” then decide among themselves what office each one holds.

19 Members Responsibilities  Set and enforce chapter expectations  Identify concerns and project ideas  Choose projects  Develop plans  Assume leadership roles  Carry out plans using resources  Publicize results  Evaluate experiences throughout projects

20 Adviser’s Role  Mediate enforcement of expectations  Encourage all student’s input  Ask questions to guide students  Introduce FCCLA planning process  Encourage student leaders  Model appropriate leadership behavior  Suggest resources  Recognize supporters and participants  Encourage input from all members

21 How do I get started?  Meet with your officers.  Ask questions!  Plan an Executive Council Meeting  Introductory or Team Building Activity  Discuss the needs of the school and community  Discuss Amount of Dues and due date  Plan Program of Work/Activities  Plan Membership Drive  Fundraising Ideas  Theme  Chapter Projects  Share plans with Building Principal

22 Affiliation  Will need to pay Regional, State, and National dues to state by December 10 in order to participate in Regional Screening and STAR Events.  Use the online system to register your chapter. More info August 1 st.  You can affiliate more than once.

23 Organization and Publicity  Refer to the Guide to Promoting FCCLAGuide to Promoting FCCLA  Using Technology  Teaching Tools Teaching Tools  Social Media  Community Involvement  Website  Blog

24 Integrating FCCLA into Your Classroom

25 Why Integrate  Enrich student learning and improve self- esteem  Involves all FCS students  Provides opportunities to implement and assess student mastery of the FCS national standards  Revitalize teaching and learning.  Reduces scheduling and time conflicts

26 Using National Programs  What are the National Programs?National Programs  National Standards link to FCCLA National Standards link to FCCLA  Integrating National Programs Integrating National Programs

27 How do I integrate FCCLA into my FACS classes?  Explore FCCLA Programs to see which ones can be used as activities in existing classes. Examples:  A Student Body project might be incorporated into a Health or Foods class.  Power of One module “Family Ties” works well with Family Relations.  Might use the STAR Event “Job Interview” as an assignment in Personal Finance and then take the best on to compete.

28 How do I integrate FCCLA into my FACS classes?  Many National Programs can be incorporated into Leadership Classes.  Step One  After units on FCCLA, team building, the planning process and goal setting, have students chose a national program and develop a project around it. After reviewing their plans, have they carry out the project. Could also develop a Parliamentary Procedure team for STAR Events.

29 How do I integrate FCCLA into my FACS classes?  Another method of Integrating is to create mini chapters in each class with a couple of officers. The class may raise money to pay the dues of the entire class.  Remember, some National Programs can also be used as STAR Event projects.  Work smarter, not harder.

30 Using State Programs  LifeSmarts  Legislative Shadowing  State Competitive Events

31 Working Programs into Your Curriculum  Financial Fitness  Student Body  Power of One  FCCLA Planning Process

32 Using Competitive Events  Using Competitive Events  Missouri only Events  National Events  Online Events  Performance Based Assessments  Examples of Projects for STAR Events

33 STAR Events  Advocacy*  Applied Math for Culinary Management  Career Investigation  Chapter in Review (Display or Portfolio)  Chapter Service Project (Display or Portfolio)  Culinary Arts*  Early Childhood Education*  Entrepreneurship  Environmental Ambassador  Fashion Construction  Fashion Design  Focus on Children  Food Innovations  Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation  Illustrated Talk  Interior Design  Interpersonal Communications  Job Interview  Leadership  Life Event Planning  National Programs in Action  Nutrition and Wellness  Parliamentary Procedure  Promote and Publicize FCCLA!  Recycle and Redesign  Sports Nutrition  Teach and Train*  Online STAR Events: Chapter Website Digital Stories for Change Virtual Poster “No Kid Hungry” National Outreach Project

34 Going Beyond the Classroom with STAR Events  STAR Events 101  Project Ideas

35 Competitive STAR Events Options  Teach and Train-observe/work in classroom, develop a plan, teach, and evaluate  Early Childhood-develop a portfolio and resource container, prepare a lesson related to theme, give an oral presentation  Career Investigation-evaluate a career, job shadow, self evaluation, develop a portfolio  Interpersonal Communications-utilize basic communication skills, case study

36 Competitive STAR Events Options  Focus on Children-directly linked to working with children, DAP activities  Job Interview-portfolio about self, job application, interview  Illustrated Talk-develop a visual and oral presentation about an issue/organization

37 Competitive STAR Events Options  Plan and Teach- plan a lesson, present, develop video  STEM Integration-Lesson plan development focusing on problem based learning with an emphasis in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math  Virtual Poster-edu.glogster, two levels of competition, must give presentation and include on the poster

38 Continuing Support  Who Can Answer My Questions? Who Can Answer My Questions?  National FCCLA FAQ document

39 Getting Involved Beyond Your Chapter  State Meetings and Support  Phased Approach to Integrating FCCLA Phased Approach to Integrating FCCLA  Cluster Meetings  Advisor Sessions and Presenting Opportunities  National Meetings  Advisor Sessions and Possibility of Advisor Academy

40 Stay informed...  State website  National website  MO FCCLA Facebook  Twitter updates  You Tube Channel visor visor

41 Electronic Resources  Find Electronic Copies of Boot Camp Materials at

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